Tiger Talk: Parent Edition
Stonewall Tell Elementary School-Community Newsletter
Contact Us
Mrs. Porter-Principal -PorterN@fultonschools.org
Mr. Latimore-Assistant Principal LatimoreG@FultonSchools.org
Ms. Tyson- Curriculum Support Teacher- TysonE@fultonschools.org
Ms. Boyd-Assistant Administrator -BoydAL@Fultonschools.org
Mr. Dunn-Counselor- DunnA1@fultonschools.org
Ms. Abercrombie-Instructional Support Teacher- AbercrombieF@fultonschools.org
Ms. Long- Grades K-2 Literacy Coach- Longaa@fultonschools.org
Ms. Gillard-Grades 3-5 Literacy Coach- GillardS@Fultonschools.org
Ms. Hooks-IB Coordinator- Hooksk1@fultonschools.org
Stonewall Tell ES Parents and Guardians,
Thank you parents for participating in the All Pro Dad's, SGC, and PTA Meetings this month. Thank you PTA for hosting Trunk or Treat on Friday.
As we continue to support our students' learning, I want to emphasize the importance of creating a dedicated space at home for homework and online practice, especially for iReady in reading and math.
A quiet, organized area can significantly enhance your child's focus and productivity. Here are a few tips to help you set up an effective homework space:
- Choose a Quiet Location: Find a spot away from distractions where your child can concentrate.
- Gather Supplies: Ensure they have all necessary materials—pencils, paper, and any technology needed for online programs.
- Establish a Routine: Encourage a consistent homework schedule to foster good study habits.
- Limit Distractions: Consider turning off TV and other devices during study time.
Additionally, please stay updated on your child's progress by monitoring messages from their teachers and regularly checking ClassDojo. Open communication between home and school is key to supporting our students’ success. Thank you for your continued partnership in your child’s education.
Nikki R. Porter, Ed. S.
Head of School
Stonewall Tell Elementary School, an IB World School
We are thrilled to share that our students recently had the opportunity to visit Auburn University and Tuskegee University! This college tour was not just about exploring beautiful campuses; it was an enriching experience that sparked curiosity and broadened horizons.
Throughout the trip, Stonewall Tell ES students learned about various academic programs, engaged with current college students, and participated in discussions about college life and the importance of higher education. These experiences are invaluable as they begin to think about their own educational futures. Thank you for your support.
As we approach a busy and exciting period here at Stonewall Tell Elementary School, I want to keep you informed about some important upcoming meetings and events. Your involvement is crucial to the success of our school community, and we are eager to see you participate.
October 2024
- 10/29 Technology Night @ 5:30pm
- 10/31 Book Character Parade @1:15pm
November 2024
- 11/01 Family Skate Night
- 11/05 Remote Day/Election Day
- 11/12 Holiday Luncheons
- 11/13 Holiday Luncheons
- 11/14 Holiday Lunches/ Title 1 Family Matters Event at Gullatt ES
- 11/15 All Pro Dads Meeting
- 11/21 National Parent Involvement Day
- 11/25-11/29 Thanksgiving Break -Schools Closed
Thanksgiving Lunches -$5 for adults, pay OSP
November 12-14, 2024
11/12 PreK-1st
11/13 2nd -3rd
11/14 4th -5th
APEC Afterschool
The mission of APEC After School Enrichment Program is to provide meaningful programming for school age children during out of school times. We accomplish this by using a holistic approach to child development that involves enrichment of the mind, body and spirit through academic, physical and social development. We strategically collaborate with the schools and the community to provide unsurpassed support for the children and families we serve.
After School Enrichment – Constructive programming for children including homework assistance and recreational activities.
APEC on Facebook!
Attendance Matters: .Regular attendance in elementary school is important for a student's academic and personal growth. Attendance is important! Please be sure to send your student to school every day! If your student is sick, please email a note to your child's teacher and our data clerk, Ms. Dawson: DawsonL2@Fultonschools.org
Your opinion matters! Make sure to take the Annual Parent Perception Survey by November 22! https://www.fultonschools.org/AnnualParentSurvey
Parent Resources
Please use the resources linked here to support your child's learning at home.
