Husky Nation Highlights
Community Newsletter - September 1, 2024

Our Husky Spirit Store will close on 9/8 for the rest of the year. We anticipate delivery in late September after Parent Conferences. We will not have another spirit store opportunity this year.
Thank you to our amazing vendor, MAD Shirts, for making a second opportunity available to our Husky Nation families!
Let's Beat the Heat! 🥵
Safer Athletics & Outdoor Activities During Excessively Hot Weather
Our school now has a Wet Bulb Globe Thermometer (WBGT) -- similar to the one in the accompanying photo -- which measures multiple variables including temperature, air quality, humidity and direct exposure to sunlight. On extremely hot days, WBGT readings will be taken prior to athletic events and outdoor activities. Based on the WBGT readings and guidance from the California Department of Public Health, site admin will determine whether normal activities can safely continue or if activities need to be adjusted and/or canceled.
Please communicate with your child that when conditions become unsafe that we may need to have students stay indoors, in the shade and we will not offer any equipment at recess. No running or high exertion activities will be allowed for their safety.
Our School Theme for September = RESPECT
Character Strong is our schoolwide social-emotional learning (SEL) curriculum. We are continuing our implementation of this curriculum this year! Our weekly student-led Monday Messages in September will connect to the theme of Respect. Students in every homeroom exemplifying this theme will be recognized at the end of the month during our Student of the Month breakfast.
Husky Nation BBQ Lunch - Fri 9.13.24 🌭
AUSD Food & Nutrition Services is proud to present a freshly grilled lunch option to students on Friday, September 13, 2024! Students will go through the lunch line for their fruits, veggies and milk/juice. The grill option will be a BEEF HOT DOG in addition to the scheduled lunch offerings for the day.
If you would like to volunteer with the lunch line during your child's lunch time, please contact Mr. B!
Husky Nation is United Against Hate 🚫
No Time to Hate Poster Contest - September 23-27
AUSD will participate in United Against Hate Week, September 23-27 as a way of reinforcing safe and inclusive schools for all students. More information: LA vs. Hate - 2024 United Against Hate Week
Students are encouraged to participate in a poster contest, the theme is No Time to Hate. See flyers for participation information:
- No Time to Hate Poster Contest Flyer (REV).pdf
- No Time to Hate Poster Contest FAQs and Links (REV).pdf
- AdvocacyJourney.PNG
Students may upload their poster to this form when they are ready to submit. Students with questions should contact Ms. Cady Burkhart, Contest Coordinator at burkhart_catherine@ausd.us.
Submission deadline is Thursday, September 12, 2024 at 11:59pm.
🎉 Join Us for Our First PTA Meeting of the Year! 🎉
Parents and Guardians, mark your calendars! We're kicking off the school year with our first PTA meeting:
Date: September 11
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: Monterey Highlands Elementary Cafetorium
We will share how we plan to make this school year an amazing one for our students, teachers, and community! An agenda for the meeting is available here. Come learn about upcoming events, how you can get involved, and share your ideas.
Pizza, treats, and refreshments will be provided! Bring your energy, enthusiasm, and appetite! Let’s make this a fantastic year together! See you there!
Calling all Young Artists! 🎨
Explore the arts and express yourself! No matter what grade you're in, we encourage you to submit your unique work of art to the PTA Reflections Art Program and unleash your creativity. This year's theme is "Accepting Imperfection” – a powerful and inspiring topic that invites you to explore and express what it means to embrace the beauty of imperfections.
This is your chance to showcase your creativity in one of our many categories:
- Dance Choreography
- Film Production
- Literature
- Music Composition
- Photography
- Visual Arts
How to Get Started? Visit bit.ly/mhreflections for more information on how to participate and to submit your entries. Submission Deadline: Wednesday, October 2, 2024 at 11:59PM.
Interested in being a judge? Let us know by clicking or tapping here!
Join / Renew Your PTA Membership Today! 📣
Join us in making a difference in our children's education by becoming a member of the Monterey Highlands Elementary PTA!
Whether you're a new parent or a returning member, your involvement is crucial to our success. Together, we can create an enriching and supportive environment for our children.
Join or renew your PTA Membership by clicking or tapping here.
Thank you for your continued support. Let's make this school year the best one yet!
Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities 👐
We are grateful for our volunteers. Here are some of our volunteer needs at this time:
Ongoing PTA Volunteer Opportunities:
- Interested in helping plan and organize our PTA events? Let us know by submitting your interest here! (PTA)
- Interested in being a judge for our Reflections Art Program? Let us know by submitting your interest here! (PTA)
Ongoing School Volunteer Opportunities:
- Morning Valet: Please sign up here if you are interested in lending a hand!
