Principal's Pen August 1, 2024
Volume 10: Issue 1
Principal’s Message
Dear Cavett Families,
I am thrilled to welcome you all back to another year of learning at Cavett. Thank you for choosing Cavett for your child's education. To our returning families, we appreciate your continued trust, allowing us another year to learn, grow, and build positive relationships with your child.
This year promises to be exciting with new projects, new community members, new challenges, and new celebrations. Please review the important information in this newsletter. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the front office at 520-225-1300.
Enjoy the rest of your summer, and I look forward to seeing you at our Meet the Teacher Event on July 31st from 2:00 to 3:00 PM.
Warm regards,
Carol Leeson
Carol Leeson, M. Ed. Principal
Upcoming events:
July 26th - Kindergarten Round Up 8:30 till 11:00 am
July 31st - Meet the Teacher 2:00-3:00 pmAug 1st - First day of School (School Starts 8:20 am)
Aug 14th - Welcome Back Night @ Peter Piper Fundraiser 5 - 8
Aug 16th - Coffee with Counselor - Child Anxiety
Aug 29th - The Ned Show Mindset Assembly
Join us on the Cavett Facebook Page
Teacher Assignments
Teacher assignments can be found on your Parent Vue account on Tuesday, July 30th and will be posted in the courtyard. You can call the office if you need assistance setting up a ParentVUE account. Please understand that all classroom rosters have been carefully created by a team of Cavett teachers and staff who know their students’ dynamics well.
Please use the link below for more information on setting up and using a ParentVUE app
ParentVUE YouTube video youtu.be/K3CfDEDZV3s
Thank you Voters!
Cavett has received all new Air Conditioning Units and a New Marquee that will be up and running soon!
Tucson Unified School District (TUSD) is excited to announce the commencement of the $480 million school bond program, approved by voters in November 2023. Visit the Bond Book to view the original proposal or visit the Summary Page to view the breakdown of projects by categories. The first projects, set to be completed in the fall 2024, are aimed at enhancing educational infrastructure across the district. Many details may be obtained by exploring the Dashboard on this page. Photos and Videos of project progress can be viewed on our Gallery Page.
Daily Attendance
School attendance is a powerful predictor of your child's outcomes in school. According to the US Department of Education, irregular attendance can be a better predictore of whether a student will drop out of school before graduation than test scores. Your child's success in school is a direct result of their attendance at school each day.
We are in this together for the success of your child. It is extremely important to your child’s growth that they are in school every single day and on time to be successful. Missing 30 minutes per day equals 2 1/2 hours per week and 10 hours of learning per month; that is nearly 2 days of missed learning. Research shows that missing more than 8 days of school can cause significant gaps in a student’s education.
Please try to schedule appointments or family outings around the school schedule. Should the need arise, you can call in your child’s absence for sickness into the front office.
- Visitors/Volunteers are permitted on campus. Sign in at the office.
- School Hours:
- Start: 8:20 am (first bell), 8:25 am (second bell), breakfast starts at 8:00 am.
- Dismissal 2:40 pm (Wednesday, 1:40 pm)
- If you are dropping off your student, please make sure you drop them off at the designated drop-off in the front of the school. This is a “No Parking Zone”
- If you would like to walk your child to class, please park in the main parking lot and walk your child to the classroom.
- For parent pickup at dismissal: A valet system will take place in front of the school. Please stay in your car and keep the line moving (do not park and get down).
- For walking parents or parents parked in the main parking lot to pick up your students, come to the school's front and speak to a staff member.
Bus and walking students will be dismissed to the front of the school.
We do not sign children out of school after 2:30 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and after 1:30 PM on Wednesday.
Counselor's Corner
All families are welcome to come discuss important topics about our students’ emotional and social needs. Handouts and refreshments will be provided!
August, Friday the 16th at 1:45pm October Anxiety In Children Topics discussed will include: •Tips for parents •What to say and not say to an anxious child •Strategies to help children cope with anxiety
September, Friday the 20th at 1:45pm October, Friday the 18th at 1:45pm Discipline Strategies Topics discussed will include: •Ways to proactively encourage positive behavior •Establishing consequences •Addressing misbehavior in the moment.
October, Friday the 18th at 1:45pm Confidence & Self-Esteem Topics discussed will include: •Setting a culture of confidence •Helping children work through struggles •Daily strategies for confidence building
Volunteers and Vistors
We welcome your support! If you are interested in volunteering in your child's classroom or throughout our campus, please contact our office manager, Ms. Quintana, to learn how you can volunteer.
