January 16, 2025
January 16, 2025

January 16, 2025
Good News, Recognitions & Announcements
- Essien Smith - FHS January Student of the Month
- Four Special Olympians headed to the state bowling competition
- Softball Coach Jeff Montgomery to be inducted into the Missouri High School Fastpitch Coaches Association Hall of Fame.
- Middle School STUCO students delivered letters to former elementary school teachers
- Fifth grade students learned about snakes from a Missouri Conservation warden.
- Elementary School Terrific Tigers.
- Early Childhood Center watermain break damage repaired.
Consent Agenda
The board unanimously passed the consent agenda. Items were:
- Regular session meeting minutes from November.
- December Financials
- January Ledger Subtotals
- Second (and Final) Reading MSBA Policy 2024D updates - BBBB, BDC, DFI, GCBA, IC, IGBD, IGCDA, JEA, JED, and JHDF
Communications and/or Reports
- Superintendent's Report
- Calendar committee met on Tuesday. Committee members are going to their buildings to solicit input from discussions. Hopeful to present a calendar for approval at the February meeting.
- Feb. 14 is a Professional Development day. It includes an all-staff lunch followed by break-out sessions in the afternoon.
- The 28th annual Cultural Diversity luncheon is Feb. 22 at the Corpus Christi Center in Imperial. The District will once again have several tables for staff and students.
- State of the County is Feb. 17 in the Northwest School District
- Kindergarten Registration will be Feb. 27 & 28 and April 10 & 11
- High school will hold its "High School and Beyond" event on March 19.
- Elections in April, August and November will be held in the Performing Arts Center once again.
- Enrollment is currently at 3507. Last year at this time it was 3446.
- Mid-Year Budget Report
48% of the revenue has been received. County money is just now starting to roll in.
44% of expenditures have been spent
Very happy with were we are with the budget right now.
- Investment Report
Fixed account 1 - Came due last week Earned $100,000 in interest in the past 6 months. had $3.7 million in the account. Just this month, was rolled into the fluid account.
Fixed account 2 - has $3.7 million in it. It will come due in July. Will likely be rolled into the fluid account at that time.
The total money invested was $10.9 million. It has earned $1.4 million in interest to date. This money will be used to complete the middle school and intermediate school projects. Feel really good about finishing all of the projects we have.
In December of 2025 will likely do another lease-purchase to get the money needed for the High School gym project.
- Early Childhood Annual Report
Prior & New Business
Facilities Report
3 companies submitted proposals to the Request for Qualifications for the demolition of the 2 houses near campus and the construction of a new Middle School parking lot on one of those properties. Interviews with the companies are next week. A recommendation is expected at the February meeting.
The Middle School expansion project has experienced 34 weather days. They hope to be under roof by the end of the month, but they need 9 days of temperatures of 40 or higher. They have projected a June 23 completion date.
Intermediate School expansion - the design of the project is nearly complete. Hope to go to bid in mid-February with bids due in mid to end of March. Ground breaking in April. It is a 9-12 month project.
Over the break, we continued with the camera upgrades across the District. Al buildings are now on the web-based system.
Website contract with Filament Essential Services expires on June 30. Recommend we switch website providers to ParentSquare. Recommend adopting the ParentSquare communications platform at the same time. ParentSquare purchased Remind 2 years ago and Remind will eventually go away. Approved the recommendation for ParentSquare for $24,209.70.