Kōkopu Newsletter
Term 3 Week 7 Tuesday 3rd September 2024
Principal's Message
Welcome to Poppy, Liam, and Harper, who have started in Room 1, Amiria, who has joined Room 2 and Max who is in Room 3. As our school continues to grow, it’s crucial that we are informed about any future enrolments as soon as possible. This will greatly assist us in organising classrooms and staffing for next year. Please use our online enrolment form available at www.kokopu.school.nz/enrolments.
Congratulations to all our students for their fantastic efforts during the cross-country event. We completed the races in record time, showing how fast our students ran this year! It was heartening to see everyone supporting each other and giving their best—a wonderful demonstration of our school values in action. A special thanks to the parents and ex-students who participated in the Parent Race; the kids thoroughly enjoyed watching the adults give their all!
Thank you to everyone who supported our fundraising effort for Daffodil Day last Friday. It was lovely to see all the kids dressed in yellow. If you wish to donate, you can still do so online. Go to https://daffodilday.org.nz/o/kokopu-school
Thank you to the PTA for organising another successful Quiz Night. It was a blast for everyone involved, and we were especially pleased to see the staff team claim victory once again! A huge thanks to all the sponsors and those who donated or sponsored a table. The event raised about $6,000, which will greatly benefit our school.
Car Park Progress: You may have noticed the positive developments with the car park over the past few weeks. The top car park area has been cleared, and a site office and landfill area have been established at Pyle’s farm. Preliminary drainage work in the bottom car park is set to begin soon, after which work will continue on the top car park.
Regional Hui: Last Friday, I had the pleasure of organizing a regional hui for Northland rural principals. While the hui was regionally based, we connected nationally through Zoom with over 250 principals in attendance. The day featured several speakers and topics, including a keynote presentation by John Peachy on leadership, aligning assessment with the updated national curriculum, and a session I led on AI in education. It was inspiring to hear the many success stories from across our region and the country.
Rural School Challenges: Northland has the highest number of rural schools in New Zealand, and while these schools are fantastic places to educate our children, they also present unique challenges. One current challenge is the difficulty in securing relief teachers. We have experienced this issue over the past few months, but we are very thankful for the relief teachers who have supported our school.
Nga Mihi
Yaron Overeem
Kōkopu School
School Gates
Parents, please ensure the gates into the school are shut at all times.
We need them shut after school as there are still children at After School Care.
Packard Museum Trip
This Thursday 5th September the junior school will be visiting the Packard Museum at Maungatapere. This is to complement our study on Transport. We will be taking the bus there. We would love some parent helpers to accompany us and to help with supervision etc. You are able to catch the bus with the children. There is a $5.00 entry fee for adults only.
If you are able to help, please let me know via email or the Skool Loop App with permission for your child/children to go.
Here is the schedule for the day;
Room 1 - 9.15am Leave Kokopu School
9.30am to 10.30am Museum visit
10.45 Back at school
Room 2 - 10.45am Leave Kokopu School
11.00am to 12.00pm Museum visit
12.15pm Back at School
Room 4 - 12.15pm Leave Kokopu School
12.30pm to 1.30pm Museum visit
1.45pm Back at school
This Friday 6th September the senior school will be visiting the Packard Museum. This is to complement our study on Transport.
We would also like a few parent helpers to accompany us to help with supervision please. You are able to catch the bus with the children. There is a $5.00 entry fee for adults only.
Let us know via email or the Skool Loop App with permission for your child/children to go.
Here is the schedule for the day;
Room 3 - 9.15am Leave Kokopu School
9.30am to 11.00am Museum visit
11.15 Back at school
Room 6 - 11.15am Leave Kokopu School
11.30am to 1.00am Museum visit
1.15 Back at school
Kokopu School Speech Competition
Following are the results of the speech competition which was held on Friday 23rd August.
Year 3 - 1st Nova Weavers, 2nd Indi Weavers, 3rd Avery Powell
Year 4 - 1st Conrad Burson, 2nd Riley King, 3rd Slade Tuhiwai
Year 5 - 1st Ana Waterhouse, 2nd Annabelle Plummer, 3rd Drake Yearbury
Year 6 - 1st Annabeth Riley, 2nd = Louie Reynolds and Lachie McMurchy, 3rd Hunter Schraag
Year 7 - 1st Nathan James, 2nd Amelia Tasker, 3rd Drew Shelley
Year 8 - 1st Caitlin Riley, 2nd Riley Bourke, 3rd Emma-Lee Delemare
The two year 8 students who will represent Kokopu School at the Mangakahia Lions Club Speech competition on Wednesday 25th September at 7.00pm at The Mangakahia Community Sports Complex are Caitlin Riley and Riley Bourke.
Congratulations to you all on such a fantastic effort.
Cross Country
Kokopu School Cross Country
Yesterday we held our cross country event here at school. It was a fabulous day and all the competitors made an awesome effort in their races.
Thank you to the PTA and helpers for the food, and to the parents who came along and supported the children.
