It's almost that time!

Looking Ahead
First, and most importantly, I just want to wish everyone in our community and beyond, a joyful and happy All Saints Day. As Catholics, we recognize today as a solemnity, which means that it is considered one of the most important feasts of the liturgical calendar. It's also a holy day of obligation. I remember as a student at All Saints School, here in northeast Portland, we misunderstood, though joyfully, that it was "our day," by way of the name of the day. Fortunately my understanding has changed in the last 30 years, but I'd like to believe that All Saints Day still is our feast day, but that it belongs to all of the saints, and thus to all of us. It is for St. Therese, and St. Martin de Porres, and St. Joseph, St. Catherine, and all the thousands of other saints and martyrs. Saints are our best examples of how to live and serve God, so it is reason to celebrate, whether you feel a connection to one saint or another. May we all follow the examples of the saints before us, as we strive to be more like them.
We finished up conferences today and there was positive feedback from teachers, parents and even a few students. Middle school students worked on their own reflections and were integral in the process of debriefing parents on strengths and weaknesses, victories and struggles so far in trimester 1. Parent feedback was positive on the format, and I speak for many of our teachers, and as a parent, in acknowledging the value in students doing their own reflections.
Less joyous than celebration of our saints, and perhaps less informative than parent teacher conferences, I want to touch on the elephant (or donkey) in the room, which is national politics and the upcoming elections. This conversation began in August when Father Gabriele and I attended a meeting with Archbishop Sample and the Office for the Mission of Catholic Education, for principals and pastors.
In alliance and guided by local Catholic leadership, Father Gabriele and I would like to offer this slide deck for your reference. Truth be told, national politics has not been a topic of discussion on our campus. Father Gabriele and I have had meetings with teachers and staff, and so far, no news is good news. We can tend to forget how much is already on the plates of young people. By and large, they just want to get to school on time, have a good day with their friends, turn in their homework, and make it to sports practice or other extracurriculars, in hopes of some free time. Growing up is hard, and when the only constant is change, we want to support our students and ensure that they feel safe and cared for at school.
It is in that spirit of concern for our students that we decided that in this election cycle, we need not open the proverbial can of worms that is politics, and present it to St. Therese students. Most of us adults would prefer to avoid the topic altogether at Thanksgiving dinner. In the same vein don't want to invite the divisive, vitriolic rhetoric onto our campus and expect young people to make sense of it. Catholic high schools have to make different decisions as they have students who are of voting age, and close to it, but for our students from 4 to 14, we'd just assume keep them focused on the things we want them to participate in, not to borrow anxiety about a civic process in which they cannot yet engage.
Thank you for understanding that our intentions are to maintain an atmosphere of of respect, love and inclusivity in our school. We do not wish to censor our students. We do want to teach our students to be critical thinkers, who understand the challenges that face our nation and our world. We will continue to do so, but with prudence and intention in selecting those discussion points.
Regarding the presidential election, in very simple terms, "we're just not going there." However, we remain committed to our students' well-being and we will always listen to them. Things may come up next week with our older students because of their awareness of the looming election and results, discussions at home, etc., and I wanted you to have our playbook, just in case.
As always reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns.
In Christ the Teacher,
Principal Schoning
Come Support the St. Therese Volleyball Girls!! Wear Red!! It's a Red Out!!
Musical Notes
Christmas Children's Choir
St. Therese Church is looking to form a Children’s Choir for the Christmas Day 10AM Mass. No prior experience necessary, ages 6-12 preferred but exceptions can be made on a case-by-case basis. There will be an optional rehearsal on Friday, December 20 at 4PM, and a rehearsal on Christmas Day, December 25th from 9-9:40AM. Please reach out to Emily Bavaro at ebavaro@archdpdx.org or in person at Mass to sign up.
Thank you!!
Emily Bavaro
Director of Music
St. Therese Church and School
Pass the Pumpkin in Music Class, How Fun!
Picture Day is November 5th!!
Order forms have been sent home with your student! Order forms are due with payment day of the pictures. You can also order online!
Athlete's Foot
Sign up for Basketball Now!!