- Husky Store: We're looking for volunteers to help re-open our Husky Store in October! Please contact Mr. Perez, School Counselor if you are interested!
- Library: Our Library begins classroom visits and lunch hours this week! Contact Mrs. Sarah Taylor, our new Librarian, if you are interested in being a Library Volunteer!
📣 ASB Announcements 📣
Mr. Calvin Ly & Ms. Kim Lim, Advisers
The Associated Student Body (ASB) oversees all fundraising and school activities at Monterey Highlands. The ASB Cabinet meets most weeks to review activity and fundraising requests.
Useful ASB Information:
ASB produces our monthly Wonderful Wednesday virtual assembly. In the month of September, 7th Grade teaches us how to show Respect. Our morning PA messages to start the week will also focus on this theme.
6th and 8th Grade Parent Meetings 🧑🏻💻
We're excited to support 6th Grade as they raise funds for Science Camp from May 5-9, 2025 and 8th Grade as they raise funds for Promotion Activities in May 2025. We will hold parent meetings throughout the year to plan activities, provide updates on fundraising and more. Our first parent meetings are:
- 6th Grade Parent Meeting - Mon 9/9 @ 5pm on Zoom - zoom.us/my/mh.principal
- 8th Grade Parent Meeting - Mon 9/9 @ 6pm on Zoom - zoom.us/my/mh.principal
Mental Health Matters 💙
Mr. Christian Perez, School Counselor
The start of school is a busy and challenging time for students. Students are navigating new teachers, new expectations, new friend groups and much more. We want to make sure your child has the social emotional supports they need to thrive at school.
If you feel your child may need some support, check-ins or possibly a referral for counseling services, please connect with our Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Mr. Christian Perez - perez_christian_1@ausd.us.
Mr. Perez will reach out to parents/guardians to complete a Gateway to Success (GTS) referral and explore linkage options with you. We're proudly collaborating with Sycamores to ensure mental health services are accessible to everyone.
Traffic Safety 🦺
Click the link above to join other parents/community members interested in advocating for safer traffic conditions around our school campus! Advocacy topics include:
- Traffic enforcement and patrols
- Speed bumps
- Safety signage
- More crossing guards
Scenes from This Week at Husky Nation 📸
6th and 8th Grade Raising $$
Our Learning Center Team
Mr. Perez @ BTSN
Look an Emotion! Activity @ BTSN
Mrs. Vi's Classroom @ BTSN
Student of the Month - Kindness!
New Student Social in the Spaw
New Student Social in the Spaw
Upcoming Dates 📆
Don't forget - College Wear Wednesdays and Fun Fridays (Husky Spirit Wear) continue
- 9/2 - LABOR DAY HOLIDAY (No School)
- 9/4 - Pilot Career Presentation (1st-3rd) @ Cafetorium, 12-12:30pm
- 9/5 - School Tour (please RSVP) @ Library, 8:15-9:15am
- 9/11 - Parent Engagement Meeting - Study Skills, Cafetorium @ 5:30pm
- 9/11 - PTA Association Meeting, Cafetorium @ 6:30pm
- 9/13 - Lockdown Drill
- 9/17 - AUSD Board of Education Meeting
- 9/18 - School Site Council Meeting on Zoom @ 1:15pm
- 9/18 - Intervention Night, Rm I-38, 5:30-6:30pm
- 9/20 - Minimum Day (Parent Conferences Prep)
- 9/23 to 9/27 - Parent Conferences
- 9/24 - English Learning Advisory Council Meeting, Library @ 8am
- 9/27 - Student of the Month in Cafetorium @ 8am
- 10/2 - PTA Reflections Submissions are Due at midnight
- 10/3 - Safety Committee on Zoom @ 3pm
- 10/4 - Parent Engagement Meeting - PBIS and LEAD on Zoom @ 9am
- 10/8 - AUSD Board of Education Meeting
- 10/9 - Parent Engagement Meeting - English Learner Night, Cafetorium @ 5:30pm
- 10/9 - PTA Association Meeting, Cafetorium @ 6:30pm
- 10/11 - Minimum Day (Site Professional Development)
- 10/11 - 4th Grade Walkthrough CA On-Site Experience
Monterey Highlands School
📥 Email: highlands@ausd.us
🌐 Website: www.montereyhighlandselementary.org
📍 Location: 400 Casuda Canyon Drive, Monterey Park, CA, USA
📲 Phone: (626) 570-6220
School Office Open Daily 7:30am-4:30pm
There is only ONE Husky Nation! Sign up for a school tour today!