Duniway Dispatch
August 5th, 2024

January 24, 2025
School Closures and Early Releases
- January 27: Schools closed for grading day
- January 28: Schools closed for planning day
- February 17: Schools closed for holiday
February 26: Students released early at 11:50 a.m.
March 3: Schools closed for planning day
March 19: Students released early at 11:50 a.m.
March 24-28: Schools closed for Spring Break
April 4: Schools closed for grading day
April 7: Schools closed for planning day
April 23: Students released early at 11:50 a.m.
May 21: Students released early at 11:50 a.m.
May 26: Schools closed for holiday
June 10: Last day of school for students
School Events
- January 31: School Spirit Backwards Day
- January 31: Principal's Coffee
- February 5: Winter Walk & Roll 2 School
- February 7: Winter Dance and Social
- February 10: Funding Forum
- February 21: School Spirit Book/Movie Character Day
- February 22-23: OBOB Final Competition
- February 26: School Assembly
- February 28: Principal's Coffee
- March 11: PTA Meeting
- March 12: Connect to Duniway
- March 17-21: Book Fair
- March 19: School Assembly
- March 21: Principal's Coffee
- April 9: Connect to Kindergarten
- April 11: Picture Day
- April 23: School Assembly
- April 25: Principal's Coffee
- May 13: PTA Meeting
- May 14: Connect to Duniway
- May 16: Fund Run
- May 21: School Assembly
- May 30: Principal Coffee
- June 3: PTA Meeting
- June 6: Parade and Carnival
2024-25 District Calendar
Principal's Message
Dear Dragon Families,
I hope you all have had a good week. We had a good week here at school highlighted by exciting events such as our monthly assembly and student OBOB competitions. At our assembly on Tuesday we celebrated the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and also watched some encore student performances from our variety show. As you know, we will have a short week next week with no school on Monday and Tuesday due to grading and planning days. Students have been working hard this month on their mid-year assessments in different subjects and teachers are preparing updates on student progress to be including in the upcoming report cards. All student report cards for Quarter 2 will be available in ParentVue midday on Monday, February 3.
Also in the news this week was the release of the Portland Public Schools preliminary budget for next school year. In case you missed seeing this, here are some links with information on what is proposed.
PPS Board Presentation-Budget-1-21-25
The size of these proposed cuts ($41 million) is huge and will involve reductions to staffing and programs in schools and the district office. It is not clear at this point how Duniway will specifically be impacted by these reductions. Slide 15 of the presentation details some upcoming dates for community engagement about this proposed budget. We are glad to be hosting a forum at Duniway on February 10 regarding the state of education funding in Portland and in the state of Oregon (see information below). I hope you will all join us for this event where we can raise our collective voice to our local and state leaders. That is all I have for now and I hope you all enjoy a great weekend!
In gratitude,
John Melvin
Reaffirming PPS Immigration Resolution
Dear Duniway Families,
It is important to PPS that immigrant families feel safe and supported. Families within our school community and across our city have expressed that they are concerned about possible immigration actions under the new presidential administration.
I want to reassure you that our top priority is ensuring the safety and well-being of all students and staff. We continue to work closely with PPS leadership and our community partners to uphold Oregon law prohibiting state and local law enforcement from arresting or detaining people based solely on immigration status. Additionally, Oregon law protects student educational records from use for immigration actions.
In times of uncertainty, it is always beneficial to be proactive and prepared, and it’s crucial that we have up-to-date contact information for you and your student. If you have not done so already, please complete the yearly student verification form to ensure we’re reaching you via the right information and in the right language.
I also wanted to provide the following resources:
This FAQ and this webpage answer many questions about the steps Portland Public Schools will be taking to safeguard staff and students going forward.
This page from the Multnomah Education Service District (MESD) includes a family resource hub and culturally specific information for families in the Portland area.
The Immigrant Legal Resource Center Little Red Card is meant to help people assert their rights and defend themselves in many situations. The cards can be printed out in your preferred language and carried on your person.
Know Your Rights for Families/Students (Oregon ACLU)
PPS’s Office for Civil Rights offers support addressing discrimination, harassment, and bias-related concerns.
Please contact me at “jmelvin@pps.net” if you have any questions or concerns. We are here for you and your students and we will stand together to champion our diversity and support the most vulnerable among us.
-Dr. Melvin
Auction Volunteer Kick off Party
Hello Duniway Community!
Join us Thursday January 30th at Pure Green for The Auction Volunteer Kick off Party!! You’ll be the first to know our spring auction THEME!! Stop by to learn out how you can help. All hands are needed for our biggest fundraiser for Duniway. Email us for any questions auction@duniwayfoundation.com.
Winter Dance and Social, Friday, February 7th
It's that time of year again...the Duniway Winter Dance (grades 2-5) and the Duniway Winter Social (preK-1st) will be happening Friday February 7th in the Duniway Cafeteria.
