North Notes
Blue Valley North's Parent Newsletter-February 23, 2024
A Note From Your Assistant Principal
The Kansas State Department of Education is again paying for a full ACT for all 11th-grade students on Tuesday, February 27, 2024. This is an opt-out testing event, meaning that unless you've told us otherwise, we are planning on testing your junior student on Tuesday. The deadline to opt-out was Feb. 1. All students test at their home school, and Blue Valley Academy students test at BVA.
It is very important that juniors complete the pre-registration process prior to Testing Day. Please use your personal email address rather than your Blue Valley email address so that you can access your scores once you graduate.
Juniors will start school at 7:40 AM on Tuesday, February 27th, and will be dismissed after testing (roughly until 11:30 or Noon). Please note: Students in grades 9, 10, and 12 will not come to school on February 27th. The bell schedule for next week is:
- Monday, February 26th - Traditional (Hours 1-7)
- Tuesday, February 27th - Testing Day / Juniors: 7:40 a.m. until test is complete, approx. noon
- Wednesday, February 28th - Odd (Hours 1, 3, 5, & 7)
- Thursday, February 29th - Even (Late Start 8:30, Hours 2, 4, & 6)
- Friday, March 1st - Traditional (Hours 1-7)
If you have any questions, contact Dr. Cory Cox, Assistant Principal Curriculum & Instruction.
Kudos and Celebrations (new)
BVN Mustangs Swim and Dive Team are Class 6A Back-to-Back State Champs!
The team dominated at the KSHSAA State Championship winning back-to-back 6A State Boys Swimming and Diving titles by almost 100 points!
Thirteen boys scored points for the team: Ethan Chan (11 points), Khasar Chinbat (14 points), Ben Ding (2 points) Connor Golding (22 points), Alec Lopez (25 points), Max Masilionis (13 points), Klein McGraw (12 points), Jack Munro (29 points), Henry Parisi (17 points), Noah Pratt (4 points), Wilson Riekhof (25 points), Harris Stevens (6 points), Caleb Twyman (11 points), and Trey Wichman (9 points). The 200 Medley Relay team (Munro, Chan, Masilionis, and Parisi) was 1st place, the 200 Free Relay team (Parisi, Riekhof, Lopez, Masilionis) got 2nd place, and the 400 Free Relay team (Lopez, Riekhof, Munro, Chinbat) ended the meet with a 1st place finish. Four athletes received all state recognition: sophomore Jack Munro (first team all-state), junior Connor Golding (second team all-state), senior Alec Lopez (second team all-state) and junior Wilson Riekhof (second team all-state).
Congratulations to the entire team for winning state!
CONGRATULATIONS to our Blue Valley North Orchestra members who are in Wichita February 22- 24 to perform with the KMEA All-State Orchestra Ensembles. What an incredible honor for them and a testament to all their hard work. They'll be playing in ensembles that are made up of the BEST High School String Musicians in the state of Kansas!!!
Congratulations KMEA All-State High School Honor Orchestra members:
Row 1 (left to right): Hannah Kim – Violin, String Orchestra, Aidan Yang – Violin, String Orchestra, Evan Nugent – Violin, String Orchestra, William Suh – Violin, Full Orchestra, Isabella Glasow – Viola, Full Orchestra, Adele Van Lieshout – Cello, String Orchestra
Row 2 (left to right): Etina Roelofs – Violin, String Orchestra, Benjamin Ding – Violin, Full Orchestra,
Gabriel Decker – Bass, Full Orchestra, Joshua Shin, - Violin, Full Orchestra, Jasper Kim, - Viola, Full Orchestra, Katelyn Page – Violin, String Orchestra.
CONGRATULATIONS to our Blue Valley North Choir members who are in Wichita February 22-24 to perform with the KMEA All-State Choir Ensembles. What an incredible honor for them and a testament to all their hard work. They'll be playing in ensembles that are made up of the BEST High School vocalists in the state of Kansas!!!
Bravo to these outstanding performing arts students!
Spring Sports Announcements (new)
Girls' Soccer Team
Girls Soccer Tryouts will be February 26-28 from 4:00 -6:00 p.m. on the west turf field. Physicals must be uploaded prior to trying out. Team selections will be posted after Wednesday's tryout.
For players that are selected for a team there will be an inter-program scrimmage on Monday, March 4th at 4:30 p.m. on the west turf field. Families are encouraged to come watch as our Parent Meeting will follow from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. in the BVN library. Families should expect at least one adult representative to attend this meeting.
