Brightwood Tiger Weekly News
2001 Brightwood School Rd Greensboro, NC 27405
Week of April 17 - April 21
Good Evening Brightwood Tigers,
This is Principal Stokes. Welcome to another great Game Changing Week! Please remember we welcome our Tigers into the building beginning at 7:05 am and the tardy bell rings at 7:25 am. Welcome back from Spring Break! All students are expected to return on Monday April 17. We are now in the fourth and final quarter for the 2022-2023 school year.
Tickets for our Father Daughter dance are on sale. We invite all fathers or male figures to come out and dance the night away at our Father and Daughter dance on Friday April 28 from 6 pm -8 pm at Brightwood Elementary School in the Multipurpose Room. Tickets are $15 for a father and daughter pair. If you have additional daughters’, the price will be an additional $3 per Brightwood daughter. All male figures are welcomed to attend this event. This event is for Brightwood students Only. Ticket are on sale daily; parents can purchase tickets Monday -Thursday in the front office from 7:00 am – 3:30 pm. Your child can purchase tickets during their lunch period and before school.
This week will have Spirit Week in celebration of Autism Acceptance Month, with Monday our Mix it Up Monday we will mismatch our attire. Please check our ClassDojo Story for the remaining Spirit Day gear.
Report cards went home prior to Spring Break. If you did not see your child’s report card, please contact your child’s teacher.
The Book Fair is here, all week. Students will have the opportunity to shop before school, afterschool and during their Specials time. They will not be allowed to visit the Book Fair without money. Please be sure to visit our school website, School Class Dojo story for links to purchase books for your child. If you set up an eWallet for your child, please make sure you make their teacher aware of the account so that they will be allowed to shop.
Attendance does matter, missing two days of school a month may not seem like much, but it can add up to a child being considered chronically absent. Frequent absences can have a negative impact on your child’s success in school.
All students are expected to wear their One Card to school daily. A new One Card cost five dollars each time it is lost, and a lanyard is three dollars.
Student devices are needed daily in school to help enhance the instruction that is happening in classes. Please make sure that your child brings his/her fully charged device and charger to school. We have a lot of testing that will be happening this week and students need their devices fully charged daily. All students will have testing this week.
We will have our Third Quarter Award’s Program on Friday during each grade level’s specials period. Student Invites will be sent home if they have not been sent already.
Parents please remember our safety protocols include that parents are not allowed to enter the building during our morning drop off and afternoon pick up times. We welcome you to contact the school and/or your child’s teacher to schedule 15-minute classroom visits and/or parent meetings during non-instructional times. We also ask that parents not drop off students in the bus parking lot, unless you have prior approval from me.
School dismissal will begin at 2:13, instruction ends at 2:10 pm. Please remember that you must have your government issued photo ID with you each time you need to pick your child up early for appointment and emergencies which must be before 1:45 pm. We ask that you limit picking your child up early because they are missing valuable instructional time when they are being picked up early multiple times. This is time we cannot get back.
We thank you so much for all that you do! Remember it is always a Great Day to Be a Brightwood Tiger! Have a wonderful evening remember to be amazing, because you are Amazing.
Love Always your Proud Principal,
Ms. LaTrice Stokes
About Us....
Our Vision
Brightwood is a community of 21st century learners who value the importance of education by consistently promoting mutual respect, personal responsibility, and high expectations.
Our Mission Statement
The Brightwood School Community will create a positive learning environment where individual needs are met through:
- Establishing and developing relationships using clear coherent expectations for students, parents, staff and community.
- Consistent implementation of Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS).
- Rigorous instruction focused on students' development of critical thinking, problem solving, information and technology skills, and collaboration.
- Progression towards highly functioning Professional Learning Communities (PLC).
Brightwood Creed
The Brightwood Creed sets the tone of the day for students and creates a focus for them. It will be recited by all students each morning during the morning announcements. While the creed is recited, all movement and talking throughout the building should cease, especially in the hallways.
As a Brightwood Tiger, I will show:
P - Personal Responsibility
R - Respect
I - Integrity
D - Determination
E - Excellence
I will be successful!
Contact Us
Class Dojo:
School Website:
Twitter: @BrightwoodES
Facebook: @BrightwoodElem
Students Return to School
Monday, Apr 17, 2023, 07:00 AM
2001 Brightwood School Road, Greensboro, NC, USA
Grade 4 ELA Interim
Students will need their devices.
Tuesday, Apr 18, 2023, 08:00 AM
2001 Brightwood School Road, Greensboro, NC, USA
K-2 NWEA Math
Students will need their devices. They will need to be charged.
Tuesday, Apr 18, 2023, 07:30 AM
2001 Brightwood School Road, Greensboro, NC, USA
Grade 5 Science Interim
Tuesday, Apr 18, 2023, 08:00 AM
2001 Brightwood School Road, Greensboro, NC, USA
NWEA 3-5 Math
Wednesday, Apr 19, 2023, 08:00 AM
2001 Brightwood School Road, Greensboro, NC, USA
Third Quarter Award's Program
8:00 am – 8:40 am Fifth
8:55 am – 9:35 am Fourth
9:50 am – 10:30 am First
10:45 am – 11:25 am Second
12:15 pm – 12:55 pm Third
1:10 pm – 1:50 pm Kindergarten
Friday, Apr 21, 2023, 08:00 AM
2001 Brightwood School Road, Greensboro, NC, USA
Father Daughter Dance
Parents please be on the lookout for Tickets for our Father Daughter dance, we invite all fathers or male figures to come out and dance the night away at our Father and Daughter dance on Friday April 28 from 6 pm -8 pm at Brightwood Elementary School in the Multipurpose Room. Tickets are $15 for a father and daughter pair. If you have additional daughters’, the price will be an additional $3 per Brightwood daughter. All male figures are welcomed to attend this event. This event is for Brightwood students Only. Ticket are on sale daily; parents can purchase tickets Monday -Thursday in the front office from 7:00 am – 3:30 pm. Your child can purchase tickets during their lunch period and before school.