Kindergarten Newsletter
Important Information
Hydration is very important. Please send a bottle with water (preferably in a thermos) daily. Make sure it has your child's name written on it. Drinking from the water fountain is not healthy for our little kindergarteners when unsupervised. We have had several students getting sick.
Lunch time is from 10:50 am to 11:30 am. Please join us on Mondays only to eat lunch with your child.
- Mrs. Alvarez and Mrs. Orta: 10:50am - 11:20am
- Mrs. Martinez and Mrs. Lopez: 10:55am a 11:25am
- Mrs. Manuel and Mrs. Velasquez: 11:00 a 11:25am
Remember to take pictures only of your child. Plan accordingly and get to school on time, students can't stay longer and they can't take food with them to class. We highly encourage you to avoid bringing sodas to school.
Assignments for the month
Reading - Lectura
In January we continue working on fiction stories focusing on the characters and the setting, and the plot of the story (identifying the beginning, middle and end).
We will identify the main idea and the details that support it when reading informational texts (non-fiction stories).
Writing - Escritura
We will also begin our informative writing, learning how to research and write facts about a given topic.
Phonics - English
- Identify initial sounds and alliteration. For example: Sammy saw six snakes. This sentence has the /S/ sound at the beginning or each word.
- Segmenting onset-rime . Segmenting means breaking words into two parts, the onset and the rime. The onset is either a consonant or cluster of them at the start of a syllable, while the rime is its remainder. So, for an onset and rime example, let’s look at the word climb: cl- is the onset, while -imb is the rhyme.
- Blending onset-rime. Blending means to combine 2 sounds to form a word. In this case, you might give your child the sounds /m/ and /ug/ to form the word mug.
- Consonants W, J, V, and Y. Also the short and long /U/ sound. Use flash cards to assist with learning letters, making sure the cards are not in ABC order.
Fonética - Español
- Contar las palabras en una oración. Por ejemplo: El niño corre. Esta oración tiene 3 palabras.
- Identificar las letras y el sonido, con énfasis en las vocales, y las letras C, Q, V y R. Utilice tarjetas para asistir en el aprendizaje asegurándose que las letras están en desorden y no en orden del alfabeto.
- Identificar la sílaba inicial, media o final en una palabra. Por ejemplo en la palabra zapato, la primera sílaba es /za/, la del medio es /pa/ y la final es /to/.
- Identificar y hacer rimas. Diga a su hijo/a dos palabras y permita que el/ella le diga si riman o no. Por ejemplo: pato/gato si riman, luna/casa no riman. Mas adelante, diga usted una palabra y que su hijo/a le diga una palabra que rime con la que usted le dijo. Por ejemplo: "Dime una palabra que rima con masa". Su hijo/a puede decir casa, tasa, pasa.
Math - Matemáticas
- Numbers 0-50 - Counting forwards and backwards, and identifying.
- Compose numbers up to 10 - Composing relates to addition. Ask your child to tell you 2 numbers that make 10. For example: 1 and 9, 2 and 8, 3 and 7, 4 and 6, and 5 and 5.
- Decompose numbers up to 10 - Decomposing relates to subtraction. Ask your child to break down 10 into 2 groups, and tell you how many in each.
Composing and decomposing numbers
Composing and decomposing numbers
numbers 1-50
Science - Ciencias
- Review for the Science Interim Assessment.
- Weather. We will learn about different types of weather and how they affect our daily lives. Discuss how weather changes from place to place.
- Seasons - Discuss seasons, why they happen, and how they affect our daily lives.
- Air all around us - Describe how wind is air moving
Social Studies - Estudios Sociales
- Landforms and bodies of water. We will distinguish between them and review their characteristics.
- Weather - Review how the weather affect how people dress, and what they do.
- Seasons - Review the four seasons and how they affect the weather.
Important dates to remember in January
- Mondays is Kinder parent lunch day (from 10:50-11:00)7:00 p.m. Bedtime Stories with Mrs. Owens 834-6744-5976 (rees123)
- Tuesdays: #AliefProud
- Wednesdays: college / military
- Thursdays: wear yellow for COMMITTMENT
- Fridays: Rees Spirit Day
As always, please remember dress-up is opcional, students can always wear their uniforms.
Important Dates:
- January 6: Student Holiday
- January 9: Report Card Day
- January 13: National Rubber Duckie Day
- January 15: National Hat Day
- January 17: National Winnie the Pooh Day
- January 20: MLK, Jr. Day – No School
- January 21: International Sweatpants Day (with Alief or Rees shirt)
- January 22: National Polka Dot Day
- January 24: picture day – FREE DRESS
- January 28: JJ Watt Day (#99)
- January 29: 100th DAY OF SCHOOL or Lunar New Year attire
- January 30: Progress Report Day and Dalmation Day
- January 31: February SMORE goes out
Important information to keep in mind
- Keep a change of clothes in your child's backpack including underwear, socks, pants, and a shirt. Please update as the weather changes or your child grows.
- Have your child bring a bottle of water daily.
- Students who ride the bus must wear their ID daily. Morning and afternoon.
- Behavior folders must be signed daily. Please keep it inside the backpack.
- Clean the folder and backpack on Fridays.
How to contact your child's teacher
Mrs. Velasquez and Mrs. Manuel - Can be contacted via Remind
Mrs. Martinez and Ms. Kaiser - Can be contacted via Remind
Website: https://www.aliefisd.net/Rees
Location: 16305 Kensley Dr, Houston, TX 77082
Phone: (281) 531-1444
Facebook: facebook.com/AliefReesElementary
Twitter: @ReesStars