20 May 2021
And when the days of Pentecost were drawing to a close, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a violent wind coming, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. And there appeared to them parted tongues as of fire, which settled upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in foreign tongues, even as the Holy Spirit prompted them to speak.
~Acts 2, 1-4~
Dear Parents and Staff
This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost. The first Pentecost occurred a few days after Christ’s Resurrection at Easter and soon after His Ascension, when He returned body and soul to Heaven. I think the Disciples may have been perplexed by what had happened over the previous couple of weeks and what this meant for them moving forward. Throughout scripture, the Holy Spirit appeared in different guises; in the form of a dove as at the Baptism of Jesus and as a strong wind and tongues of fire as occurred at Pentecost. Whilst these outward signs are obviously important, it is the fact that those present were filled with the Holy Spirit which created within them a desire to share this sense of fulfilment with others. Hopefully we, too, may feel the Spirit working within us as we interact with others with whom we share life’s journey.
I’ve been impressed by the calmness of the children towards these assessments that have taken place over the past two weeks as, I believe, this has assisted to ensure that they have performed to their potential. I am aware that some schools spend a disproportionate amount of time in specifically preparing children for this range of “tests”. I see this as a very limited approach as, rather than merely “teaching to the test”, it is the ongoing learning that the children have experienced across the years that will hold them in good stead rather than the one-shot injection when they enter the odd-numbered classes from Year 3 to 9.
Please see the flyer in the P&F section of today’s newsletter about this excellent initiative inviting dads to become more involved in the social aspects of our school community.
The Catholic Arts annually provides opportunities for approximately 20,000 students from Catholic schools across the state to showcase their talents and abilities. Whilst we have a very dedicated team at the Catholic Arts office and committees of school staff, we rely heavily upon voluntary support from members of our school communities. Please see the article below and contact either Sabrina D’Rosa at the Catholic Arts office or me if you would like further details.
I’m very much looking forward to joining with our Year 3 to 6 children at their Faction Cross Country Carnival next Wednesday, 26 May, at Tomato Lake, Oats St, Kewdale commencing at 9.40am.
Please remember to keep all of our children, their families and teachers in your prayers as they prepare to receive their First Communion next weekend, 29 & 30 May.
50th Anniversary of the Opening of the Church
Last Sunday, the Parish celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the completion and the opening of Notre Dame Catholic Church. Congratulations to the Notre Dame community for a well organised celebration.
I was honoured to be invited to deliver an address about the history of Notre Dame Church during a well-attended Mass.
An amazing morning tea followed the Mass in the Parish Centre. Three large anniversary cakes were made for the occasion.
The Church was blessed and opened by His Grace, Archbishop L. J. Goody on 16 May 1971.
Church Workers Safeguarding Training
The Archdiocese is offering Training during April – June 2021 for Church workers and volunteers. It is a requirement that all Church workers are familiar with the Safeguarding program. Please contact the Parish Office for further information.
Bible Studies
This event is held each Tuesday evening, commencing at 6.00 pm in the Parish Centre.
Parish Raffle – Outdoor Garden Statue
Tickets 3 for $5.00 are available after Mass from school side entrance. Drawn end of May. Proceeds of raffle to Parish Building Fund. Please contact the Parish Office for further information.
Dr George Sekulla JP
Notre Dame Parish Council
As always, it’s been a busy term for our Year Five students! With the NAPLAN tests behind us, we are looking forward to our first excursion of the year this coming Monday, at the Constable Care Road Safety Centre. This will be a great opportunity for us to represent our school with pride and demonstrate the Gospel values we have been learning about in Religion. Here is a snapshot of what else we have been up to:
In HASS this term, we have been enjoying learning about the geography of North and South America. So far, we have:
- Used our mapping skills to locate North and South America on a world map, including where they are in relation to Australia.
- Located major countries in North and South America … did you know that Canada is a part of North America and that South America is comprised of 12 different countries?
- Identified various landforms and vegetation within North and South American countries, including mountains, valleys, forests and deserts.
- Identified different climatic regions and native animals that belong to countries within North and South America.
Here are a few of our PowerPoints, Keynotes and Pic Collages that we have created during our research:
At the moment, we are working on our own research projects about a North or South American country of our choice. We are looking forward to presenting these in class over the next few weeks and then beginning our new focus on Indigenous Studies
The students have been extremely busy completing their NAPLAN assessments over the last week and a half. They should be very proud of themselves for their efforts during this important period of their learning and we certainly have admired the way they have strived to achieve their personal best.
