Chapel of the Cross Faith & Family
Family Bible time for the week of Feb. 14-February 20
Welcome to Chapel's Faith & Family!
God's Tabernacle
Describe the most beautiful church you’ve ever been in.
God had led the Israelites from Egypt to Mount Sinai, where He told Moses to come up on the mountain to receive instructions about how the people were to live. While Moses was on the mountain (just before the golden calf incident), God gave Moses instructions on how the people were to build a tabernacle, a place where God would come to dwell among them. He began by telling Moses to take a free-will offering from the people. The people were to give from their heart—gold and silver, wood, oil, precious stones, and more—to build God’s sanctuary. God gave specific instructions on how it was to be built, starting with the ark of the covenant. Nearly one full year after the first Passover, the tabernacle was constructed, and God’s presence in the form of a cloud filled it with His glory.
Opening Prayer
Dear God, thank You for promising to be with us as we gather for worship. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Bible Truth
Bible Lesson: God's Tabernacle
- Open your family Bible or a Children's Bible storybook and read this account together OR
- Read this account using an online Bible ( Exodus 25:1–19; 40:1–8, 34–38 OR
- Listen to the Bible account being read using the video below.
Talk about it
- What did the people bring to make the tent-church? What special things did God tell them to make for it?
- How did God show that He was with His people?
- Is God still with us today, even though He doesn’t lower a cloud over our church?
The people brought silver and gold, colorful cloth, precious stones, wood, and leather. These were used to make lampstands, silver bowls, curtains, and the ark of the covenant.
God filled the tent-church in a big cloud.
Yes, God is still with us today! God sent His Son, Jesus, to dwell among us. Jesus told us "wherever two or three are gathered, I am there with them."
Bible Verse
The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. John 1:14
Worship Song
Musical Meditation
Download a page of activities and crafts.
Download a coloring page.
The Lord's Prayer
Closing Prayer
Dear Lord God, You are all powerful and all loving. Thank You for being our God, who provides all that we need in body and soul. Thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus, to take away our sins. In Your name we pray, Jesus. Amen.
Bible Lesson: Concordia Publishing House
Chapel of the Cross--Lutheran
Our Core Values:
- Empowered by the cross of Christ
- People working together
- Opening the Word to all people
- Showing the love of Jesus
- Warm and supportive environment
Location: 11645 Benham Rd, St. Louis, MO, USA
Phone: (314) 741-3737