WMS Weekly Wauna Connect
What's Happening Next Week
Monday 10/17/22 - Day A1
Tuesday 10/18/2022 - Day B2
Football - 7th Grate White vs. Verona Area @ Waunakee @5:00 pm
Volleyball - Waunakee White vs. Beaver Dam Middle @ Waunakee Intermediate @ 5:15 pm
Volleyball - Waunakee Purple vs. Sun Prairie View @ Waunakee Middle @ 5:15 pm
Football - 7th Grade Purple vs. Verona Area @Waunakee @ 6:30 pm
Football - 8th Grade Purple vs. Verona Badger Ridge @ Verona @ 6:30 pm
Wednesday 10/19/2022 - Day A3
Thursday 10/20/2022 - Day B4
Friday 10/21/2022 - Day A5
A Message from the Principal
Greetings families,
I hope the first month of school has been going well. Although this is not the most uplifting topic, I do feel it is critical that our families stay informed with regards to recent developments in the exposure our community is experiencing with regards to controlled substances. Please see the information below with regards to Fentanyl, and take some time to have important conversations with your children with regards to dangers of Fentanyl, as well as the use of other drugs, alcohol, and nicotine products.
Public Health Advisory
We are sharing the following resources related to concerns regarding pills containing fentanyl.
They have appeared in the Waunakee Community, as well as led to the untimely death of a 2021 Graduate from Waunakee Community High School.
Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)
Good Morning America, which describes how young people are being targeted by this drug. Fortunately, we have not seen fentanyl at the High School but want to make sure that parents/families are aware of these ongoing concerns. Other school districts in the state, however, have unfortunately lost students to fentanyl poisoning.
Please have conversations with your student/s regarding taking any pills that are not prescribed to them. Fentanyl can also appear in Vape Pens, marijuana as well as other illicit drugs. Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) has a comprehensive resource page, including talking points for parents/guardians/adults regarding fentanyl.
We appreciate your support with this challenging topic. Enjoy the coming weekend!
Please Return your Bucky Book or send in the money to purchase
Order Your Yearbook Today!
Please click here for instructions on ordering a yearbook.
Passive Consent Form - 7th Grade Behavioral and Emotional Screening
Waunakee Neighborhood Connection Winter Clothing Distribution
Referendum Information Session - Open House/Tour of WMS - 10/13
Open House/Tour held at Waunakee Community Middle School
Thursday, October 13 at 5:30 p.m.
Location, Middle School Cafe
Please visit our district website to learn more information or view updated events to attend. You can view our Frequently Asked Questions on our website, as well. If you have additional questions or would like to schedule a time to talk with our referendum team, please email us or call us at (608) 849-2000.
WMS Mission Moments
Committed to Children. Committed to Community. Committed to Excellence.
Thanksgiving Meal Baskets and Holiday Gift Cards for Families in Need
The Waunakee Ecumenical Board (WEB) provides a Thanksgiving Meal Basket and Holiday Gift Cards to families who are in financial need. If you are a family with students in the WCSD and believe your family would benefit from holiday programs, please click here.
Estimados familias del Distrito Escolar de la Comunidad de Waunakee, El Comité Ecuménico de Waunakee (WEB) proporciona una Canasta de Comida de Acción de Gracias y tarjetas de regalo para las Fiestas a las familias que tienen necesidades financieras. Si es una familia con estudiantes en el Distrito Escolar de la Comunidad de Waunakee y cree que su familia se beneficiaría de los programas de las festividades, por favor, haga clic aquí.
Take a Great Picture? We'd love to use it in our Yearbook!
If you are attending school events and take a great picture, please use this QR Code to submit them to us for review and possibly use in our yearbook! We'd greatly appreciate it!
No Access to the High School at Varsity Football Games
Beginning this Friday, October 7, and continuing through the remainder of the football season, the Waunakee Community High School will be locked, on home football Friday nights, beginning at 6:45 p.m.
The high school will be locked to secure the building and prevent theft, vandalism, or damage to property. Please note! Students will not be allowed into the building to warm-up or to pick-up their belongings. Students attending the football game should plan accordingly.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
The Waunakee Community Cares Coalition (WCCC) is dedicated to keeping Waunakee healthy and resilient. To receive updates of all of the trends, resources available, and community initiatives in the spaces of alcohol/drug prevention and mental health, please sign up for their monthly newsletter.
Link to sign up to receive newsletter: https://www.waunakeecares.org/contact
Link to our resource pages: https://www.waunakeecares.org/resources-1
Clubs and Co-Curricular Activities
Important Dates at a Glance
October 18 - Picture Retake Day
May 17th (6pm) - 8th Grade Honor Roll Ceremony
June 7th - Last Day of school for 7th Grade
June 8th - Last Day of school for 8th Grade and 8th Grade Recognition (9 am)
School Lunch Menu
Click HERE to see the school lunch menu.
For your convenience, our attendance line has a 24/7 voicemail and an email address that you may use anytime. You may call the attendance line at (608)849-2060 ext. 1 or email at wms_attendance@waunakee.k12.wi.us to leave a message with your child's name, reason for absence and your name & phone number in case we need to reach you..
If you'll be seeing a medical provider, please obtain a note and forward it to the attendance email and we'll be happy to code the absence as medically excused.
School Transportation Information
WMS Contact Information
Jeffrey Kenas, Principal,
Michael Zibell, Associate Principal,
Patricia Coffren, Administrative Assistant,
Melanie Hass, Administrative Assistant Attendance,
Attendance 608-849-3001, Select language, then press1 for wms_attendance@waunakee.k12.wi.us
Tammy Willborn, Health Assistant, tammywillborn@waunakee.k12.wi.us