Northwoods News
A Message from Principal Nixon--November 14, 2023
Northwoods Families,
I hope you had a wonderful weekend! On behalf of the Northwoods Staff, I would like to wish our active and retired members of the Armed Forces a belated Happy Veteran's Day. We truly appreciate your service to and sacrifice for our community and country!
Additionally, as we approach Thanksgiving Break, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks and appreciation for your support and involvement this school year! We love our community and truly appreciate all that you do to support our students and staff! On behalf of the Northwoods Staff, we wish you all a safe and happy Thanksgiving Break!!
Don't forget: Tomorrow is Spirit Night at Panera in Park West Village from 4:00 - 8:00 PM We hope to see you there!!
Upcoming Events:
- Wednesday, November 15th--Spirit Night at Panera (Park West Location)
- Wednesday, November 22nd - Friday, November 24th--Thanksgiving Vacation
- Tuesday, November 28th--Make-up Picture Day
- Friday, December 8th--Q2 Interim Reports Go Home
2023-24 NES Teacher-of-the-Year:
I am excited to announce our 2023-24 Northwoods Teacher-of-the-Year award recipient is Ms. Jordan Nievinski. Ms. Nievinski joined the Northwoods staff in 2021 after graduating from App State, and she has served as a kindergarten teacher since that time. Please join me in congratulating her. Ms. Nievinski will go on to represent Northwoods at the district-level Teacher-of-the-Year contest.
Yearbook Cover Design Contest:
Congratulations to Gonzalo Vera in Ms. Jhugroo's 5th grade class. His artwork (pictured below) was chosen to serve as the cover for our 2023-24 yearbook!
5th Grade Information
5th grade families - it's not too soon to start thinking about the end of year celebration for our soon to be graduates! We need your help!
First, the 5th grade planning committee is collecting photos for the end of year slideshow shown at graduation. Every student will be featured in the slideshow with their 5th grade school picture. We also hope to include a picture of your child starting elementary school (or around that time frame). Please send an email to northwoods5th@gmail.com with the following information:
- Student Name
- Homeroom Teacher
- Age of student in photo
- Photo of your student around age 5.
Please send in your child's photo no later than January 30th!
Second, the 5th grade planning committee is coordinating with the school to create a memorable celebration at the end of the year. Northwoods PTA is generously contributing to the cost of this celebration, and we are starting to fundraise for the remaining amount. Families can contribute towards the fund by scanning the QR code above or by clicking on the "5th Grade Activities Donation" button below.
We look forward to working with the 5th grade families to make this a great last year of elementary school for our students!
General School Information
2024-2025 Kindergarten Registration:
Kindergarten registration for the 2024-25 school year is now open! To qualify for kindergarten enrollment, children must turn 5 years old on/before August 31, 2024. To register your child, please visit https://www.wcpss.net/kindergarten. School tours for new/prospective families will be available through the winter. To sign up for a tour, please visit: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050D44AAA822A4FF2-45216498-northwoods
Clothing Needs:
We are in need of new or gently used pants (leggings, athletic pants, etc) for both boys and girls in all youth sizes (XS, S, M, L). If you have pants that your child(ren) no longer fit into, we would love to have them for our health room.
Fall Picture Make-ups:
Make-up day for Fall Pictures is scheduled for Tuesday, November 28th. Information will be sent home in the coming weeks.
PTA Information
Recess in the Garden:
Recess in the Garden started in October. We are still in need of adult garden helpers. Please consider joining us in this fun program. Experienced garden leaders will assist you in showing the children the day's tasks in the garden. Children will be watering, weeding and harvesting a variety of vegetables and herbs until Thanksgiving break.
Five Below Fundraising Event:
The Five Below stores in Park West and Crossroads are holding a special fundraiser for Northwoods from November 17th - 19th. 10% of all sales will be gifted back to the school. Check in with your child's teacher to see what classroom supplies are needed! Present the flyer below at check-out to ensure your purchase counts.
Join the PTA!
Interested in joining the PTA? Please our memberhub site:
Mel's Garden
There are lots of opportunities to help with our garden. For more information, please visit:
Volunteer with the PTA!
Interested in volunteering with the PTA! We'd love to have your help! To learn more about opportunities or to get started, Contact the PTA VP of Volunteers, at NorthwoodsMembership@gmail.com.