Softball Team Try-outs
Softball tryouts will begin after school on February 26th. If your daughter is interested in playing softball, please reach out to Coach Stevie at sgibson@bluevalleyk12.org.
Girls' Swimming and Diving Team
The women’s Swim and Dive team will be holding tryouts for the upcoming season Feb. 26-28 starting at 3:00 in the BVN pool. Please wear a one-piece swimsuit and bring a cap and goggles. For more information or questions please contact Angel Mock (angel.mock@yahoo.com) or Lori Patterson (lori.c.patterson@gmail.com)
NHS Donations Requested -- Period Product Drive
Did you know:
- 1 in 5 teens say they struggle to afford period products
- 84% have missed or know someone who has missed school because of their period
- While legislation is on the table to make period products tax free, NHS is wanting to help KC area students right away
BVN NHS is doing a period product drive to help students in 6 different local KC area schools. Please consider donating a package of pads or tampons to help our drive. Products can be taken to the BVN Library or Room 247 (Mrs. Stein). Thank you!
Bell Schedules and Schedule Changes
Mark Your Calendars
February 26 - Traditional Schedule / All Classes (this is a change)
February 26 - Spring Sports Tryouts begin
February 27 - ACT Testing Day for Juniors; NO SCHOOL for Freshmen, Sophomores & Seniors
February 28 - Odd Day
February 29 - Even Day
March 1 - Traditional Day / All Classes
March 4 - Odd Day
March 5 - Even Day
March 6 - Odd Day
March 7 - Even Day
March 8 - NO SCHOOL / End of 3rd Quarter
March 11-12 - Spring Break
March 18 - NO SCHOOL / Professional Learning for Teachers
April 1 - Schedule change: it is now a school day
Upcoming All School Events
All BVN events, activities, sporting events and additional calendar adjustments are found on the EKL calendar: www.easternkansasleague.org
Click here for the 2023/2024 Blue Valley School District Calendar.
Future Health Professionals Fundraiser
Please consider scanning the QR code above to purchase a dozen or more Krispy Kreme donuts between Feb. 8 and Mar. 9. Donuts will be picked up at the location of your choice. This will raise funds for the BVN Chapter of HOSA. Our mission is to empower Future Health Professionals to become leaders in the global health community through education, collaboration, and experience. The Mission is accomplished through an interactive formula: classroom x chapter x conferences = career. BVN Science Teacher, Bre Murphy, is the sponsor.
Counseling Department (new info)
SUMMER ENROLLMENT | Summer class registration begins March 18th. Parents can enroll students in ParentVue in the Course Request tab. You can view the courses offered for summer enrollment on the BVN Enrollment Canvas Page.
AP Exam Registrations | 2nd Semester and Late Registration is due March 1st! Please click here for all information regarding registration and payment. Email Catie Bosch or Catalina Donnelly-Vazquez with questions.
Boys and Girls State | Information on Boys and Girls State can be found on the BVN Counseling Canvas page under Job Opportunities and Community Service.
Seniors--Info for Class of '24
The Graduation date for the Class of 2024 has been announced! Mark your calendar for May 19th at 1:00 p.m. Commencement will be held at the Switzer District Activity Complex, 135th & Switzer in Overland Park.
*In case of inclement weather, the ceremony will move indoors to the BV West gymnasium, same date & time.
Class Ring info can be picked up in Student Services or you can look at options here: www.jostens.com. The Jostens rep will have a table at lunch on Feb. 28 to help with sizing, answer any questions, and take orders.
ACTION NEEDED: Please click on the link below and complete the Senior Transcript Form. Please complete as soon as possible. This form authorizes the release of senior transcripts for college applications. Click here: Diploma/Transcript Authorization
Order your cap & gown now from jostens.com.
We have over 90 seniors who have not done this yet!
Please place your order ASAP. IF YOU ORDER:
- Senior items: (like shirts, hats, keychains, etc.): they will be shipped to your home
- Announcements: they will be shipped to the school and seniors will be notified when to pick them up --Jostens expects to have a distribution table set up at lunch on March 25.
- Cap, Gown & Tassel: they will be shipped to the school and handed out at grad practice in May
Questions? email Mrs. Miller at lkmiller@bluevalleyk12.org and bookmark our Senior Info page.
Student leaving early or need to report an all-day absence?
Need to pick up your student early for an appointment? (new)
Please write a note with your student's name, ID#, reason for leaving early, date & time you will pick them up, and if they will be returning. Ask your student to drop it off on their way into school at the attendance office which is next to the main office. Giving at least 2 hours notice, you can also email attendancebvn@bluevalleyk12.org with these details. By planning, your student will be waiting on you instead of you waiting on your student. Thank you!
