North Central News
North Central Middle School: August Updates
Important Dates:
August 8th: 6th, 7th & 8th Grade Registration 8:30 am- 2:30 pm. All registration can be done online/remotely. (Families can come to the NCMS library if they need Infinite Campus assistance). Access to other parts of the building will not be permitted due to construction.
August 20th: 6th, 7th grade and New Student Parent Orientation (Lower Gym) 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
August 22nd: 6TH, 7th and 8th Grade Student Orientation 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm
August 23rd: First Day of School
August 26: All Sports Parent Meeting (Upper Gym) 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
August 26: Picture Day
Student Lockers
Student Lockers will not be assigned until after the start of the school year. We are waiting on our construction project to complete the installation of all lockers before assigning them to students. We hope to have lockers assigned to students before the first quarter is completed.
Thank you for your patience and understanding,
Colby Miller
North Central Middle School
North Central Junior High Registration Information 2024-2025
North Central Middle School Registration Check List
-ONLINE REGISTRATION (OLR), through Infinite Campus, is now open. OLR must be done each school year to ensure up to date contact and emergency information for each of your children in the district, as well as obtain permissions for computer use, video and picture postings etc. If you are unable to access your parent account through the Infinite Campus parent portal, please contact your student’s current school or the NCMS Guidance Secretary, Ashlie Benson, ( after August 1, 2024. Parents needing assistance with OLR may report to our Library on August 8th, between 8:30am and 2:30pm.
-ONLINE PAYMENT: Families will need to pay school fees through your MySchoolBucks account.
Required Fees: Textbook Rental Fee $80.00
Instrument Rental Fee $45.00
**(For Band/Orchestra students that rent instrument through the district)
The only exception to the fees are for students qualifying for free or reduced lunch. Families qualifying for reduced lunch will receive a 40% reduction of fees and will pay $45.00. Families qualifying for free lunch will have fees waived. The Fee Waiver form must be filled out during Online Registration to have fees reduced or waived.
NCJH PSTO $10.00 (any amount is appreciated)
-LUNCH ACCOUNTS: Money may be placed in your students lunch account through your account. ( ) If you have questions regarding this process, please contact the district’s food services department at 319-688-1021. Free and reduced meal applications are available on the ICCSD website under
-SCHEDULES: Students will be able to access their final schedule through their Infinite Campus account. Students must know their Infinite Campus Log In information to access schedules. Paper schedules will not be available this year. Students must access their schedule through Infinite Campus.
-STUDENT PHOTOS: Students will take the photo for their school ID and yearbook during the school day on Monday, August 26th. Pictures may be purchased online through Halverson Photography.
North Central General Information
-NEW TO DISTRICT REGISTRATION: Monday, August 5th between 8:30am - 4:00pm. Families new to the Iowa City Community School District may report to the NCMS Main Office to register for classes.
- STUDENT ORIENTATION: Thursday, August 22nd from 1:00pm - 2:45pm. Students will run through their schedule, meeting each of their teachers. Students should arrive by 12:45pm, as orientation begins promptly at 1:00pm. 6th and 7th graders report to in the upper gymnasium and 8th graders report to the lower gymnasium. Orientation is for students only. Parents should drop students off and return at 2:45pm to pick students up.
-6th & 7th Grade/New to District PARENT Orientation: Tuesday, August 20th beginning at 6:00pm. 6th/7th grade and New to District parent orientation will take place in the Lower Gym. The following administrators and staff members will be present: Colby Miller, Principal; Karrie Merriweather, Assistant Principal; Reagan Boeset, Assistant Principal; Carly Walrod, Dean of Students/Athletic Director; Ben Brenneman, and Tim Sturgell, Guidance Counselors; Jennifer McGowan, Student and Family Advocate. They will be available to answer questions or address concerns parents may have. (This is very similar to the meeting you would have attended in the spring when your child was registering for classes.)
-School Supply Lists: Please visit our website at for the school supply lists.
