BES Kindergarten Newsletter
The Week of September 1st, 2024

Welcome to Kindergarten -Here at Briarcliff Elementary!
We are so excited to be a part of your child’s Kindergarten journey this year and are looking forward to a wonderful school year of growth and learning! This Kindergarten Newsletter will be sent home BI-MONTHLY to share information about upcoming events, the weekly learning focus, and reminders.
If you ever have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact your child’s teacher. Have a great week!
Kind Regards,
The Kindergarten Team 🍏
Mrs. Heredia, Mrs. Oakley, Ms. Carroll & Ms. Menke
💯 The 100th Day of School 💯
February 18th is the 100th day of school and it is quickly approaching! Can you believe it! Your kiddos have been working so hard learning so much! They are 100 days braver, kinder, stronger and smarter. To celebrate the 100th day of school we are encouraging students to either;
Decorate a shirt with 100 items on it! Like pom poms, googly eyes, buttons, balloons, stickers, polka dots- really anything!
Dress up like a 100 year old! Grey hair, suspenders, wrinkles, the works!
DO Both!!
We hope you can participate in the fun day! We are so proud of how hard the students have been working! If you have any questions please reach out to your student’s teachers!
If you would like help us with our- Kindergarten 100th Day of School Snack Challenge- here is the
Link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C4EA5AC23A0FFC25-54311179-100snack#/
❤ The Kindergarten Team
🚌 Kindergarten Field Trips 🚌
Hello Families!
We are so excited to announce that our Field Trips for this school year have been finalized! Kindergarten will have 3 field trips this year. Each field trip will focus on a different area of focus incorporating what we have learned in the classroom and applying it in different settings! Field trips are a great way for students to build on what they have learned and experience something new!
In your student's folder today you will find the Parental Consent (permission slip) for all three field trips, Science For Fun, Marbles Children’s Museum, and NC State Family Farm Days and the Field Trip information page for our first field trip, Science Fun For Everyone! Please read through both pages carefully. All forms need to be returned by November 15th, 2024.
Payment Information
This year we are encouraging families to make their field trip payment online. The cost per student is $35.61. This is the total cost for ALL 3 field trips. Online payments can be made at https://wcpss.schoolcashonline.com/
Payments can be made by cash or check. When making payment by cash please note that we do not give change. Any additional funds will be considered a donation to the Kindergarten Field Trip fund to support families who might need help with payment for field trips.
📸 2024-2025 Yearbook 📸
Yearbook Information
Yearbooks for the 2024-2025 school year are on sale now!
Link: https://ybpay.lifetouch.com/Order
ID Code: 14923025
Price: $21 (cash, check, online)
Questions? Email hehorton@wcpss.net
Daily Schedules & Monthly Rotation for Specials
Daily Schedule
Our schedule will be the same each day except for Thursdays or during Special Events and/or Field Trips.
Weekly Planning Day Schedule
Our Planning Day Schedule which occurs on every Thursday unless it requires to be rescheduled.
Rotations for Specials
Our specials will go on a two-day rotation by color. The days will rotate from Red to Orange to Yellow to Green to Blue and then back to Red with each rotation lasting two days. There will be some special days when the rotation may be broken for things like Field Day or school assemblies. These days will be listed as Purple days on the school calendar.
Focus Skills of the Week of 1/20
Second Step: Unit 3: Demonstrating Kindness
Letterland: Kicking King Kk- Letterland Review.
Close Reading & Writing:
Same, Same - But, Different.
Narrative Writing
Unit 5: Number Relationships Between and Among 1-10
I can learn about weather and their patterns.
Focus Skills of the Week of 1/27
Second Step: Unit 3: Demonstrating Kindness
Letterland: Blending and Segmenting with
ck and ng
Close Reading & Writing:
“Town Mouse and Country Mouse”
*Ask and answer questions key details in a text.
*Retell familiar stories including key details.
*Identify characters, setting, and major events in a story.
* Comparing the 2 mice
Narrative Writing
Unit 5: Number Relationships Between and Among 1-10
I can learn about weather and their patterns.
Parents' Corner
Ways to Help at Home
We are also working on practicing tying our shoes independently! Please work with your student at home on this skill!
Fine Motor Practice
- Tying Shoes
- Zipping Jacket
- Buttons
- Opening Water Bottles
- Opening Lunch and Snack Containers
Teachers' Corner
Mrs. Heredia's Corner
Field Trip Chaperone
If you are interested in chaperoning our Kindergarten Field Trips, please fill out this interest survey. https://forms.gle/76h8jbiuhZKa4PAy6
Classroom Help Needed
Starting in January, I would love to have a few grown-ups come and help in the classroom by working in small groups with the kiddos during our Letterland Block! If you are interested in volunteering please signup below, and Don't worry I will teach you everything you need to know!
February Mystery Reader Sign-Up
We will be having a Mystery Reader come into class to read a book to our students during snack time! This is an exciting way for families to be engaged in our classroom. Please sign up for the date that works best for you!
