The Titan Times: Week 4
The River Place Elementary (RPE) Campus Newsletter
School Starts TOMORROW!
Titan Families,
Last night, our Titan educators were able to welcome our Titan families at our Open House. Many thanks to those of you who were able to come out. We look forward to launching the school year officially tomorrow.
Yes, it's here! Our first day of school is Wednesday, August 14th! Remember, school doors open at 7:10 AM and school starts at 7:30 AM. Here is a read aloud from Ms. Olmstead and me for your Titan(s). We read "The Night Baafore the First Day of School" by Dawn Young and illustrated by Pablo Pino. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did making it.
Should you have any questions leading into the school year, please feel free to call our campus, and Ms. Melynda, our wonderful receptionist, will be more than happy to support you as she can.
Take care and lead well,
Dr. Amy Sharp
Proud RPE Principal
#RPETitan Community News
- 14th: First Day of School! All families are welcome to walk their Titan(s) to their classroom
- 15th- 16th: Only Kinder Titan families can walk their Titan(s) to their kinder classroom
- 29th: 4th and 5th Grade Curriculum Night (See Flyer Below)
- 2nd: Labor Day- No School
- 3rd:
- Families can start to join their Titan(s) at lunch time if they wish to do so
- 2nd and 3rd Grade Curriculum Night (See Flyer Below)
- 5th: Kindergarten and 1st Grade Curriculum Night (See Flyer Below)
- 13th: Grandparents Day Lunch (Save the Date)
Curriculum Night for Grades 4 & 5 is August 29th at 5:30 PM
Curriculum Night for Grades 2 & 3 is Sept. 3rd at 5:30 PM
Curriculum Night for Kindergarten & 1st Grade is Sept. 5th at 5:30 PM
Titan Communication & Celebration
Check out how we shine each day through dress and communication.
School Dismissal Manager (SDM)
**SDM initial email was sent on Monday, August 12, 2024!
**You will NEED to log in and set up your child's PERMANENT MODE OF TRANSPORTATION on AUGUST 15th (BEFORE THE 1ST DAY OF SCHOOL)
Setting Up School Dismissal Manager:
Step 1: On August 12th, you should have receive an email about the School Dismissal Manager (SDM) system that RPE uses to support our campus dismiss process. PLEASE check your junk mail/spam folder by searching School Dismissal Manager. You will find your log in credentials at the top of the email and you will be prompted to set up a password for your account. Next, you will set your child’s dismissal information. If you are having trouble, please reach out to Melynda Ambriz at melynda.ambriz@leanderisd.org
Step 2: Please download the School Dismissal Manager App or save the School Dismissal Manager website, on your phone or your computer, so you can always have it handy.
**If you already have the app, from last year, when you open the application, it will prompt your to update your version. It is very easy to do so! This application is a one stop shop where you can set your child’s permanent mode of transportation and also make changes as needed to their dismissal selection. The application will be used by families who wish to make a transportation change for their child. Please note that all transportation changes must be made in the system by 1:30 PM on normal school days.
Step 3: If your child is a car rider, you will need to fill out a Car Tag. We will have Car Tags available on the 1st day of school at the front office and in the car rider line. You will need to show your card tag in the pick up line each day.
You should include the following information:
- First and Last name of student(s) (if you have multiple students please list all names)
- Student grade level and teacher's name
SDM website: https://www.schooldismissalmanager.com/mobile/login.html
- Login: parent email address
- Password: sent in original SDM email, then parent will be forced to re-set new password
Car Rider Drop Off & Pick Up Information
Please remember that the street in front of our school becomes ONE WAY during arrival (7:05 - 8:00am) & dismissal times (2:20-3:00pm). During this time the traffic in front of our school on Sitio Del Rio Blvd should flow one way ONLY--traffic entering from River Place Blvd. and driving towards FM 2222. If parking in the parking lot in front of our school for drop off or pick up during these times, you should follow the flow of traffic, making a LEFT turn as you exit the parking area.
Car Rider Dismissal Update
In order to speed up the line and distance students more effectively, we have a 2-lane pick-up system.
- Kinder - 2nd (and families who have a K-2 student and a 3-5 student) Enter car rider via River Place Blvd & stay in the left lane. These children will be picked up under the awning. If they have a sibling in an older grade, the older sibling will also get picked up here. After pick up, they will turn left and exit out the back of the school. A staff member will be posted to help you merge.
- 3rd - 5th Graders Enter car rider via Sitio Del Rio & stay in the right lane. Your students will be picked up on the field side of the blacktop (passenger side of the car). You will then continue straight and exit out the back of the school.