Journal Writing
Log in Portern@Fultonschools.org
The password is TigersScience! (case sensitive)
STES Volunteers Sign-up Form
Volunteer Training:
Per Board Policy IFCD, all volunteers who will be working with students at the school must complete a Volunteer Registration Application on a bi-annual basis. Furthermore, school volunteers are mandated reporters of abuse pursuant to OCGA 19-7-5.
All persons interested in volunteering in the Fulton County School District must complete an application every two years. Even if a person has completed an application in the past. To keep in compliance with State Law and best practices, we will require everyone to re-register/register every two years based on the following volunteer service periods.
Safety Training Video & Application - Fulton County School System (fultonschools.org)
- School starts promptly at 7:40 AM and ends at 2:20 PM daily.
- Scholars are LATE after 7:40 AM; Early Dismissal/Checkouts End at 1:30PM
- Excessive late student arrivals, pick-ups, and early check-outs will result in your student being withdrawn from STES until residency may be verified.
- Parents are welcome to escort student to classes during the initial two weeks of school only. (August 5-16, 2024) Thank you for your cooperation as we work to keep students and staff safe.
- Elementary school students are prohibited from using any form of personal communication device during school hours. (no cell phones)
- Walk-ups for AM or PM carpool are not permitted. All parents must remain in the cars when dropping off and picking up students.
- If you receive a call that your scholar is ill at school, you will need to pick him/her within 30 minutes of being notified; Refrain from bringing children to school ill (with fever, vomiting/ diarrhea, or cold or flu like symptoms).
- Treats for birthdays must be ordered from FCS Nutrition. No birthday treats from outside the school will be allowed, this includes edible items as well as goody bags and balloons. Visit https://nutrition.fultonschools.org/CafeTakeout
- The breakfast serving line closes at 7:40AM. Restaurant food is NOT permitted in the school’s cafeteria. Breakfast and lunch are free for all students.
All funds collected for Stonewall Tell ES events/activities are collected online. Cash payments are not accepted. (Visit Online School Payments)
- Volunteers are welcome once the FCS process is completed at https://www.fultonschools.org/volunteer
- All conferences and classroom visits are by appointment only. Please contact the front desk at (470) 254-3500 to schedule a face-to-face meeting appointment.
- School uniforms are worn Mondays-Wednesdays beginning August 19th. Visit https://www.redbirdcustoms.com·as an option.
- Classroom celebrations: December 19, 2024 and May 21, 2025.·(https://nutrition.fultonschools.org/CafeTakeout )
- Lunch visits with your child are welcome. Friends of your child may NOT join in on your lunch visit. Visitors may sit with their child at designated tables. Restaurant food is NOT permitted. Visitors must sign-in.
- Visit our website at https://www.fultonschools.org/StonewallTellEs regularly for all updates and changes.
Schoolwide Goals 2024-2025
60% of K-5 scholars will score at Tier 1 as measured by i-Ready Math Diagnostic by May 2025.
The percentage of Grades 3-5 students performing at Developing and Above on the Math, Georgia Milestones will increase by 3% for the 2024-25SY.
65% of K-5 scholars will score at Tier 1 as measured by i-Ready Reading Diagnostic by May 2025.
The percentage of Grades 3-5 students performing at Developing and Above on the Reading, Georgia Milestones will increase by 3% for the 2024-25SY.
Click the link below.
*Uniforms are expected for Stonewall Tell ES students weekly on Mondays-Wednesdays beginning August 19th. Redbird Customs is a vendor option.
Wearing a school uniform fosters a sense of unity and belonging among students. It minimizes distractions related to fashion and helps to create a focused and inclusive learning environment. When students wear the same attire, it levels the playing field and emphasizes our shared goals and values over individual differences.