Mrs. Oakley's Corner
Classroom Help Needed
I would love to have a few parents come and help in the classroom by working in small groups with the students during our Letterland block and Math block. The morning slots are for Letterland help and the afternoon is for Math help. If you are interested in volunteering, please sign-up below.
Classroom Help Needed
Starting in January, I would love to have a few grown-ups come and help in the classroom by working in small groups with the kiddos during our Letterland Block! If you are interested in volunteering please signup below, and Don't worry I will teach you everything you need to know! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A094FA4A82B0-52983414-mrs
February Mystery Reader Sign-Up
We will be having a Mystery Reader come into class to read a book to our students during snack time! This is an exciting way for families to be engaged in our classroom. Please sign up for the date that works best for you!
Ms. Carroll's Corner
Ms. Menke's Corner
Valentine’s Day
Dear Families,
We will celebrate Valentine’s Day on Wednesday, February 14th. Students are welcome to exchange cards and treats with their classmates! If you and your child decide to bring in Valentines to share with our class- please DO NOT address them to specific children. Please allow your child to practice their first and last name on the cards only. This is wonderful practice and will reinforce their emergent skill set. We have 20 students inside our classroom.
100th Day of School
We hope you can participate in the fun day! We are so proud of how hard the students have been working!
Field Trip Chaperone
If you are interested in chaperoning our Kindergarten Field Trips, please fill out this interest survey.
- Please provide a snack and a bottled water for your child each day.
- We also know accidents can happen with kinders. Please send an extra set of clothes in a ziplock bag labeled with your child’s name.
- Please make sure your student has a set of headphones with their name labeled on them so they can utilize the technology here at Briarcliff.
Volunteer Form: https://forms.gle/GGdieLAMKwPNFSf46
Kids' Corner
Need some fun educational websites? Check these out!
Lunch & Breakfast
Meal prices for the 2024-25 school are noted below.
- Breakfast Cost--$1.75
- Lunch Cost--$3.50
Pre-Pay for Meals Online:
The easiest way to pay for school meals is to create an online account at www.MySchoolBucks.com. Please remember, you will need your child's student ID number to register. Once registered, parents may load money, set spending limits, and set-up auto-loading so that your child never runs out of lunch money.
Free/Reduced Price Meal Application:
If your family is in need of meal assistance, I strongly encourage you to complete and submit an application for Free/Reduced Cost Meals. Families in need of meal assistance must reapply every school year if they are interested in receiving meal benefits. Applications may be submitted online at https://www.wcpss.net/Page/1849. Paper copies are also available at the school.
Important Reminders & Dates
Please remember that students cannot receive medication (prescription or over-the-counter) at school without a signed 1702 form. This includes sunscreen. The 1702 form is linked below and must be signed by a licensed medical doctor before being submitted to the school.
All prescription medication must be in original packaging with a pharmacy label. OTC medications must be in the original packaging and labeled with the student's name.
Changes to Afternoon Transportation
If your child requires a change to PM transportation this must be done prior to 1:00pm. Families must 1-call the office, 2-send a Talking Points message and 3-email. This allows the front office staff ample time to ensure that this change has been communicated to both students and staff.
If you need to pick up your student early from school it must be done by 3:15. There are no exceptions. At 3:15 families will be instructed to go through carpool. This allows us to ensure safety as we approach the end of our instructional day.
Personal Student Devices + Smart Watches
Students are not allowed to bring personal laptop devices to school. If they bring a phone, it must be kept in their backpacks and turned on silent at all times. Smart watches may be worn but need to be in airplane mode. They may not be used to play games, make phone calls and/or take pictures on campus.
Upcoming Events
1/20-1/21: Holiday & Teacher Work Day
1/28: Report Cards Sent Home
1/30: 2nd-3rd Grade Chorus Performance
2/4: School Counselor Appreciation Day
2/4: WCPSS School Board meeting
2/11: Bus Driver Appreciation Day
2/11: PTA Meeting @ 7pm
2/12: Spirit Night – Dairy Queen @ 4-8pm (with spirit wheel!)
2/17: Teacher Work Day
2/18: WCPSS School Board meeting
2/25: 3rd Quarter Interims Go Home
Ways to Get Involved 🚸
WCPSS Volunteer
Every year you are required to re-registers to volunteer. We would love to have you help in classrooms, in the media center, on field trips, with clubs and more. To do this you must be registered as a volunteer. Register as a WCPSS volunteer https://www.wcpss.net/Page/55232
Donate to scholarship fund, hospitality donations and or TSC- https://briarcliff.givebacks.com
Sign up for Memberhub Hub https://briarcliff.givebacks.com/w/get-involved
Download RCityRocks, register for Harris Teeter VIC, etc. https://briarcliff.givebacks.com/w/fundraising
Here is our sign up for the Spirit Rock: https://briarcliff.givebacks.com/store?limit=21&live=true