This allows for a smooth process. Again, staff members will be placed along the route directing and helping merge as well.
Bus Information
Bus Registration:
- For the 2024-25 school year, all eligible riders (general and special) who will use transportation will be required to Register to Ride the bus.
- Parents of newly enrolled students, need to receive their student's ID# from the campus registrar before Registering to Ride the bus.
- Next Steps:
- Check eligibility below.
- If eligible, complete the appropriate form to register.
- Check the SMARTtag Student Ridership Parent Portal on Monday, August 12th for route information.
Instructions for registering for bus rider/finding bus numbers:
- Scroll down and click on BUS INFORMATION
- Scroll down and click on CHECK BUS ELIGIBILITY
- Enter your address and information, click search and that will give you bus number and times.
- SMARTtag Parent App has now replaced the SMARTtag Student Ridership Parent Portal. This mobile app lets you keep track of your student's bus-riding activity and receive SMART Alerts on the go. Download the App today!
For additional information, please visit the LISD Transportation Website.
Smart Tag Badges
The only Smart tag badges that the district will be printing will be for PreK, Kinder, and new students to the district. Parents are advised to go to our Transportation Website to fill out a request for a badge. That link will take you to bus information, scroll down and choose the Smart Tag Help button for assistance.
A note to Titan Families About Lunch Accounts
Dear Parents,
We've teamed up with MySchoolBucks, an online service where you can easily and securely pay for school meals using a credit/debit card or electronic check. Previous positive account balances will transfer automatically from Titan/Linq to
Using MySchoolBucks you can:
• Add funds to your student's meal account
• View meal balances & cafeteria purchases
• Receive low balance alerts
Get started in 4 easy steps:
1. Download the mobile app or visit myschoolbucks.com
2. Create your free account
3. Add your student
4. Add funds to your student's meal account
If you have any questions about getting started with MySchoolBucks call (855) 832-5226.
Thank you,
Leander ISD
Child Nutrition
Further Information on Accounts from CNS
Links for CNS
Cost for Lunch
Nurse's Nook
Medication Drop Off Times
Nurse Rushing will be in the clinic Tuesday 8/13/24 from 7 am to 9:15 as well as throughout
the week starting at 7:10 am for all families planning to bring in medication and documentation.
If you are planning to stop by today after 3:15 PM, please send her an email as she needs to be
near the main hallway doors for after hour drop off times. If these times do not work out for your
family, don't hesitate to reach out to schedule a time.. Her email address is
Please make sure you access the necessary forms on the Leander ISD Health Services page for
your child to receive medications while they are at school. If you have questions or need
assistance don’t hesitate to call or email Nurse Rushing (512) 570-6928
Counselor's Corner
Join PTA TODAY because increasing our membership, even by one, makes it possible to:
- Get funds to teachers to supplement classroom needs.
- Connect with teachers, parents, and administration to voice needs for our school and our Titans.
- Fund library technology, guest speakers, playground equipment.
- Help plan community activities such as Fall Fest, Apex Fun Run, Book Fair, Mentoring
- programs, Field Day, Career Day & STEAM Night.
- Support Teacher and Staff Appreciation.
Myths Debunked!
- PTA does NOT require mandatory meetings or volunteer hours.
- PTA is NOT just for stay-at-home parents or for those who want to take on a large leadership role.
PTA is-
- for ANYONE who wants to be a bit more connected to teachers, principals and the Titan community. In sum, there is no wrong or right way to be in PTA!
- something that takes 5 minutes to join and if you join now your $10 membership will enter you in a monthly raffle for gift cards, free water bottles, and MORE!
- easy to join! ----------> https://riverplacepta.membershiptoolkit.com
FOR AUGUST membership sign ups I will have TWO raffles (gift cards, Titan Shirts or water bottles) If you sign up by 8/14 you will be entered in BOTH raffles.
Leander ISD #1LISD Community News
District Advisory Committees for 24-25 Application
Leander ISD invites our community to support our students and teachers by volunteering on a district-wide or campus-based committee. To apply for one of the district advisory listed below, please complete the application by 5 p.m. Friday, Aug. 23.
River Place Elementary Titan Community
Here are our Titan Community Communication Tools-
- River Place Elementary School Website
- Twitter Account
- PTA Facebook Page
- Remind App for River Place Insiders
Email: ContactTeacher@leanderisd.org
Website: https://riverplace.leanderisd.org/
Location: 6500 Sitio Del Rio Blvd, Austin, TX 78730, USA
Phone: 512-570-6911
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RiverPlaceElementaryPTA/
Twitter: @RiverPlaceTitan