Christie Elementary
Oct. 11-18, 2024
PACE Referral Deadline is TODAY, October 11, 5:00pm
Gifted and Talented program, PACE
Applications for the Gifted and Talented program, PACE, are currently being accepted. The purpose of this program is to provide students with experiences that challenge and further develop their critical thinking, reasoning, and problem-solving skills. Based on your child’s current academic performance, participation in the PACE program could be beneficial. Please complete an application in either English or Spanish. Applications are due by 5:00 p.m. on October 11, 2024.
If you have any questions or would like additional information about the program, please feel free to contact Kaya Jones at kaya.jones@pisd.edu or 469-752-0844.
Actualmente se están aceptando solicitudes para el programa de superdotados y talentosos, PACE. El propósito de este programa es proporcionar a los estudiantes experiencias que desafíen y desarrollen aún más su pensamiento crítico, razonamiento y habilidades para resolver problemas. Basándose en el rendimiento académico actual de su hijo, la participación en el programa PACE podría ser beneficiosa. Por favor, rellene una solicitud en English or Spanish. Las solicitudes deben presentarse antes de las 17.00 horas del 11 de octubre de 2024.
Si tiene alguna pregunta o desea información adicional sobre el programa, no dude en ponerse en contacto con aya Jones at kaya.jones@pisd.edu or 469-752-0844.
Original Works Fundraiser 2024
Starting October 21st, the Monday students return from Fall Break, Original Works Packets will be sent home with your students, offering you a special opportunity to turn their artwork into lasting memories. This completely optional fundraiser supports Christie Elementary’s Fine Arts programs, the PTA, and helps raise funds for additional supplies and resources for your child’s Art AMPed classes.
Important Dates:
- Order Deadline: November 1st
- Delivery: Early December—just in time for the holidays!
To learn how to order, watch this brief video:
How to Order
Frequently Asked Questions:
- What if I don’t want to purchase anything?
No problem! Simply keep and enjoy your child’s artwork at home. - How can I pay?
We accept cash or checks made payable to Christie Elementary PTA. Include your payment in your child’s packet with the order forms and return it to Mr. Boatfield by November 1st. - Do I need to send my child’s artwork with the payment?
Yes. Original Works requires the artwork for scanning, but don’t worry—you’ll receive the original artwork back with your purchased items. - Can my child finish the artwork before we place an order?
Absolutely! You have until November 1 to make any changes. If you prefer to submit a different artwork, ensure it fits on letter-size paper. - What if my child didn’t receive a packet due to absence or late enrollment?
No worries! Your child can still participate by submitting a letter-size piece of artwork (preferably on cardstock). However, please note students are now working on new projects in AMPed and will need to complete this at home.
For any additional questions, feel free to contact our Art Teacher, Mr. Boatfield:
Thank you for supporting our school and Fine Arts program!
Recaudación de Fondos de Original Works 2024
¡Hola, familias de Christie!
A partir del 21 de octubre, los paquetes de Original Works se enviarán a casa con sus estudiantes, brindándoles una oportunidad especial para convertir el arte de sus hijos en recuerdos duraderos. Esta recaudación de fondos es completamente opcional y apoya los programas de Bellas Artes de Christie Elementary, el PTA y nos ayuda a recaudar fondos para suministros y recursos adicionales para las clases de Art AMPed de su hijo.
Fechas importantes:
- Fecha límite de pedido: 1 de noviembre
- Entrega: A principios de diciembre, ¡justo a tiempo para las fiestas!
Para aprender cómo hacer un pedido, vea este breve video:
Cómo hacer un pedido
Preguntas Frecuentes:
- ¿Qué hago si no estoy interesado en comprar nada?
¡No hay problema! Simplemente guarde y disfrute del arte de su hijo en casa. - ¿Cómo puedo pagar?
Aceptamos efectivo o cheques a nombre de "Christie Elementary PTA". Incluya el pago en el paquete de su hijo junto con los formularios de pedido y devuélvalo al Sr. Boatfield antes del 1 de noviembre. - ¿Debo enviar el arte de mi hijo junto con el pago?
Sí. Original Works necesita escanear la obra de arte, pero no se preocupe, recibirá el arte original de su hijo junto con los artículos comprados. - Mi hijo no ha terminado el arte. ¿Puede terminarlo antes de que haga un pedido?
¡Por supuesto! Tienen hasta el 1 de noviembre para hacer cambios en casa. Si prefieren enviar otra obra de arte, asegúrense de que sea del tamaño de una hoja carta. - Mi hijo no estaba inscrito o estuvo ausente durante el proyecto y no recibió un paquete. ¿Aún puede participar?