The standard school uniform consists of a maroon, gold, or white polo styled top and khaki skirts, shorts or pants. A logo patch is optional, but are not required
Khaki bottoms are preferred with uniform tops, however, jeans are allowed to be worn with uniform tops. *No frayed or ripped jeans are allowed*
- Uniforms are worn on Monday – Wednesday beginning 8/19/2024.
- Thursday is College Day! Students may wear a college shirt or free dress day
- Every Friday is Spirit Wear or free dress day. *
Fulton Dress Code-I.13a Improper Dress
Students in the school system are expected to dress and groom themselves in such a way as to reflect neatness, cleanliness and safety. All students shall dress appropriately so as not to disrupt or interfere with the educational program or the orderly operation of the school. Examples of inappropriate dress and grooming include lack of cleanliness in person or dress; shoe lessness; "short-short" clothing; bare midriffs; "tank tops"; "see-through" clothing or apparel which designates gangs or similar organizations or any dress that is disruptive to the educational process. Designated dress involving school activities approved by the principal shall be acceptable. The principal or other duly authorized school official shall determine whether any particular mode of dress or grooming results in a violation of the spirit and/or the intent of this rule.
Join PTA Today!
-August 20th - Call for Legislative Chair, and Fundraising Chair
-October 22nd
-December 17th
-Feb 25th
-April 15th
Click here to join https://jointotem.com/ga/atlanta/stonewall-tell-es-pta
SGC Meeting Schedule
- September 17th @5:00pm (Virtual)
- October 22nd @ 5:00pm in-person
- December 17th @5:00pm
- January 28th @ 5:00pm )virtual)
- March 18th @5:00pm
- May 20th @5:00pm (Virtual)
click here for more information
Click Below for Transportation Info.
- Morning car rider drop-off will take place in the front of the school. STES staff will be present at the front doors to receive students from 7:10- 7:40am daily. Parents must park vehicles and escort students into the building and sign-in after 7:40am.
- Parents may escort students to classrooms until Friday, August 16, 2024.
- Bus rider parents, school busses depart our campus at 2:30pm daily. The FCS Code of Conduct applies to all students transported by school bus.
- Afternoon car riders will be routed to pick up students in front of the cafeteria. Cars will enter through the main entrance to the school from Stonewall Tell Road and will follow directional arrows to the cafeteria/bus loop. This will allow for a smoother process while preventing traffic on Stonewall Tell Road.
- Afternoon car rider parents, please make sure your scholar is picked up by 2:55pm. Parents and guardians must remain in their vehicles.
- If picked up from school after 2:55pm, your scholar will be seated in the front office. Please park and come in to sign your scholar out. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Safety is our priority.
- Early student pick-up ends at 1:30pm daily. Please contact the school at 470-254-3500 if in need of emergency early pick-up.
18e.I Cell Phone/Electronic Devices/Recording Devices Refusing to comply with reasonable directions or commands of school staff regarding responsible use of technology, and/or use audio or visual recording devices without permission of a school administrator (including but not limited to Policy and Operating Guideline IFBGA Responsible Use of Enterprise Technology).
***Please Note: If a student violates this rule which leads to the student’s personal communication device being confiscated by school personnel, it will only be released to the parent or guardian who must come to the school to personally retrieve the device.
*** 18f.II Prohibited Use of Personal Communication Devices (PCD) During School Day Possession of Personal Communication Devices (PCD) (e.g., cell phones, tablets, recording devices) by a student at school during school hours is a privilege that will be forfeited if a student fails to abide by the Student Code of Conduct.
We are excited to share important information regarding our Title I program, which plays a vital role in supporting the educational success of our students.
Title I is a federal program designed to provide additional resources to schools with high percentages of students from low-income families. Our goal is to ensure that every child has access to a quality education and the necessary support to thrive. Please click the link below for the Parent Compact and the Parent and Family Engagement Plans.
Contact Us
Email: PorterN@FultonSchools.org
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/stonewalltelles
Location: 3310 Stonewall Tell Road, College Park, GA, USA
Phone: 470-254-3500
Twitter: @StonewallTell