Shark Bytes
October 15, 2023 - Community Newsletter
Dear Monomoy Middle School Families,
This week, middle school students will participate in Unity Day. Every year on the third Wednesday in October, is Unity Day which is celebrated on October 18 this year. This is the signature event of National Bullying Prevention Month, also celebrated in October. The purpose of this day is to unite for kindness, courage, and inclusion. MRMS students and staff are asked to wear Orange in support of Unity Day. With our focus on school belonging, we are excited to celebrate this day with our community.
In partnership,
Abby Dudley
Half Day Schedule Tuesday and Thursday: Dismissal will begin at 11:55 on Tuesday and Thursday for our half day schedule to accommodate conferences.
Costume Social: We will be hosting our annual MRMS Costume Social on 10/27. Thank you to the senior class for arranging this. There is a suggested 5 dollar donation and snacks will be available for students to purchase.
- 5th grade students are invited from 5-6:15pm
- 6/7th grade students are invited from 6:30-8pm
Progress Notes: A reminder that progress notes for quarter 1 will be posted on Monday, marking the midpoint of the grading period.
Fall Conferences: Thank you to everyone who has signed up for conferences. Sign ups for conferences are posted on our website. Conference slots are 10 minutes and run from 12:30-3:20 pm on October 17 and October 19 (both of which are half-days for students).
This week, the MRMS Chorus were invited to be a part of the “Understanding the Mind of Autism” event at the Chatham Orpheum, opening the event with the song request for “Hallelujah” by Leonard Cohen. Thank you to Mayla, Kelsie, Hazel, Abbie, Eliza, Alli, and Ella. Not only did these students represent our school with pride, but the pride they felt in themselves also shined so brightly.