Claro. Sin embargo, la obra debe ser del tamaño de una hoja carta (preferiblemente en cartulina). Los estudiantes ya están trabajando en una nueva unidad en AMPed, por lo que no podrán trabajar en esto durante el horario escolar o durante sus clases de AMPed.
Para cualquier otra pregunta, no duden en ponerse en contacto con nuestro maestro de arte, el Sr. Boatfield:
¡Gracias por apoyar a nuestra escuela y el programa de Bellas Artes!
Veteran's Day Assembly
Dear Christie Families,
We are excited to honor our veterans at the Veterans Assembly on November 11th! We invite all families with veterans to join us for this special event. If you have a veteran in your family who can attend, please RSVP for their attendance and breakfast.
Veterans Assembly
Date: Monday, November 11
First Assembly: 8:30 AM - 9:20 AM (viewing to 1st, 2nd, and Kinder)
Second Assembly: 9:20 AM - 10:00 AM (viewing to PreK, 3rd, and 5th)
- Served in the library immediately after each assembly (20-minute window)
- Veterans and their Christie students will be invited.
The sign-up link below MUST be completed by 10/28/24.
Attention to 4th Graders Families
The 4th grader families are invited to attend the assembly with or without veterans. You are invited to come and watch your children sing on stage!
Please find two forms below to sign up based on your attendance:
If you are attending just to watch your child sing (without bringing any veterans), please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/9MGpDzvcpEk8F9yo9
If you are bringing a veteran and will be joining us for breakfast after the assembly, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/5pYcHwD5ku26BikA9
Plano ISD partners with Allen Americans
Plano ISD is partnering with our local professional hockey team, the Allen Americans, for a special game night planned specifically for Plano ISD students, families and staff! PISD Night with the Allen Americans will take place at the Credit Union of Texas Event Center (200 East Stacy Road; Allen, TX 75002) on October 30, at 7:00 p.m. Doors open at 6:00 p.m.
Please use the QR code on this printable flyer (English | Spanish) to make your ticket purchase. When you type “(Christie Elementary)” into the required field, our school will receive $5 for every ticket purchased! We look forward to this fun night and hope to see you there!
Plano ISD se ha asociado con nuestro equipo profesional de hockey local, los Allen Americans, en una noche de partido especial planeado específicamente para los estudiantes, las familias y el personal de Plano ISD. La Noche de los Allen Americans para Plano ISD tendrá lugar en el centro de eventos “Credit Union of Texas Event Center” (200 East Stacy Road; Allen, TX 75002) el 30 de octubre, a las 7:00 p.m. Las puertas abren a las 6:00 p.m.
Por favor use el código QR en el siguiente volante imprimible (inglés o español) para comprar sus boletos. ¡Al escribir “(Christie Elementary)” en el espacio requerido, nuestra escuela recibirá $5 por cada boleto vendido!
¡Esperamos con emoción que llegue esa noche tan divertida y verlos por ahí!
Hey Christie Cubs!
AMPED Schedule (previously known as Specials) - Art, Music, Physical Education Department
2024-2025 Meal Prices
Lunch $2.85 (reduced = $0.40)
*A la carte snacks and beverages will be available for purchase during meal service.
· Households who wish to apply for free or reduced-priced meals will need to complete an online federal meal application for the current school year.
· Applications will be processed within 10 business days.
· Eligibility notification letters will be sent via email.
If you have not received the letter in your inbox, please check your junk and spam folders.
Please contact Meal Programs with any questions.
Communities In Schools
Campus Title I Information/Enlace a la información del Título I del campus
Parents can view copies of the school’s important documents, for example, CIP, report card, campus policy and campus compact in our school front office and on our school website.
Los padres pueden ver copias de los documentos importantes de la escuela, por ejemplo, CIP, boleta de calificaciones, polízas escolares y el convenio escolar en la oficina administrativa y en el sitio web de nuestra escuela.
Selecting the organization that you wish to support is as simple as updating the Kroger Community Rewards selection on your digital account.
1. Sign in to your digital account.
2. Search for your organization here.
3. Enter the name or NPO number of the organization you wish to support.
4. Select the appropriate organization from the list and click “Save”.
Your selected organization will also display in the Kroger Community Rewards section of your account. If you need to review or revisit your organization, you can always do so under your Account details.
Any transactions moving forward using the Shopper’s Card number associated with your digital account will be applied to the program, at no added cost to you. Kroger donates annually to participating organizations based on your percentage of spending as it relates to the total spending associated with all participating Kroger Community Rewards organizations.
Christie Elementary
Website: www.pisd.edu/christie
Location: 3801 Rainier Road, Plano, TX, USA
Phone: 469-752-0800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/christiepta
Twitter: @ChristiePlano