October 23, 2020
Virtual Back to School Night
Mark Your Calendars! Standardized Testing November 2nd- 13th
All students in grades K-8 (distance learners and on-campus) will be taking part in our annual standardized testing through MAP Growth assessments beginning Monday, November 2nd. Teachers have until November 13th to complete three hour-long subtests in their classrooms in Reading, Math, and Language.
You can help your student(s) test successfully by:
- Scheduling non-urgent appointments in the afternoon (testing is usually done first thing in the morning)
- Making sure your student is on time for school
- Serving your student a healthy breakfast, including foods rich in protein
- Ensuring your student gets a good night's sleep
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Kara, School Counselor, at kwarner@gracelcms.net
Great Job, 1st Graders!
You are Welcomed at Grace Lutheran Church
9:00 AM is our English service and 10:00 AM is our Spanish service. We also have online worship and bi-weekly messages from Pastor Aaron. Check us out on our new website!
Grace Christian School
Email: vlippman@gracelcms.net
Website: https://graceschoolescondido.org/
Location: 643 West 13th Avenue, Escondido, CA, USA
Phone: 760-747-3029
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GraceEscondido