Here are the results: (Ages are as at the 1st Jan)
4 year old girls - 1st Lucy Dudley, 2nd Harper Schraag
4 year old boys - 1st Soren Weavers, 2nd Kyah Allen
5 year old girls - 1st Ryan Heasley, 2nd Chelsea Sheehy, 3rd Cora Johnson
5 year old boys - 1st Ryan Noakes, 2nd Benji Phimester, 3rd Maty Tuhiwai
6 year old girls - 1st Theia Waterhouse, 2nd Avery Powell, 3rd Tia Tuhiwai
6 year old boys - 1st Caeden McMurchy, 2nd Kyzah Hape, 3rd Ronan Harrow-Harper
7 year old girls - 1st Nova Weavers, 2nd Tyler Heasley, 3rd Delilah Flintoff
7 year old boys - 1st Indi Weavers, 2nd Sloane Allen, 3rd Quentin King
8 year old girls - 1st Kaliah Barge, 2nd Saydee Barge, 3rd Zoe Pugh
8 year old boys - 1st Conrad Burson, 2nd Cooper McBeth, 3rd Slade Tuhiwai
9 year old girls - 1st Tahan Bellingham, 2nd Ana Waterhouse, 3rd Amelia-Rose Hape
9 year old boys - 1st Drake Yearbury, 2nd Jakob Delemare, 3rd Louie Reynolds
10 year old girls - 1st Journey Wickman, 2nd Jayne Sheehy, 3rd Amelia Tasker
10 year old boys - 1st Lachlan McMurchy, 2nd Mason Fleming, 3rd Hunter Schraag
11 year old girls - 1st Eva Gray, 2nd Zoe Hayes
11 year old boys - 1st Jordan Donker, 2nd Jamie Lockie, 3rd Carter Connelly-Maihi
12 year old girls - 1st 1st Caitlin Riley, 2nd Emma-Lee Delemare
12 year old boys - 1st Eli Donker, 2nd Ryder Smith
Adult/Ex Student Race
Males - 1st Max Gray, 2nd Toby Noakes, 3rd Jeff Burson
Females - 1st Brooke Donker, 2nd Shayla Gray, 3rd Chantal Weavers
All the best to the children who are going to the WPSSA Cross Country Championship Event on Wednesday.
Mangakahia Country Meal
It was our turn to host the Country Meal at the Mangakahia Sports Complex this month, but our turn has been postponed until March next year due to unforeseen circumstances.
Lunch Orders
Lunch orders can be made through Lunch Online on Tuesday from Pizza Fusion - Thursday from West End Sushi - Friday from Titoki Store
Lamb and Goat Day Care
Lamb and goat day-care is up and running. Children can bring their lamb or goat to school for the day so they can look after them and feed them during break times.
Students can store their milk in the whanau room kitchen.
AG Day / Calf Club
***Ag Day Reminder - Saturday 2nd of November 2024***
Read More on our Ag Day website. www.kokopu.school.nz/agday
Please register your animal and garden now by clicking the link below.
Dates to Note
Mon 22 July - Start of Term 3
Wed 4 Sep - WPSSA Cross Country
Thu 5 Sep and Fri 6 Sep - Packard Museum Trips
Mon 9 Sep - BOT Meeting
Thu 12 Sep - Vision and Hearing Test Year 7
Tue 17 Sep - WPSSA Inclusive Sports Day
Wed 25 Sep - Mangakahia Lions Speech Competition
Thu 26 Sep - House Day
SENIOR opening - Saturday September 21. 10.00 am. Thereafter Saturdays at 1.00 pm
TWILIGHT - starts October 3. 5.30 pm
LADIES DAY - every Wednesday . 9.00 am
JUNIOR OPENING - October 15. 3.15 pm
Queries - Ray or Sue Webb. 09 4346 898 or 027 2743 860
Home Industries at Central Calf Club Day
Home Industries Saturday 7th December 2024
Located in the Events Centre Building at Barge Showgrounds- inside the Members Room
Follow the signs to the side door off the deck
All entries to be dropped off to the Events Centre- Barge Showgrounds on
FRIDAY 6th December 2024 from 3.00pm to 6.00pm (except photography)
Follow the link below to see all the catagories....
Friday Assembly
School Office
Lost Property
Please name all your children's clothing so we can make sure they claim any lost property. Thank you.
Yummy Stickers
Don't forget we are collecting Yummy Stickers. So please collect the Yummy cut-out labels from bags (each cut-out label is worth 10 stickers) and individual Yummy apple stickers. Yummy apples are available from New World, PAK’nSAVE and participating Four Square stores. The more you collect, the more sports gear you get so get going and start collecting your Yummy cut-out labels and stickers now!
Guitar Lessons
Guitar lessons are on Wednesday's. If you are interested in getting lessons for your child, phone Lynn Moase on 0212979437.
2024 Term Dates
Term 1 .. Thursday 1st February to Friday 12th April
Term 2 .. Monday 29th April to Friday 5th July
Term 3 .. Monday 22nd July to Friday 27th September
Term 4 .. Monday 14th October to Friday 13th December
School Policies and Procedures School docs
Kokopu School
Email: office@kokopu.school.nz
Website: www.kokopu.school.nz
Location: 921 Kokopu Road, Kokopu, New Zealand
Phone: 094346765
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kokopuschool