Reporting an absence at BVN
The most efficient way to report an absence is by emailing attendanceBVN@bluevalleyk12.org or entering your student's all-day absence in ParentVUE. You may also call the BVN attendance office directly at 913.239.3001, but please know they can have up to 70 VM messages first thing in the morning.
Families can expect automated attendance messages by email, phone, and text if a child is absent and their absence has not already been reported by a parent/guardian. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to report an absence or reply to the automated email or phone message.
What is the purpose of attendance notifications?
We realize that students may occasionally need to miss school for planned absences, illnesses, and appointments. However, when a student does not arrive at school or unexpectedly misses a portion of the school day, we are concerned and want to make sure you are aware that your child is absent.
How can I get push notifications?
Families who would also like a push notification can download the ParentVUE app and manage their notifications. If a child has an unreported absence when a teacher submits attendance, then a push notification will immediately be sent to the parent/guardian's mobile device.
Interested in push notifications? Simply download the ParentVUE app (iTunes app store or Google Play), enable push notifications in device settings and select attendance notifications through in-app settings. Once the app is downloaded, these instructions will help you complete the set-up.
Battle of the Bands is Tomorrow! Tickets are ON SALE NOW!
Don't miss the best over-21 night of the year with live music from four bands, silent auction items, a bourbon/wine pull plus light appetizers! The lineup is Blue Valley Parent Bands - Wednesday’s at Hermans is defending their title and check out Young Medicine on your favorite streaming service.
This annual event supports performing arts initiatives in our schools and will sell out FAST so grab your friends and buy tickets today! Click here for tickets and view the amazing silent auction today! *Check back on the auction, items added daily*
Parent Announcements
Basketball Concessions Help Needed!
Basketball is underway and concessions help is needed! Each organization has been assigned to help with a game. Please take a look and see which date you are needed and help The Mustang Club raise funds for your student's organization. Students are welcome to volunteer and can receive service hours, but one adult volunteer per shift is required. Link to schedule
Important Travel Outside of the USA Information
This important message is for any family or staff that will travel out of the United States during the school year. Please click here to read the restrictions and recommendations for Out of the Country travel. Blue Valley resources such as Canvas, Classlink, and school email are not accessible out of the country unless you have a personal device with a VPN on it.
BV Changes to Student Assessments: FASTbridge
There are some changes to student assessment in Blue Valley this fall. As a result, you may notice a change in some of the tests your student is being asked to take this year, such as:
We have replaced our previous reading screening assessment, the SRI with the Fastbridge FASTtrack reading assessment. The benefits are:
- Fastbridge testing provides comparable student results with fewer questions.
- Teachers get information that is easier to act upon.
- Fastbridge is endorsed by the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE).
- Families will get a printed student report.
Additionally, KSDE has changed the requirements for high school reading screening. Starting in Fall 2023, districts must screen:
- 9th graders in the fall
- New students
- Students whose scores from the previous test indicate below level performance
Online ATHLETIC PASSES and Individual Event Tickets
Fans can purchase single-game tickets online through the GoFan app, as well as Student or Family Athletic passes. (This Athletic Pass takes the place of the former Activity Pass that was sold through ParentVue.) Here is the BVN GoFan link: Blue Valley North High School Events and Tickets by GoFan
Are you moving? Have you moved?
Please contact the BVN Registrar, Ann LaGrange, by email at ALLaGrange@bluevalleyk12.org.
Nurse Notes
If your child is not feeling well please refer to the Disease & Symptom Exclusion Recommendations /Regulations: https://www.bluevalleyk12.org/cms/lib/ks02212623/Centricity/Domain/4486/disease%20exclusion%20recommendations%202022.pdf
Student Well-Being Support Resources:
Immunization Documentation Needed
Thank you, all parents, for working so diligently to have immunization records turned in to the nurse. The Kansas Requirements are: https://www.bluevalleyk12.org/Page/34370
- All 9th grade students are required to have their Hep A series
- 11th grade students are required to have their second dose of meningococcal immunization.
If your student is non-compliant, you will be contacted by a district exclusion letter. Please contact Amanda Collichio, BVN School nurse via ajcollichio@bluevalleyk12.org or fax at 913-239-3038 with up-to-date immunization certificates or documented appointment date and time.
Flu, COVID and the masking recommendation
This is not a requirement; for further info please visit https://www.bluevalleyk12.org/Page/36106.
