College Heights Connection
October 24
School Mission
College Heights Early Childhood Learning Center cultivates an atmosphere where children take
their first steps in building an authentic love of learning through developmentally appropriate
practices in an environment that fosters family and community involvement.
Thank you!
Literacy Week Events
Thursday 10/17 Read to Me a Thon Reading Logs go home
Wednesday 10/23 Start recording reading
Thursday 10/24 Kick Off Day for literacy events, DHS Student Athlete Readers
Friday 10/25 Classroom Mystery Reader Day
Monday 10/28 Visiting author, Laurel Snyder, Parent literacy workshop @ 8:45 am
Tuesday 10/29 Reading in the Garden Day
Wednesday 10/30 Community Hero Day and Reading Logs DUE!
Thursday 10/31 School-wide Book Parade @ 9:00 am
Friday 11/1 Read to Me a Thon Classroom Celebrations
Parent Literacy Workshop
Don't miss our Parent Literacy Workshop on October 28th at 8:45 am. Karla Zisook, instructional coach, and Karen Collins, Media Specialist, will be presenting a 45 minute session on encouraging literacy in the home, ways to read aloud to children, and incorporating literacy into the everyday activities.
Book Parade
There is a teacher workday on November 5th. The school is closed for all preK, head start and children receiving special education services. The school is OPEN for all tuition paying 0-3 students.
As the weather is finally cooling off please remember to dress your student accordingly as well as update the clothing your student has in his/her classroom cubby as 'back up."
Spirit Wear
News from Around the District
Decatur Farm to School has several opportunities for you and your family to get involved this fall!
1. Volunteer for the October 24 & 25 Taste Test
The taste test is coming to the City Schools of Decatur on October 24 and 25. Sign up today to help us fill the 74 spots for volunteers we are going to need to make this taste test a success! Volunteers hand out samples of the taste test vegetable (green beans) and then collect feedback from the students via a survey. It's fun!! And a great hands-on way to get involved with Farm to School in Decatur.
Get ready, get set, sign up! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0C45AAAB2BA31-green
2. Save the date for the fall Dine Out - November 20, 2019, 5-9 p.m.
Twice a year, families eat out at one of 20 participating restaurants, and a portion of the proceeds are donated back to Decatur Farm to School to support our many programs. The dine out is our primary fundraiser that supports scholarships, grants, internships, and so much more. https://www.facebook.com/events/387747888588902/
If you are a local business owner who would like to contribute a raffle prize, please contact stephanie@wyldecenter.org.
3. Join us on the Decatur Farm to School Committee
Joining the Decatur Farm to School (DF2S) Committee is a great way to get involved with the work of getting our students outside in their school garden and making the connection to what they are learning in the classroom and eating in the cafeteria and at home.
We currently have the following spots on the DF2S committee available:
DF2S Social Media Coordinator
DF2S School Representatives
DF2S Grants and Scholarship Manager
More info about the volunteer positions here: http://wyldecenter.org/decatur-farm-to-school-2/ or contact stephanie@wyldecenter.org
4. Walk with us in the Haints & Saints Parade - October 27, 5 p.m.
Every year Decatur Farm to School walks in the Haints & Saints parade. One year we handed out apples! Now we hand out really fun temporary tattoos. Get dressed up and join us! Contact Lucia lcpawloski@gmail.com to let her know you want to join the group. Kids are of course welcome!
About Decatur Farm to School
Decatur Farm to School (DF2S) is a Wylde Center program that works to improve nutrition, knowledge of where food comes from, hands-on outdoor education, environmental awareness, and appetite for fresh fruits and veggies by leading efforts in the classrooms, cafeterias, communities, and gardens of the City Schools of Decatur. The DF2S committee is led by parents, teachers, community members, Wylde staff members and has been active since 2010.
News from DEF
Tickets for DEF’s big fall FUNdraiser are now on sale at http://www.defsupper.com! Supper & Sips is happening on Thursday, November 14th from 6:30-10 pm at the downtown Marriott and offers an adult evening of delicious food, drinks, and the possibility to win some great prizes. Purchase your tickets before Oct 31st, and you’ll get free event shirts! Join us for Decatur’s best fall party with a purpose – your fun night out helps fund many of DEF’s initiatives in the classroom and beyond.
Other Upcoming Events:
Oct 26th, 3:00-11:00 pm LGBTQ Pride Event at Gathered & Grounded
For more information about this event, click here.
Save the Date
Oct 24- Advisory Council @ 4:45
Oct 25- Book Fair opens in library
Oct 28- Parent Literacy Workshop 8:45 am
Oct 31- Book Parade
Nov 5- Teacher Workday- School Closed for Prek, Head Start and Special Education Services
Nov 7- PTA meeting @ 8:00 am
Nov 8- School Tour for prospective families @ 9:00 am
Nov 14- School to Heart to Home @ 8:30 am
Nov 21- Advisory Council @ 4:45 pm
Nov 22- PreK Community Circle