Parnell District School Pānui
Wednesday 8 May

Friday 24 May, 2024
Important Dates
Week 5: 27/05 - 31/05 - Samoan Language Week
- Taniwha (Y7/8) National Library trip
- Eastern Zone Boys Football Zone Day (Y7)
- Eastern Zone Boys Football Zone Day (Y8)
Assembly - hosted Room 8Week 6: 03/06 - 07/06
- SCHOOL IS CLOSED - King's Birthday Weekend
- Bike Skills Room 26
- Assembly - hosted Room 30
- PDS Quiz Night Fundraiser (with Silent Auction)
- Bay Suburbs Rippa Rugby Zone Day (Y5/6)
- New Parent Breakfast (Staff Room)
- Assembly - hosted by Room 13
- Board of Trustees Meeting
- Bake Sale - Te Arawa
- Assembly hosted by Enviro Group
- Mid-Year Reports go home
- Student Learning Conferences
- Student Learning Conferences
- Matariki Celebration
- Assembly - hosted by Te Arawa
- No Friday Fizz
Wheels Wednesday continues every Wednesday, dependent on the weather. Please check the school App each Wednesday morning for cancellations.
Kia ora e te Whānau,
Our community consultation sessions on reporting, were well-attended last week. We very much appreciated your time and contribution to this process. The good news is that there is still time for you to take part. See how to share your views below.
Samoan Language Week is happening next week. Take some time over the week to ask your children what they have learned about this vibrant culture.
We also started our new Inquiry this week - Te Ao Ōhanga - Economy. Looking at the beginnings of trade and economy in Aotearoa, we will give you an update on this learning in our next newsletter.
Finally, we strongly encourage you to get your tickets for our Quiz Night Fundraiser & Live Auction on Friday 7 June. The silent auction is online TODAY! Check out what you could be in to win here 32auctions.com/pds2024 and make sure you purchase your tickets at the office.
Uniform - If you have any spare uniform that no longer is required our second-hand uniform shop would love more fleeces, shirts and any other uniform items. Thank you in advance.
A reminder that as we enter the cooler months, it is important to keep your children home if they have any symptoms. We will continue to apply best practice here at school by reminding our children to wash their hands and use sanitiser, particularly before eating.
Kia pai tō rā whakatā - Have a great weekend!
Arts Week - Dance
What an incredible couple of weeks it has been! An atmosphere of excitement and nervous anticipation was present across the school, with children dancing and collaborating in every available space.
We are very fortunate to have a team of dedicated teachers who worked so diligently to create a fun, challenging and hugely rewarding programme for every child. Thank you to everyone who made it out to support and celebrate our students. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.
Year 1-3 Performance
Our Year 1-3 dancers performed last Friday to a capacity-crowd in the school hall. From native birds and reptiles to schools of fish and a jaunt through the city, students performed with energy and excitement.
Year 4-8 Perfromance
Last night was simply MAGICAL! Our students outdid themselves, performing a wide variety of dance styles to an eclectic range of music in an INCREDIBLE venue. Entrancing and captivating their audience, students confidently took to the stage and gave it their all! We are so proud of what we all achieved!
Inquiry Learning - It Matters
It Matters...
Bike Skills Year 7-8
Auckland's busy roads can be a deterrent for choosing to ride a bike. To encourage our tamariki and build their biking confidence, classes in Year 7 and 8 have been learning bike skills with Bigfoot Adventures. Fully funded by Auckland Transport (AT), the Bike Skills programme runs over two days and covers bike safety checks, legal requirements, clothing choice and safe riding techniques. Bike training enhances students cycling skills and teaches them how to ride their bikes safely and confidently.
For some children, it was the first time they had been on a bike. It was incredibly rewarding to see their resilience in action as they persevered and mastered the skill of riding a bike. Others built their confidence riding on our local roads.
Community Consultation
Thank you to everyone who attended last week's in-person or Zoom sessions about reporting at Parnell District School. We had a great turnout and gathered a lot of thoughtful feedback.
If you couldn't attend, now is your chance to share your thoughts on our current reporting methods and priorities for the future.
Please visit our Padlet page to:
- Review the left-hand column to see our current practices.
- Add your 'strengths,' 'weaknesses,' and 'priorities' to the appropriate columns.
- Read and respond to others' ideas with comments or a 'thumbs-up.'
All contributions are completely anonymous. The deadline for your feedback is Friday May 31st.
Any questions, please email annas@parnell.school.nz
C4 After School Care
Our After School Care programme offers a range of amazing activities to keep your children engaged and having fun while mastering new skills. You must book them online. Click on the C4 logo to book or visit pds.aimyplus.com. For more information you can also contact our C4 Manager Claire Jeffries on clairej@parnell.school.nz.
- Shine - Speech and Drama
- Brain Play - Coding (Y4-8)
- Brain Play - Coding (Y1-3)
- Chess
- Skateboarding - Young Guns Skate School
- Football - WYNRS (1-8)
Whānau & Friends
Non-Uniform Day - dress as your parent/caregiver
Thank you for all your kind donations this week to contribute to hampers for our Quiz Night Fundraiser. Our students dressed as a parent/caregiver, and we had some great dress-ups! Check some of them out below.
Quiz Night and Live Auction Fundraiser.
The time is finally here to start your bidding on our online auction! Go to 32auctions.com/pds2024 to see what is available. We've got over 100 amazing items for you to bid on - from a signed All Blacks Rugby T-shirt, a selection of after school classes, enough toilet rolls for 6 months, and even a fridge! Use the search bar or category filter to find things you're interested in, then give them a heart to save them as your watchlist.
Some items will continue bidding at the Live Auction during the Quiz Night. This is indicated on the item as "Online and Live Event Bidding" in the item description. If you want to put in a final bid for these items you'll need to be present at the Quiz Night on Friday 7 June, so buy your tickets now!
Quiz Night tickets are available from the School Office. $35 per person, with tables of 8 people. Come with your friends, or join your class table. The theme is Olympics & Paralympics 2024 - only 65 days to go! We'd love to see you dressed up to suit the theme - come as your favourite sportsperson, the Eiffel Towel, or join with some friends to make the Olympic Rings... Let your imagination go wild!
Join us on Social Media!
Follow us on Instagram or Facebook to see the latest featured Auction items. Click on the icons below to straight to our Instagram and Facebook.
Special thanks goes to the following companies who have made generous donations to the auction. Check out their listings at 32auctions.com/pds2024 and view the full list of items available and their donors. Please support the companies who have supported us.
Have fun bidding!