Howardsville Christian
November 12th
We need your help!
HCS is looking for a volunteer who could head up our snow removal on the sidewalks. We have someone who plows the parking lot for us, but we are looking for someone who could come shovel & plow the sidewalks each time it snows. If you are interested in serving at HCS in this manner, please contact the office for more information.
Fall Sports Awards
Jr HIgh & Varsity
Tuesday, November 19th at 6 PM
Please bring a finger food dessert to share.
Players please be in game day attire.
Alumni Volleyball Game
November 15th
7 PM
Doors open at 6:45 PM
Come join us as the Varsity Volleyball teams takes on past HCS players!
Winter Sports Volunteer Sign Ups
We NEED your help! Gate / Concessions / Scoreboard volunteers are needed for EACH home game during the basketball season. Please consider signing up for several slots!
Thanksgiving Gram
Crew is organizing their annual Thanksgiving Grams. Order forms went home earlier this week with students. Please fill out the form and select skittles or M&M's. Orders are due on Nov. 18th. Cost is $2 each. They will be delivered on Thursday, Nov. 21st.
Yearbooks are HERE!
2023-2024 Yearbooks were sent home last week.
We have several left available for sale. They are $50 in the office. First come first serve.
HCS Athletic Passes
2024-2025 Winter Season (HOME games)
Family Pass - $100 (immediate family members)
Adult Pass - $50 (1 person)
6th - 12th Student Pass - $30
K - 5th Student Pass - $25
This pass will get you into ALL home games during the regular season.
Passes may be purchased by contacting Mrs. Muldoon in the school office.
Your login information from last year is still valid. If you have misplaced your username / password, please email the office and we will issue you a new one.
Our school code is "WZZZ".
HCS Family Tips
- www.howardsvillechristianathletics.com (all athletic schedules & addresses for games)
Stay Connected - Join the HCS Facebook Page and the C.R.E.W. HCS Parent/Teacher Connections group on Facebook to stay up-to-date on what is coming up at school! Also check out our website at www.hcseagles.com for teacher email addresses, athletic information, etc.
Hot lunch: We offer hot lunch on Monday - Thursdays.
- create an account
-use "hcs" for the campus code
- "hcseagleslunch" for the domain name
- can also download the app
- order hot lunch
- pay via credit card
-you can save payment information
- you can load money on your account
- order hot lunch by 10 am each day
- Little Caesar's & Ben's Pretzels must be ordered by 3 pm on the DAY BEFORE!
- If you want to deposit cash/check to the office, we can issue you a credit on your account online.
School Closures: In the event that we need to close school you will receive a call from Mr. Bishop / Mrs. Muldoon through our Call 'em All system. We will also post closures on our HCS Facebook page and the CREW Facebook Page. We follow Three Rivers Public Schools for cancellations. If they close due to weather, we are closed as well.
Dress Code: Our Handbook is available online at www.hcseagles.com. Some items to note... no shorts, no leggings as pants, girls skirts/dresses should be around their knee.
FEVER FREE - Please remember that your students must stay home if they have not been fever free for over 24 hours without the aid of medication. When in doubt, please keep them home.
SICK DAY POLICY - If your student will be taking a sick day, please email Mrs. Muldoon by 8:30 a.m. If you would like their homework sent home with a sibling, please indicate that in your email. Homework requests will be available for pickup at 3:15 p.m.
APPOINTMENTS / EARLY RELEASE - If your student has an appointment and they need to leave early, please email Mrs. Muldoon & their teacher.
Raise Right App (Shop with Scrip)
Scrip Gift Card Fundraising for Organizations • RaiseRight - TO SIGN UP INITIALLY!
You will need the CODE – ADD631BC185 to get signed up. Mrs. Rose will apply the percentage once a month towards your tuition. Feel free to have family and friends sign up under your student as well!
Important Calendar Events
11/11 - Boys Basketball Practice Begins
11/11 - Girls Conditioning Starts
11/18 - Girls Basketball Practice Begins
11/15 - Alumni Volleyball Game @ 7 PM
11/19 - Fall Sports Awards @ 6:30 PM in GYM
11/27-11/29 - NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
11/29 - Varsity Basketball Alumni Game @ 6 PM
12/6 - Elementary Christmas Program 7 PM
12/20 - Last Day of School - Christmas Break begins
Important Contact Information
Mr. Bishop, Administrator - tbishop@hcseagles.com
Barry Crotser, Chairman of the School Board
Bully Reporting - reporting@hcseagles.com
Howardsville Christian School
Email: lmuldoon@hcseagles.com
Website: www.hcseagles.com
Location: 53441 Bent Rd, Marcellus, MI, USA
Phone: 2696469367