We need 8 Players per team minimum. Tell your friends!
We are excited to announce that St Therese basketball registrations are now open on the CYO Camp Howard website. You can access the information here: https://cyocamphoward.org/content/16527/ST-Basketball
Beginning Wednesday October 9th we will be offering OPEN GYMS for 5th - 8th grade on Wednesday nights from 6-8pm. These will be managed by Coaches Avery Robinson and Trey Harry who coached the 6/7 Boys team last year.
This is free and open to all interested athletes. Students outside of St Therese are welcome to attend! You will be required to sign a waiver for your student the first time your student participates.
Here are some important dates and information for the upcoming season:
- Registration Fees: Players are $275 per person (scholarships are available through CYO) if you register before 10/31
- Season Schedule: Practices will begin in November most likely, the first games are not until January
- Volunteer Opt-Out: There is a $50 opt-out fee if parents do not want to volunteer
- Coaches: We are seeking all interested coaches and volunteers, please contact our Athletics Department at: athletics@stthereseschool.org
- Fees: Fees cover the cost of tournaments (pre-season jamboree, and end of the season tournament)
- Home Games: We are hosting home games, we will have that volunteer schedule -- WE NEED PARENTS TO VOLUNTEER AND SUPPORT THE GYM, A SIGN UP LINK WILL BE AVAILABLE BEFORE THE SEASON
We are really trying to make a push, please spread the word and encourage students to come out. We have some GREAT coaches and are continuing to find more. With an early start on the season we should see some great turnout.
Please let us know if you have questions!
Dates to Know
- 11/05 School Picture Day
- 11/11 No School in honor of Veteran's Day
- 11/22 Last Friday of the Month: Free Dress
- 11/27 1/2 day, with noon dismissal.
- 11/27 School mass changed to 8:30 a.m. Join us!
- 12/9 School mass at 1:15, Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Recurring Events
- Vietnamese classes. Beginners' class: 3:30 - 4:15, Intermediate class: 4:15 - 5:00
- School mass: 1:15 - 2:15 (subject to change based on holy days of obligation, feast days etc.)
- Sacraments classes with Sister Martina: 2:45 - 3:45 in the PSC.
- Open Gym Time, 6 - 8 pm. St. Therese Students from Grades 3 - 8 are all welcome! Free!
Christmas Ornament Ordering Info
Hard to believe that we're already closer to the Christmas season, than not!
Last year Mr. Rymer showed his students the new Glowforge laser cutter, which he got for the school through a grant. By showing the kids the hardware, Mr. Rymer and the kids came up with the idea of making Christmas ornaments for their families. In doing so, the students are learning about engineering, design, and production. They are handmade by the students, with Mr. Rymer's guidance.
Post-pandemic, the prices of materials have gone up significantly and Mr. Rymer uses Baltic birch for these, which isn't cheap. It's a great way to get a custom made keepsake for loved ones and support the school at the same time. The price is $30 per ornament, or $50 for two ornaments.
Please see the links for a video with more information from Mr. Rymer, and the order form.
Catholic High School Open House Season
High School Open House season is here! All 8th grade families interested in Catholic High School should visit each Open House for more information! It's also time to start those High School applications. Students can create accounts and begin Shadow Days!
A Message from La Salle Prep
Open House
Sunday, November 3 from 1-4 PM
Join us for the biggest admissions event of the year!
- Discover the La Salle difference when you meet our students, teachers, and community members.
- Explore campus with a student Ambassador. Last tour departs at 3:30 PM.
- Connect with coaches and athletes in our renovated Saalfeld Athletic Center.
- Get answers to all your questions—admissions, financial aid, academics, student life, and more!
RSVP in advance to expedite check-in. Click here to RSVP.
Kelsey Hui
Director of Admissions
La Salle Catholic College Preparatory
11999 SE Fuller Rd. | Milwaukie, OR 97222
503.353.1413 | lsprep.org
As always, please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Registrar/Office Mrs. Barnett, barnetta@stthereseschool.org
Principal Schoning schoningc@stthereseschool.org
Vice Principal Baumbach cbaumbach@stthereseschool.org
School Phone: 503-253-9400