-Bus Assignments: The Transportation Department will inform the parent/guardian when school bus route information is ready to view in Infinite Campus prior to the beginning of the school year. If you believe your 6th or 7th grade student is bus eligible for the 2024-25 school year and have not yet completed the Bus Application, please complete the form and return via email to 8th grade students do not have to fill out the application if they were bus eligible in 7th grade, unless there is an address change. You can find the form on the ICCSD website at:
ALL questions regarding eligibility and actual bus assignments should be directed to Esme Davis at the Educational Services Center at 319-688-1187.
NCMS Student Schedules
Schedules are available to be viewed in Infinite Campus starting August 1st on the parent and student portal. Click here to learn more about how to login to Infinite Campus as a parent. Click here to learn more about how to login to Infinite Campus as a student. If you notice an error on your student’s schedule, please call or email the office. 688-1210 or or
We are NOT able to accommodate requests to change teachers, periods or lunch shifts due to scheduling constraints and full classes. This includes requests to change an 8th period class due to concerns about absences related to athletics. Thank you for understanding.
**If you do not see a lunch on your student’s schedule, that will be added soon.**
Please note that incoming 6th grade students will not be eligible to make schedule changes to their music selections once the school year begins as the 6th grade courses are aligned with the music course that they have selected. Please also be aware that when you and or your student logs into their Infinite Campus account to view their schedule, it will show quarters and hexes at the top of the page. All 6th graders’ quarter schedules will show a missing class period at some point in their day. This class period can be found by clicking on the hexes term. Please see the screenshots in this document for further information regarding hexes and quarters as well as information regarding A/B days, lunches, and the bell schedule.
Please note that incoming 7th/8th grade students were placed into as many elective courses as possible that were chosen in February. If a student did not select enough electives, then they would have been assigned to open electives. Students should not have more than one study hall, every other day, opposite PE.
Not sure what your student should have on their schedule?
List of classes required for 6th graders
List of classes required for 7th graders
List of classes required for 8th graders
For a description of classes, please see the program of studies linked below:
3 (D) ring Binders for North Central Students!
The most important item on the student supply list is the 3 ring binder:
- 2 Inch Binder (D ring) White for 6th Grade: Link to Binder
- 2 Inch Binder (D ring) Black for 7th Grade: Link to Binder
- 2 Inch Binder (D ring) Grey for 8th Grade: Link to Binder
We use these binders and focus heavily on one of our AVID strategies (organization) and students will use their binder to organize all of their classes and material. We organize the binders weekly and use them daily.
North Central Athletics
North Central Athletics will be using the GoBound Platform for all 7th and 8th grade athletic registrations.
6th grade will be offered intramurals at a later date. More information will be sent out regarding that after school has begun.
7th and 8th grade families, please use this site to upload your current physical, acknowledge the permission to practice and register for sports. By uploading the appropriate documents, you do NOT need to turn in any physical copies. (Upload current physical. You do NOT need to upload a permission to practice: please sign and date that you have read through it)
Below, you will find a link to the NCMS GoBound site and a link to an informational document. This will be the recommended way to submit documents and sign up for sports. If you need any support in doing this, please contact Kandi Barber, Athletic Secretary ( or Carly Walrod, Athletic Director (
NCJH GoBound site:
GoBound Information Doc:
North Central Administration and Guidance Team
Mr. Miller- Principal
I love the community and families that I get to serve here in the ICCSD. I am passionate about providing our students with the best experience possible. I, along with my outstanding staff look forward to serving our students, parents and community for the 2024-2025 school year.
Mrs. Merriweather- Assistant Principal
My name is Karrie Merriweather and this is my 10th year at North Central. This will be my 15th year as a school administrator and my 30th as an educator. Personally, my husband EJ and I have two kids; John (24), and Morgan (22). We share our house with 3 rescue dogs: Ramen, Coco and Deuce. When I am not at North Central, I can be found reading a book or playing with the dogs.
One thing I know for sure is that our students, families and staff make North Central a great place to learn!