Winter Social - 2:30-3:15pm open to all Duniway Pre-K through 1st grade students
This fun social hour will include music, dancing, snacks and fun. Parent or guardian is required to attend with student. Please RSVP HERE
Winter Dance - 6-8pm open to all Duniway 2nd-5th grade students
This is a drop off event that will include music, dancing, snacks and photo booth fun! Please RSVP HERE. Note that all students MUST have a permission form filled out prior to February 5th to be allowed into the dance.
Funding Forum @Duniway on February 10th
Duniway Variety Show
Dear Duniway Parents and Students,
Thank you for making the 2025 Variety Shows a smashing success! Kudos to all of our student performers, student helpers, and emcees for your energy and positive participation. Thanks to the parents who worked behind the scenes to make everything run smoothly. It was great to see you shine, Duniway.
Looking forward to the 2026 shows! 🎸🎹🎤🎵
- Mrs. Adams & the Variety Show Committee
Photo by Jennie Gassner
Preventing Illness in Our Schools: Important Health and Safety Reminders
Dear PPS Families,
At Portland Public Schools (PPS), the well-being of our students and staff are always our top priority. During the winter months, we often see an increase in illness, and we want to remind you of how we manage illness and work to prevent the spread of contagious diseases to keep everyone safe and healthy.
How We Keep Everyone Safe:
Monitoring Health: We closely track student and staff absences and look for signs of illness, such as vomiting or rashes. If we notice a rise in sickness, we notify our partners at Multnomah Education School District (MESD) and work with Multnomah County Health Department (MCHD) to notify families when someone has been at school while contagious with a school-restrictable communicable disease.
We offer notifications in multiple languages, including Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, Russian, and Somali.
Sending Sick Individuals Home: If a student or staff member shows symptoms listed in the Symptom-based Exclusion Chart, we send them home to prevent spreading illness.
Promoting Healthy Habits: We encourage everyone to practice these important habits:
Wash hands frequently
Cover coughs and sneezes
Stay up-to-date with vaccines
Clean and disinfect shared spaces
Training and Protocols: PPS develops and trains all schools to follow communicable disease protocols to ensure a consistent and effective response to illness outbreaks.
What You Can Do:
Keep Sick Children Home: If your child has symptoms like fever, vomiting, or diarrhea, please keep them home. If symptoms worsen, seek medical care for your child.
Report Illnesses: Let the school know if your child is sick so we can monitor for increased illness.
Encourage Healthy Hygiene: Teach your child to wash their hands often, cover coughs and sneezes, and avoid touching their face.
Practice Social Distancing: If your child is mildly ill, encourage them to keep their distance from others at home.
Stay Up-to-Date on Vaccines: Make sure your child’s vaccinations are current to prevent illness. Students can obtain vaccines at:
Any MCHD Student Health Center
Community Clinics such as Multnomah County’s Community Vaccination Clinic
Clean Common Areas: Regularly clean frequently touched surfaces at home.
To learn more about our health policies, visit the PPS School Health Services website or contact your school’s administrator.
Thank you for helping us keep our schools safe and healthy!
The PPS Health Services Team
Fliers Approved for Distribution
Camps, Classes, & After School Programs:
VIBE PDX No-School Youth Sewing Classes (Jan. 27-28, Feb. 17, Mar. 3, Mar. 24-28)
Cognizart 31st Annual Young Artists Debut! Concert & Showcase (apply by Feb. 3 – Deadline extended)
USTA Tennis Afterschool Zone at Maplewood (Jan. 14 - Feb. 25)
Portland Parks & Rec Teen Force at SW Community Center
VIBE of Portland Music & Digital Art Classes for Kids
Portland Parks & Rec Environmental Education Nature Field Trips (flyer for teachers)
Summer Camps:
VIBE PDX East Winds Band Camp (Jul. 21-25, 2025, recorded audition due Jul. 10)
Cognizart 360Arts Summer Camps (Jul. 7-11, 14-18, & 21-25, 2025)
OSU Summer Reading Program (Jun. 14 - Aug. 16, 2025)
Preschool Programs:
Multnomah Early Childhood Program Peer Preschool Classes
(Spanish) (Vietnamese) (Chinese) (Russian) (Somali) (Korean) (Arabic) (Persian)Portland Parks Preschool 2024-25
Community Events & Information:
Multnomah County: Common Application
City of Portland: 311 Non-Emergency Hotline
(Spanish) (Vietnamese) (Chinese) (Russian) (Somali)
Vaccinations, Health & Wellness:
Multnomah County Student Health Center Immunization Catch-Up Reminder
Multnomah County: Free Community Vaccination Clinic (Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays)
(English) (Spanish) (Vietnamese) (Chinese) (Russian) (Somali)Multnomah County: Student Health Centers (fliers in English, Russian, Chinese, and Vietnamese):
The fliers listed above are approved for distribution directly to students. We are only approving materials from contract partners, other government agencies, or for programs sponsored by PPS or another government entity. If you have any questions, please reference the Promoting Events and Activities in PPS Schools webpage, the 2020-21 Update on Flier Distribution for Non-Governmental Organizations, or contact Ryan Vandehey at rvandehey@pps.net.