Superintendent's Newsletter
August 2024
Message of the Month
Dear School Community,
With the start of the 2024-2025 school year upon us there is a strong sense of enthusiasm to return to the classrooms. Soon enough our students will be meeting their teachers, greeting their classmates, and starting to engage in learning opportunities.
It is important to remember that starting on the first day and during the first six weeks of schools - specific efforts are made by our educators to ensure that all students:
- develop a strong sense of belonging and significance in their new learning community;
- start building social connections with peers and staff members;
- start learning and practicing classroom routines and expectations;
- establish a sense of excitement about the academic work and learning that will occur throughout the school year.
By embracing the idea of community, our students will develop new friendships, become more independent, feel comfortable taking academic risks, and engage deeply with their learning.
I hope the summer months have been filled with relaxation and fun for our students and their families. We look forward to the first day of school on August 28, 2024 for grades 1-12 and August 30, 2024 for Kindergarten.
With all respect,
Michael S. Nelson
Superintendent of Schools
Pictures of Superintendent School Visits
PowerSchool Forms
Annual forms (in the General tab) are now available in PowerSchool for all families to complete for each student(s), including information for the nurse’s office. The information in these forms is populated from information you have previously provided, so in most cases it’s a quick review and update as needed. Please login to PowerSchool using your parent account and click on Forms in the left menu. The ‘General’ tab should open with the annual forms for you to review and update as needed.
- After reviewing and/or updating, please be sure to submit the form so we know everything is up-to-date!
- Forms are mobile friendly, but for the best experience, please utilize a computer.
- Annual forms are required by all families, even those that may have recently registered and completed enrollment forms.
Click here to login to PowerSchool.
If you have any questions, please contact the Principal’s Secretary of your student’s school.
ORRconnect Mobile App
This mobile app allows families to receive targeted, real-time updates right at their fingertips regarding school happenings. Families can filter content, calendars and settings unique to one building or all. Check out the Mobile App Info Sheet for details on the information within our app.
Search ORRconnect in the app store or use the links from your mobile device.
Bus Routes
2024-2025 Bus Routes are available on our website. Please allow for a 10 minute variance before and after the times indicated on this link for at least the first five (5) to seven (7) school days. This will ensure that our students will be at their bus stops at the time of pick up. Click here to review safety tips.
School Device Coverage
Food Service
All students will continue to receive 1 FREE Breakfast and 1 FREE Lunch per day, during the school year. Additional meals are available for a fee. Free and reduced applications are available online here. Only one application is necessary per family. You will be notified via email or U.S. postal mail of your child's status. This information may be shared, only with your consent, and used for other school benefits. Lunch menus are available in the ORRconnect app, on the website in the Families & Students menu and on the Food and Nutrition Services website.
Visiting Schools
Office of Teaching and Learning
We are excited to welcome families back for another exciting academic school year! We were awarded multiple grants over the past few months to help update and enhance our curriculum and instructional materials in math, science, and social studies for this year.
The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) approves high quality instructional materials we will continue to incorporate to increase rigor in teaching while using the most current learning resources.
DESE’s rigorous resources and materials have assisted in streamlining content areas across all of the districts for a common learning experience for all students.
We are in our final year of piloting a new inquiry-based science curriculum called, OpenSciEd for grades 5-8. Amplify Science is new this year to support our elementary science and STEM curriculum.
Also new is our Amplify Desmos Math which will be implemented at the Junior High School. Our social studies resources include piloting the new Investigating History curriculum and student-led Civics projects at the elementary and Junior High School levels.
This year, we are entering the second year of our new elementary IntoReading literacy program, which includes DIBELS literacy assessments administered three times a year. All of these curriculum, instruction and assessment materials include high quality professional development for our educators in implementation practices and content pedagogy.
Last, to support a positive climate and culture, we are partnering with the Sandy Hook Promise associated with the Office of the Attorney General to provide specialized training in our districts to continue to promote safe schools for the school community.
If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Shari Fedorowicz at or 508-758-2772 ext. 1955.
Office of Student Services
If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Jaime Curley at or 508-758-2772 ext. 1942.
Project 351
Calling all students in grades 4-12! Are you ready to make a difference in our community and beyond? Become a student leader through our Project 351 & Playbook Initiative Workshops. Project 351 & the Boston Celtics Playbook Initiative is a unique program that empowers students to become leaders and change-makers. You'll collaborate with other passionate young people to tackle important issues including creating a culture of respect for all and participating in community service. Don't miss out on this opportunity to grow as a leader and make a positive change. Be on the lookout for our family letter and student application this September. Sign up to be part of something bigger than yourself!
2024-2025 School Calendar
The 2024-2025 School Calendar is available online here. The first day of school for grades 1-12 is August 28, 2024 and the first day of school for Kindergarten is August 30, 2024.
Did you know that our districts are served by five regular school committees? Marion, Mattapoisett, Rochester and ORR all have a school committee established along with the Joint School Committee which is a combination of the main four committees. There are also subcommitees established for budget, policy, facilities, negotiations and more. Click here for the complete schedule, meeting resources and minutes.
Upcoming meetings:
August 29th - Rochester
September 4th - ORR
September 12th - Mattapoisett
September 19th - Marion
September 26th - Joint
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