This term in technology, students have been working collaboratively to create a quiz using keynote. They have learnt some basic terminology in relation to digital technologies such as; branching and iteration and have applied this to their quiz questions! We are looking forward to seeing their final product.
The students have been busy learning about division this term. They are becoming more confident with using strategies that they have been taught in class and this is evident in the way they are applying their learning to answering questions during class activities.
Mother’s Day Art & Salvador Dali
We love our mums in Year Five! We also love our grandmothers, aunties, and friends. In art we made beautiful necklaces for Mother’s Day. We used Magic Clay to create beautiful patterns. We were very proud of our finished jewellery and loved giving them as gifts on Mother’s Day.
Next up is an exploration of surrealist artist, Salvador Dali. Check out our first piece inspired by him; a self portrait with a difference!
Mr Seers, Mrs Jennings & Mrs Crabbe
Walking School Bus - Friday Mornings @ Centenary Park (7.45am)
This is a parent run initiative with some planning and support from myself and other staff members. We are also looking to gauge from parents some other walking routes that might be of interest. For this to work we would need the help of parent helpers. Many thanks to Mrs Chua who has been helping with this initiative. If you would like your child to join the Walking School Bus on Friday mornings then please complete the form below. We are also looking for parent volunteers to help make the initiative a viable option for our school community.
Click on the link below - Walking School Bus Form
Fume Free Friday’s
Notre Dame is looking to continue on from where we left off in term 1 to continue promoting active transport options at our school. ‘Fume Free Fridays’ will be our active travel day where students who choose to walk, ride, skate or scoot to school will receive a star card which will be punched by Year 6 helpers at the gates on Friday mornings. These cards will then be used to go into a prize draw at the end of the term. We are also working in conjunction with the Your Move team about some exciting initiatives available to our school through the ‘Term 2 Superboost’ promotion. We will keep the school community updated via the school newsletter.
Students from Years 3-6 will be participating in the 2021 NDCPS Cross Country Carnival which will be held at Tomato lake on Wednesday 26 May at 9.40am.
This term the Pre-Primary students will be able to order recess as well as lunch and for the very first time Kindy students will also be able to order both recess and lunch.
Icy poles and ice-cream will still only be available to years 1-6. Orders must be placed by 9am at the canteen or online through MY SCHOOL CONNECT, we accept cash or eftpos.
Kayleen McLean
Canteen Co-ordinator
Orders for uniform items are to be placed by emailing Mrs Danielle Lawrie ( The order form and price list are on the school website ( under "School Services."
Danielle Lawrie
Uniform Shop Coordinator
Did you know that a second hand uniform page, which is hosted and managed by Notre Dame CPS parents, operates on Facebook? This is a great place for you to buy and sell quality second hand uniforms. The active site is available to all members of the community who access Facebook. You can also access second hand uniforms at the school's uniform shop.
Barbara Jamieson
School Banking Coordinator
On behalf of our P&F and school community we warmly invite you to attend a friendly catch up and brainstorming evening at The Belmont Tavern on Wednesday 2nd June from 7pm.
We would love to see some new faces who bring new ideas on how we can better support our children and our school community.
Please come down, share a drink and have a chat - we really would love to see you there. For more information please contact Nicole Beresford, P&F President on
Nicole Beresofrd
Keyed Up Music will be teaching guitar, drums and keyboard group lessons this term during school. Lessons start from $23.65 for a group of 2 or $34.10 for an individual lesson. If you are interested in your son/daughter learning an instrument, ring Savanna on 1300 366 243 or enrol at
Cloverdale Dental Clinic is open from 8am – 4pm Monday to Friday.
We are a free service and cater for school age children/teens from Kindy & Pre-Primary from the year they turn 5 to the end of year 11 or their 17th Birthday, whichever occurs first.
We are a Bachelor of Oral Health Final year placement clinic during university semesters. An experienced tutor oversees all check-ups and procedures.
It is not compulsory to enrol with the School Dental Service, if your children are having regular dental check-ups and treatment with their private family dentist, please feel free to remain with them.
If your address has changed/changes, please call us, as we send appointments to your home address, we also require current mobile phone numbers to send out text message reminders.
If your child has a toothache, please phone us on 9479 7222 between 8am-4pm, if you have an emergency outside of work hours, please contact your family dentist or the Emergency Service on 1800 098 818.
Cloverdale Dental Therapy Centre Staff
180 Fisher St (Clinic access through Gate 5 off Hendra St)
Cloverdale 6105
Ph: 9479 7222
Location: 360 Daly Street, Cloverdale WA, Australia
Phone: 62727100