JKSA Update
March 10, 2025
Important Information
25-26 Course Selections
Course selections are due by Friday, March 14th. Please take time to sit down with your learner and discuss all course options that they may want to take for the coming year. If you have any questions please call the office.
7th Grade Course Selection 25-26
8th Grade Course Selection 25-26
Learner Showcase and Multicultural Night
Please join us for our annual spring learner showcase and multicultural night April 3rd from 5:00-7:00. If you are interested in showcasing your family's culture you can sign up here https://forms.gle/v8Yhq47iCUNzgZtn6. We can't wait to see you all on campus!
Field Trip Tentative Dates:
May 16 Extended Day Trip to Inner Space Caverns/Bullock Museum/State Capitol/Main Event (7th Grade)
May 20-21 Overnight Trip to Baylor and Texas A&M (8th Grade)
Bus Transportation
Learners who ride the bus at anytime, including a fieldtrip will required to have a SmartTag. The first tag will be provided to learners free of charge, all additional tags will cost $5. This is in addition to the cost of a school ID. We plan to start the SmartTag roll out to learners Monday, September 23rd. It may take us several days to ensure that all learners get a tag. For more information please use this link: https://www.mansfieldisd.org/departments/transportation/smart-tag
Cell Phone Policy
JKSA will follow the district policy regarding cell phones and other electronic devices. Please know that a warning will be issued the first time a device is taken up. All other collections will follow progressive discipline as outlined by the district.
MISD Fighting Policy
As always, when a physical altercation occurs on campus regardless of the location, a thorough investigation will be conducted. This year students who engage in a mutual fight will be considered for a placement at DAEP as well as being criminally trespassed from attending optional school activities at any MISD campus, such as sporting events, dances, homecoming, or prom.
Nurse- Deborah Ruhde deborahruhde@misdmail.org 682-314-1819
Scheduling or Behavior- Ryan Trowbridge ryantrowbridge@misdmail.org 817-299-5090
All other questions- Shaye Anne Atwood shayeatwood@misdmail.org 817-299-5090
Counseling- Amber Birdow- amberbidow@misdmail.org 817-299-5090
Counselor's Corner
JKSA Multicultural Night
Hello families of JKSA learners! Complete this form if you would like to sign up to participate in our Annual Multicultural Night. It will be on April 3rd from 5:00p to 7:00p.
We are hoping to celebrate the wide range of diverse cultures of our student body by having learners and parents willing to host a booth showcasing their culture. Your booth can have artifacts, food samples, crafts, or just information educating our community about your culture. Share with us what you would like your booth to showcase and we will help support you in making it happen.
Thank you for your help! If you have any questions please email me amandaborden@misdmail.org
Current 6th Grades Needing Athletic Physicals
SWIM Tryouts
Middle school swim and dive tryouts will be April 23 and 30 at 5:00pm at the MISD natatorium. Only need to attend one date. Please reach out to Coach Bold with any questions.
Have a student in elementary that loves science?
Join us for the MISD Science camp 2025! We are ready to learn all about the weather with your students in grades K-4. If you have questions please feel free to ask Mrs. Atwood
Have a Kinder-4th Grader Interested In Science? Join Us for MISD Science Camp!
PTA News
PTA News
1. Our next spirit night is Wed March 12 5-8pm at Costa Vida!
2. Would you like to be on the PTA Board next school year? Please fill out our Google Form by March 25th:
3. Our next Freaky Friday will be March 28th!
Testing Calendar
Important Dates
3-10/3-14 End of Year MAP Testing
3-17/3-21 Spring Break
3-26 Spring Picture Day
4-10 6th Grade Shot Clinic @JKSA
**If you have any questions about these dates or paperwork, please call the office and Mrs. Watson will be happy to help you. clairewatson@misdmail.org or 817-299-5090**
Wester Sports Information for Grades 7 & 8
Follow Us On Our New Facebook Page!!!!
JKSA Bell Schedule
Contact Us Today
Email: shayeatwood@misdmail.org
Website: https://stem.mansfieldisd.org/
Location: 1524 North Walnut Creek Drive, Mansfield, TX, USA
Phone: 817-299-5090
Twitter: @JerryKnightSTEM