The safety of our Eagles and our Staff is our upmost concern, please sign-in at the front office anytime you are on campus.
Breakfast and Lunch
School lunch and breakfast are now free to all students! We do ask that you still complete all forms necessary in synergy while registering your child, as your responses help us with our school funding. Please pay specific attention to the Title One and Free/ Reduced lunch forms while you complete your registration.
We will have a daily snack time to support our students' minds and bodies. Snacks can be brought from home; however, we are asking students bring only "healthy" snacks, and please not to share anything with others as a health precaution. Donations of snacks for the entire class at the beginning of each month are greatly appreciated. Please only bring individually packaged snacks.
Healthy snack suggestions include:
- Pretzels
- Cheese sticks
- Fruit snacks
- Popcorn
- Animal crackers
- Chocolate chip granola bar
- Goldfish
Health Office
If your child has allergies, medication that needs to be taken at school, or other health concerns, please contact our Health Assistant, Ms.Camila, at 520-225-1317.
Character Trait of the Month: Kindness Kick-Off
- Dear Family, We are excited to tell you that we will be using PurposeFull People this year, a program that teaches skills to help students be successful in school and in life. We believe that students should have safe, predictable places to learn where they feel included. Students should have healthy and helpful connections with teachers and classmates. They should also experience learning that will help them tackle challenges inside and outside of school. PurposeFull People is more than a set of lessons - it is a partnership between schools and families to create a place where students feel like they belong and learn skills that will help them be the best they can be! The path forward is full of growth! We cannot wait to partner with you in this work…
- ● To teach students how to build strong friendships
- ● To work together to solve problems, big and small
- ● To grow skills for life
- ● To become PurposeFull People
Kindness Overview:
Our world needs more Kindness! That’s why Kindness is how we are starting the school year. Our definition of Kindness is acting with understanding, generosity, and care. You’ll hear a lot about Kindness this year because it is also 1 of our 3 outcomes:
● Be Kind: Teaching social skills like listening, friendship, solving conflicts, and leadership.These skills are taught alongside Empathy, Respect, & Cooperation
● Be Strong: Skills that help students focus, stay organized, and set goals. These skills are taught alongside Responsibility, Courage, & Perseverance
● Be Well: Skills that help students handle their emotions and deal with stress. These skills are taught alongside Gratitude, Honesty, & Creativity
Conversation Starters:
What does Kindness mean to you?
What is something Kind you did for someone else today?
Dress for Success
Our Eagles are active throughout the day. It is important that they wear appropriate outdoor clothing and closed-toe shoes to fully participate in these activities.
Additionally, it may be beneficial to provide a change of clothes to keep in their cubby or backpack. This should include socks, underwear, a shirt, and pants appropriate for the current season, all labeled with your child’s name and placed in a Ziploc bag. If your child comes home with soiled clothes, kindly send a replacement set as soon as possible.
Cell Phones
We have seen a lot of usage of cell phones and air pods during the school day. Please remind your student that if they bring their phone, air pods, smart watches etc. they need to keep it in their pocket or backpack, and we are not responsible for items lost or stolen. Students are not allowed to use electronics during class, passing period, etc. Students seen using electronics without permission will have items confiscated. You may view the TUSD Policy here.
Candy, Gum, and Hot Chips
Please remember that gum and candy are never allowed at school or our afterschool KIDCO program. Additionally, hot chips (Takis, Hot Cheetos, etc.) are proven to cause stomach issues. We would like to promote healthy snacks for our community. We also want to keep our campus looking clean and beautiful; gum can get caught on people’s shoes, furniture, and playground equipment. We want to avoid these sticky situations at Cavett.
Toys from home
We want to make sure that we are paying attention in class and really enjoying our time with our amazing faculty and community. For that reason, we do not allow toys, Pokémon cards, stuffed animals, Legos, etc. to be brought from home and used on school grounds. These items can be a distraction in class and distract from our students’ learning. In addition, teachers may have specific reward days or a show-and-tell day where a child is allowed to bring something from home. During those special days, students should follow the teachers’ instructions and continue to leave the items in their backpacks until they have permission from the teacher to take them out. Cavett staff are not responsible for the loss of any items that are brought to school.