Update Medical Orders for 2023-2024
If your student has medical orders please be sure the school nurse is kept up-to-date. Authorization for Medication Administration Forms must be signed by the prescribing physician and returned preferably by e-mail to Nurse Amanda Collichio at ajcollichio@bluevalleyk12.org or faxed to 913-239-3038. Medications may be dropped off to the nurse by appointment.
Community Celebrations and Observances
Some February Celebrations & Observances:
Black History Month - created to celebrate the achievements, contributions, and rich cultural heritages of African Americans. Black History Month highlights the triumphs and adversities that have helped shape the United States.
World Hijab Day - February 1 - this day recognizes the millions of Muslim women who choose to wear the hijab. Inviting women of all identities to wear the hijab for one day, it promotes understanding of other cultures and personal freedoms of religious expression.
Lunar New Year - February 10 - celebrated by families of Chinese and other Asian heritages, some people celebrate with religious ceremonies honoring ancestors, giving and receiving red envelopes containing small amounts of money, lighting colorful lanterns, and eating traditional foods such as dumplings and sticky rice balls that symbolize family unity.
Ash Wednesday - February 14 - a Christian holiday signifying the first day of the Lenten season, the 40 days (excluding Sundays) leading to Easter. Some families will attend religious services and receive ashes in the shape of a cross on their forehead.
Magha Puja Day - February 24 - an important Buddhist festival celebrating the gathering between Buddha and his first disciples. Some families will attend temple, meditate, listen to teachings, perform giving alms, and hold candlelight processions.
Mustang Club Winter Activity Guide
Please take a look through the BVN Mustang Club's Winter Activity Guide! Here is a link to the on-line edition: http://online.anyflip.com/qzkqi/thvs/
This is a great way to see photos of the athletic teams & performing arts students, find out more about their coaches and directors, and read a greeting from the BVN Principal & the Mustang Club Presidents. Please take time to see the advertisements from our corporate partners and give them your business whenever possible. We thank them for their support of the Mustang Club and our Blue Valley North students. Enjoy!
Our parent community has been integral in contributing to our status as one of the best high schools in the state of Kansas and a leading high school across the nation.
Please support The Mustang Club (previously known as BVN Parent Booster Club). The Mustang Club financially supports BVN's extracurricular activities (as our version of a traditional PTO/PTA), and over the last 7 years, The Mustang Club has granted over a half million dollars to support our school’s extracurricular activities, organizations, and athletic teams. We could not provide the depth and breadth of opportunities that are available without your participation through membership and donations of your time.
The Mustang Club needs your support! Membership is down and volunteers are in short supply. Here are some options for you to consider:
- Become a Mustang Club member at one of the five membership levels;
- Purchase spirit wear from The Mustang Club website (www.bvnmustangs.com);
- Volunteer on a Mustang Club committee to support a specific event or cause; and
- Take advantage of one of the many sponsorship opportunities available for those of you affiliated with companies that want to support BVN financially.
- We would love for your company to be featured in our Activity Guide. It is printed 3 times each year and would be a wonderful way to promote your business to the North community. Email mustangactivityguides@gmail.com now! To see last year's spring guide, click here.
- Show your love and mustang pride for your student by purchasing a Spirit Ad in the Activity Guide! go to www.bvnmustangs.com on the Order form page.
You can find everything you need to know about The Mustang Club & membership at www.bvnmustangs.com. As you know, this organization is completely run by parent volunteers so every dollar donated goes to benefit BVN students. Additionally, the organization is a 501(c)3 so your contributions are tax deductible.
Thank you for your support and consideration and GO MUSTANGS!
Durham Bus Riders
Durham will continue to transport our bus riders in the 2023/2024 school year. If you have questions, please call Durham at 913-681-2492 or contact them via email at admin6700@durhamschoolservices.com.
We are Mustang Proud!
North Notes is a newsletter for the parents and students of Blue Valley North High School. If you have questions, please contact Janet Roush, Assistant to the Principal, at JRoush@bluevalleyk12.org .
The BVN Main Office is opened Monday - Friday, 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
The BVN Offices will be closed on Friday, February 9.
Blue Valley North High School
BVN Twitter:
BVN Instagram:
Email: Jroush@bluevalleyk12.org
Website: www.bluevalleyk12.org/BVN/
Location: 12200 Lamar Avenue, Overland Park, KS, 66209
Phone: (913) 239-3000
Facebook: facebook.com/BVNMustangs/
Twitter: @bvnnews