PaTTAN BVI Newsletter
October 2022
Table of Contents
- In the News
- It's That Time of Year
- PaTTAN's Desk
- On the Horizon
- Leisurely Learning
In the News
Teaching Braille? Try Out These Two Great Resources!
Braille Bites is a series of early literacy activities for blind and low vision learners presented as easy-to-follow recipes by TVIs. Episodes typically run 5 min. or less. They can be found on YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok! @prcvi_arcbc
- Introduction
Episode 1 - Paper Growth Chart
Episode 2 - Colouring Screen Board
Episode 3 - Magnet Fishing Game
Episode 4 - Magic Bag
Episode 5 - Tactile Sorting Game
Episode 6 - Early Tracking Stories
APH has launched Braille Refresher Questions, a weekly email inviting you to answer a multiple-choice question on a particular aspect of the braille code. They are topical and designed to keep your knowledge of braille sharp. These no-stakes Braille Refreshers are for fun; they are in no way a “test."
- Weekly
- Multiple choice
- Immediate feedback
- Anonymous
- Great for TVIs and students
To subscribe to these emails at any time, please send your name and braille-related title to BrailleImprovement@aph.org.
Seedlings Free Braille Book Program for TVIs (TVIP22)
Teachers of Visually Impaired Students in the U.S. may order 4 FREE braille books through our TVIP program today!
How to order:
Order your 4 free 1-volume books online (no multi-volume books please)!
Use the code TVIP22 as your 'Purchase Order number' so you won't be asked to pay.
In the Check Out Information, please include your school name & address for our records. You may enter your home address in the 'Send to' information so the books don't go to empty school buildings.
Please understand that by ordering these free books, you are agreeing to be on our email list for our quarterly newsletters & other updates.
Braille on Demand
Online Survey: Tactile AAC Selection for Students with Visual Impairments
It's that Time of Year
Camp Abilities PA at West Chester University - Fall Wellness Day
When: November 12, 2022 9am-5pm
Where: West Chester University, West Chester, PA
Typical Wellness Day Activities include:
- Strength Training
- Hiking
- Lawn Games
- Lacrosse
- Nutrition Education
- Wellness Lessons
Call for Papers for the 2023 Penn-Del AER Conference
Penn-Del AER invites you to submit a call for presentations, a call for posters, and/or register to be an exhibitor. We encourage all visual impairment education professionals to share their expertise by presenting their fresh ideas, innovative insights, successful programs, or research results at this well-respected annual event.
Call for Presentations: PDF Doc
Deadline Date: December 1, 2022
From PaTTAN's Desk
Goodmaps at PaTTAN Central
PaTTAN BVI Family Consultant Position
- Be responsible for assisting and providing leadership in communication with families and educators on improving services to students who are blind or visually impaired.
- Design and develop family engagement training materials and resources in collaboration with educational consultants and other family support specialists that will be used across statewide BSE/PaTTAN initiative areas.
- Provide training and technical assistance and professional development to families and educational professionals.
- Work collaboratively with statewide family organizations.
*Please pass this information on to any family member of students with visual impairments you believe would be great in this position!
On the Horizon
Virtual Discussions Meetings
Come together with various professionals in the field of supporting students with visual impairments. This series is designed to support professionals in their daily practice. This discussion series will tackle various barriers that teachers may face as itinerant teachers and identify potential solutions to these barriers. New teachers and veteran teachers are welcome to attend to share their solutions, experiences, and relevant resources with their colleagues from across the Commonwealth.
- October 12, 2022: Starting the School Year Right!
- December 8, 2022: Progress Monitoring and Data Tracking
- February 2, 2023: TVI and O&M Time: Assistive Technology
April 12, 2023: TVI and O&M Time: Educational Team Collaboration
Location & Time: Virtual; 3:00pm – 4:00pm
Registration is open through the PaTTAN Calendar.
Registration Code: email Greg Gerhart (ggerhart@pattan.net)
HELIX 2022
- November 14-16, 2022 - State College, PA
- Hybrid Conference
- NEW! Poster Session & Exhibit hall
- Learn More!
BVI Strand:
Monday, November 14, 2022
- 1:00-2:30 pm -- The Connection Between Learning Theory and Student Progress: Reducing Barriers to Success - Leslie Thatcher
- 2:45-4:15 pm -- Executive Functioning: Foundational Skills for the Educator (and Student ) - Leslie Thatcher
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
- 8:00-9:15 am -- Literacy for Phase I and Early Phase II Students with CVI - Diane Sheline
- 12:45-2:45 pm -- Literacy for Late Phase II and Phase III Students with CVI - Diane Sheline
- 3:00-5:00 pm -- The LMA for Students with CVI - - Diane Sheline
- 8:00-10:00 am -- 21st Rigorous Expanded Core - Robin Clark
- 10:15-12:15 pm -- VT and TVI: The Difference is More Than Just the “I” - Kerry Lueders, Elise Ciner
Leisurely Learning
APH Offerings
The APH ConnectCenter includes FamilyConnect, CareerConnect, and VisionAware – a hub of websites that offer curated advice and resources to assist children, parents, adults, job seekers who are blind or visually impaired, and their associated professionals, leading to greater independence and success in their lives.
APH is also hosting many live events, including a focus on transition. Visit the APH Connect Event page to register for live online learning opportunities and earn ACVREP credits.
AER eLearning
Perkins eLearning
- Daily Living
- Recreation
- Braille
- Adjusting to vision loss
- Technology
- Vision loss
Sign Up for Access to our Google Drives
Sign up for Access Today!
PaTTAN East - 333 Technology Drive Malvern, PA 19355
- Jenifer Edgar - jedgar@pattan.net
- Greg Gerhart - ggerhart@pattan.net
- Greg Lazur - glazur@pattan.net