Mrs. Boeset- Assistant Principal
My name is Reagan Boeset and I am so excited to be joining the North Central Team! The 24-25 school year marks 20 years in education. Most recently, I served as the proud Principal of Hills Elementary School for 3 years. Prior to this role, I taught Science and STEM at Clear Creek Amana Middle School in Tiffin Iowa. My husband, Nick is a PE teacher at CCA where our two children Beckett 15 and Harper 13 attend school. Between his coaching and their sports, I can typically be found in the bleachers watching some sporting event. When not at sporting events, we enjoy, well, we are always at sporting events right now… I am eager to be on the team here at North Central Middle School and look forward to being a part of the awesome work being done. Please reach out with any questions you may have or just to introduce yourself.
Mrs. Walrod- Dean of Students/Athletic Director
Hello North central families! I am Carly Walrod, Dean of Students/Athletic Director. This will be my third year in administration, 8th year at North Central and 12th year in education. Previously to North Central, I taught PE at the secondary levels in Illinois, Tennessee, and Iowa. My husband, Zach and I have three children, Colt, Remington, Sauer.
I am grateful for the opportunity to begin this new school year at North Central; I look forward to getting to know all of our students and families this year. Go Lightning!
Mr. Sturgell- Guidance Counselor
Mr. Brenneman
My name is Ben Brenneman and I am entering my 1st year as school counselor at North Central Middle School. I am entering my 8th year in education where I spent my first 4 years as a paraeducator and the past 3 years as the Engagement Strategist & Interventionist, all at North Central. In my free time I enjoy golfing, disc golfing, fishing, and spending time with my dog Maggie. I am an avid fan of the Chicago Cubs and Bears and I enjoy listening to country music.
I have enjoyed getting to serve the community and families of North Central and look forward to another great year.
Mrs. McGowan- Student Family Advocate
If your student will be absent for any reason, please make sure you notify the NCMS Main Office (319-688-1210 or via email at by 9:00am on the day of the absence. Emailing teachers does not excuse the absence. If your student needs to leave early, please notify the main office and a pass will be given to your student to leave class early. Students must check out in the main office before exiting the building.
Student DROP OFF
Students are not allowed access to the building before 8:30am. Students wanting to meet with teachers, must get permission from the teacher prior to the meeting, to be let in to the building before 8:30am. The office will not allow students in to the building before that time unless notification from the teacher has been given to the main office. Students will not be allowed up to meet with teachers before 8:15am unless that has also been clearly communicated with office staff.
Cell Phone/Personal Technology Policy & Confiscation Procedures
Cell phones: Students may use cell phones during passing time and at lunch while school is in session. All phones must be put away, and ringers silenced before entering the classroom. Phones in use or view during class time may be confiscated by staff (this includes using phones to listen to music). Students who refuse to comply will be subject to additional school consequences. Additionally, students are not allowed to have headphones/earbuds on or in their ears during class. At North Central Middle School the following steps will be used to enforce the policy:
1. At the beginning of class all teachers/staff will say “secure your phones”
2. Students should have their phones put away and out of sight.
3. If the phone is out or being used, the teacher will confiscate the phone and deliver it to the main office where it will be secured until the end of the day.
4. If a student is refusing to give up his/her cell phone a counselor or administrator will be called and escort the student to the office where the phone will be secured.
5. If a student’s cell phone/device is confiscated three (3) different times, it will be held at school until a guardian comes to school to pick it up. A conference will be requested with student/guardian/admin to discuss possible solutions and/or additional consequences such as:
a. Multiple-day cell/device detention;
b. Trimester long cell/device detention;
c. Yearlong cell/device detentionStudent Handbook
North Central Junior High Fundraiser
North Central Middle School
Location: 180 East Forevergreen Road, North Liberty, IA, USA
Phone: 319-688-1210
X/Twitter: @NCMSlightning
Non-Discrimination Policy
It is the policy of the Iowa City Community School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, creed, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity and socioeconomic status in its educational programs, activities, or employment practices. There is a grievance procedure for processing complaints of discrimination. If you have questions or a grievance related to this policy, please contact Eric Howard, Director of Equity & Employee Relations, 1725 N. Dodge St., Iowa City, IA 52245, (319) 688-1000,