CAV School Improvement Plan 24-25
School Improvement Plan 24-25

School Improvement Plan 24-25
Our school is chasing a climate of optimism where each student has a positive experience, and staff work collaboratively to increase student achievement and a sense of belonging.
We commit to:
- excellent instruction through universal use of three of our nine LSSD instructional strategies
- strengthening the effectiveness of our Collaborative Educator teams
- achieving equitable outcomes for each student through effective use of Student Growth Goals
By committing to these things, we will achieve the following:
- 70% of students will be at grade level or higher on the 8th grade SBA ELA in spring 2025 from 56% on the 8th grade SBA ELA in spring 2024. Each ELA student will advance one level on their common assessment (8th Gr. STAR, 9th Gr. HMH and pre-AP English I STAR) with those at level 4 on STAR and level 5 for HMH demonstrating at or above typical growth (SGP).
- 50% of students will be at grade level or higher on the 8th grade SBA Math in spring 2025 from 35.6% on the 8th grade SBA Math in spring 2024. Each Math student will advance one level on the STAR assessment with those at level 4 demonstrating at or above typical growth (SGP).
- 70% of students will be at grade level or higher on the 8th grade WCAS in spring 2025 from 43% on the 8th grade WCAS in spring 2024.
- Students reporting a sense of belonging on the Panorama survey between the ratings of 3 (somewhat belong) and 5 (completely belong) will increase from 71% (Spring ‘24) to 80% (Spring ‘25).
- Each student receiving multilingual services will increase one level on the Reading component of the WIDA.
- Ninth Grade on Track Goal- 90% of 9th grade students will pass all their classes.
- 80% of the Cavelero community will grade our campus as higher than a B on the end of the year Thought Exchange survey question "What grade would you give the overall quality of Cavelero Mid High School?"
We will monitor our progress during the year through:
- We will measure our 9th Grade on Track data progress by monitoring 6 week grading period grade data, with counselors meeting with students failing 2 or more classes and administrators meeting with teachers with lower than a 90% pass rate in any section.
- We will measure our progress towards our academic goals through our Collaborative Educator Teams’ use of inquiry cycles to disaggregate and analyze formative and summative assessment data, such as the fall, winter, and spring STAR and HMH.
- We will measure our progress towards our SEL/climate and culture goal through our PBIS and Data teams’ monthly meetings, monitoring and responding to SWIS and attendance data.
Our Tier One Strategies -- we commit to excellent instruction through the universal use of
- 10/2 Instructional Strategy
- Co-Created Classroom Norms
- 4 at the Door Plus One More (Positive Greetings at the Door)
Collaborative Educator Team Work
Our Collaborative Educator Teams (CETs) will analyze data from formative and summative assessments to determine whether students are experiencing success or if adjustments are needed for students at the Tier Two level. They will also collaborate together and coordinate with support providers (i.e. special education case managers, ML support, etc...) to establish instructional learning targets, success criteria and common assessments.
We will achieve equitable outcomes for students using Student Growth Goals......
Teachers will write student growth goals that value students’ personal identities and focus on growth within units of study tied to essential learning standards. Teachers will work collaboratively with colleagues and evaluators to engage in meaningful conversations around multiple student data elements and ways to modify instructional strategies to ensure students achieve these learning goals.
February check in
At the midyear point, here is where we are...
June check in
At the end of the year, here is how we did, and the start of our plan is for next year