Curtis Chronicles
September 23, 2024

Welcome from Curtis Principal, Sonya Pitcock
Cougar Families,
We have completed 6 weeks of school already and kids are doing great! We are so proud of how hard they are working in class and in all the extra things they are doing- sports, theater, clubs, etc! We encourage all our students to get involved in something outside their regular classes to connect to campus and make friends who have similar interests. Thank you for sharing your wonderful children with us.
Be sure to mark your calendars to come celebrate Curtis MS 30th birthday on October 9th from 5:30-7:00. We will have games, food trucks and cake! Invite any former Curtis alumni or teachers too, everyone is welcome!
Sonya Pitcock
Curtis Middle School Principal
September 24: Community Engagement Night
September 26: Spirit Night
October 4: Fall Dance
October 4: End of 1st Grading Period
October 7: Reflection Entries Due
October 9: CMS Birthday Bash
October 28: Allen HS Course EXPO
January 17: PTA Membership Meeting
April 11: PTA Membership Meeting
May 9: PTA Membership Meeting
Bond Proposal to Upgrade Security, Modernize Facilities
Allen ISD voters will have the opportunity to cast their ballot in the 2024 Bond Election on November 5. The proposal, created by an 81-member citizen advisory committee known as Project Kids, will impact every campus and every student in Allen ISD.
Specific projects include, but are not limited to, the following items:
- Safety and security updates at our campuses.
- Maintenance and efficiency upgrades at various campuses.
- Updates to learning spaces at various campuses.
- Technology improvements for devices and infrastructure.
- Transportation updates, including replacement of buses reaching the end of their useful lifespan.
Learn more about the 2024 Bond Proposal at www.allenisdbond.com
Suicide Prevention Month
September is Suicide Prevention Month. We met with 7th and 8th graders during Tracks classes to discuss Signs of Suicide (SOS).
Learn more about how to support your child using the SOS Program .
FREE Food, Childcare, and a variety of sessions to choose from! Click HERE to learn more.
PALs Spirit Night:
WHEN: ALL DAY, September 26.
WHERE: CHICK-FIL-A (both Stacy/McDermott)
*Instacart, uber eats, etc. deliveries will not be accepted during the school day. Parents can drop off lunches before or during student lunch times, but no other food or drink deliveries will be accepted during the day.*
Volunteers Needed for Fall Dance
TICKET SALE VOLUNTEER SIGN UP: Sales take place during all lunches in the cafeteria- approximately 10:40am-1:00pm (20 minute breaks between each lunch) MUST be ALLEN ISD approved volunteers. All supplies to sell can be picked up and dropped off at front office.
Link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0C49A8AA22ABF85-51347493-dance
DANCE NIGHT CHAPERONES: All chaperones MUST be ALLEN ISD approved volunteers. Only those parents who have signed up will be allowed into the building.
Link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0C49A8AA22ABF85-51349651-student
Spirit Wear orders will be delivered on October 4. We still have some remaining inventory for sale. Please click here to support the PTA through spirit wear purchases: https://curtisptsa.membershiptoolkit.com/form/m/305874
Curtis Middle School Birthday Bash!
Save the Date:
Eagles Expo Night October 28 @ Allen High School.
Talent Identification Program
Baylor University features a Talent Identification Program for advanced learners that offers above grade-level testing opportunities, Super Saturday activities at the university, summer programs, and more. Parents of current 7th grade students can learn more about above grade-level testing opportunities available this fall by attending an informational webinar on Tuesday, October 1, 2024 from 12 to 1 PM. Join here, or email kari.lockhart@allenisd.org for more information.
GT Testing
The registration window for GT testing for students in grades 1-11 is open September 23-October 25, 2024. The form for registration is available in Skyward Family Access. It can be found under "Online Forms", "Optional GT Testing Registration". Remember to click the "Submit" button upon completing the form. Guardians should receive a confirmation email once the form has been properly submitted.
REFLECTIONS 2024-2025 Entries
The entries due date Monday, October 7th to the art teachers or CMS Library, The submitters must be CMS PTA Members.
Questions, Sandra Park Arts@curtiscougarpta.org
Volunteers Needed - Copy Room Helpers!
Copy room volunteers needed! Please sign up for a slot HERE
Calling all volunteers! Please make sure you have submitted your AISD volunteer application for the current year.
Support Curtis by Joining the PTA!
Being a member of the PTA helps support both the students and staff of our amazing school. Become a member today by joining here.
PTA Business Sponsorship Program
CMS PTA is pleased to once again offer our business sponsorship program. Curtis PTA would like to invite community businesses to show support for our staff, students, and community by making a financial contribution to our PTA for the 2024-25 school year. PTA strives to make every child’s potential a reality.
There are two contribution levels for you to consider.
Red Level, $100
- Your logo and link to your website on CurtisCougarPTA.org from now through June 30, 2025.
- Be included in the end-of-year thank you email.
Black Level, $250
- Your logo and link to your website on CurtisCougarPTA.org from now through June 30, 2025.
- Be included in the end-of-year thank you email.
- 1 Thank you in our campus-wide newsletter that goes out to all families.
- 1 Thank you and shout out with a link to your website on our Curtis PTA Facebook page.
CLICK HERE for more details or email Ways & Means
Do you shop at Kroger?
Log onto the Kroger website or stop by the customer service desk at any Kroger. Link your Kroger rewards card to Curtis Middle School.
Our school code is XX655.
Allen ISD Volunteer Application
Volunteers who work with AISD student groups and organizations will need to complete a volunteer application. These groups include, but are not limited to, PTA organizations, booster clubs, cheerleading squads, dance squads (athletic and fine arts) and any other AISD student organizations where adults will be working with students other than their own children at AISD sponsored events.
Click on this link to fill out the volunteer application: https://www.allenisd.org/page/register-volunteer
Curtis Middle School PTA
Email: communications@curtiscougarpta.org
Website: https://www.allenisd.org/curtisms
Location: 1530 Rivercrest Boulevard, Allen, TX, USA
Phone: 972-727-0340
Twitter: @CurtisCougars