RMS Knightly News
Week of January 20th, 2025

Hello RMS Knights and Families
Our Honor the Castle January's theme is having "a growth mindset”. This week’s message for January 20th states “Think it into to existence. The power of the mind is infinite”
This week's mindset monday message for the week of January 20th Click HERE.
Stay up to date by checking our School Website regularly: Richards Middle School Website
Email: huston.julian@fraserk12.org
Website: https://www.fraser.k12.mi.us/RMSHome
Location: 33500 Garfield Road, Fraser, MI, USA
Second Step Lessons during seminar for the week of Jan. 20th
7th grade Second Step Lesson topic for the week of 1-20-25- Feel, Think, Do
Summary: In this week’s lesson, our 7th grade knights will distinguish thoughts from emotions. They will also analyze how emotions affect their thoughts, and how their thoughts can influence the decisions they make.
At home question to ask your Knight: Ask your knight to explain the difference between an emotion and a thought. Take turns expressing sentiments aloud and having the other person identify if the sentiments are thoughts or emotions. (For example, Emotion: “I’m so mad at the coach for not putting me in the game.” Thought: “That’s it—I quit!”)
8th grade Second Step Lesson topic for the week of 1-20-25- Where Does Stress Come From?
Summary: In this week’s lesson, our 8th grade knights will learn where stress comes from, identify stressors in their life, and examine which stressors they can control.
At home question to ask your Knight: Ask your knight if they have any stressors they can’t control. Discuss what they do have control over.
The Knight Shift days this month at RMS in the media center!
The Knight Shift in January- After-School Homework Club in the media center from 3:05pm-4:00pm.
The Knight Shift after-school homework club (designated Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:05pm-4:00pm in the media center).
*Students who attend the Knight Shift must arrange for transportation home after 4pm.
The Knight Shift -“The time period after a long day of work to organize, to prepare, and to be ready for success!”
All Noble Knights are invited to attend the Knight Shift…If they have:
Homework assignment(s) to complete- Individual tables area
A group project needs to be worked on - Collaboration stations area
A quiet location to read - Flexible seating area
Please note- Outside purchased food and beverages are not permitted during the Knight Shift session.
The Knight Shift will be staffed by RMS staff member(s) during each sessions.
January Knight Shift Days are-
1/21 - Tuesday: 3:05pm-4:00pm
1/23 - Thursday: 3:05pm-4:00pm
1/28 - Tuesday: 3:05pm-4:00pm
1/30 - Thursday: 3:05pm-4:00pm
2025 Richards Middle School 7th and 8th Grade Girls Basketball Team Tryouts
All girls interested in trying out for either the
7th Grade or 8th Grade
Girls Basketball team, tryout dates and times are listed below.
We ask that if you are planning on trying out, use the link below to register:
Tryout Schedule:
Tuesday Jan. 21st
7th Grade
3:00pm – 4:30 pm
8th Grade
4:15pm – 6:00 pm
Richards MS gym
Wednesday, Jan. 22nd
7th Grade
3:00pm – 4:30 pm
8th Grade
4:30pm – 6:00 pm
Richards MS gym
Thursday, Jan. 23rd
7th Grade
3:00pm – 4:30 pm
8th Grade
4:30pm – 6:00 pm
Richards MS gym
7th Grade Head Coach: Michael Cunningham
Email: Michael.cunningham@fraserk12.org
8th Grade Head Coach: Carmelita Bambrick
- All students planning on trying out MS Girls Basketball must hand in a completed MHSAA Physical dated after April 15, 2024.
- All students must also sign in to Arbiter Sports and complete the on line student registration.
If either of these forms are not completed, student will be withheld from participation until both forms have been submitted.
RMS Green Team Shoe Drive starting this week through May 1st
RMS Green Team Greener Habit(s) Tips
Attend Today. Achieve Tomorrow.
In Fraser - and across the state and country - the rates of student absences have increased during the last several years. Missing just two days of school a month adds up to more than 10% of the school year. Those lost learning opportunities can impact students throughout their school careers.
Getting into the habit of daily attendance is more important than ever. It helps to:
- reduce stress
- build routines
- make it easier to connect with friends and teachers
- support learning
During our school year, our district has shared important attendance information with you in our district newsletters, building updates, and on our social media channels. The information is also posted at this link- Attendance Resources District Website .We want to continue to partner with our families to make our schools a safe, healthy and welcoming environment; where all students can succeed. If you knight is not feeling well, please review under the heading at the attendance website- "Health Guidance for Going to School" for reference.
The RMS staff and students would like to thank our Fraser School Board members for all of their time and efforts to support; learning and growth with our Knights throughout the school year!
Mr. Scott Wallace, President
Mr. Todd Koch, Vice President
Mrs. Robyn Norbeck, Treasurer
Mr. Dan Stawinski, Secretary
Mrs. Rebecca Jensen, Trustee
Mrs. Abigail Wasil, Trustee
Winter Wellness Night at Fraser High School Friday, February 21st
Yearbooks can still be purchased. Price change as of Jan. 31st (see image below)
Attending an RMS sporting event
Attending an RMS event Knights?
Let's Go Knights!
Game Expectations for an RMS sporting event
Check the "Student Success Resource" Below for more useful info.
Student's Bus Stop Information
The week of January 20th
Monday, 1/20 * No School in observance of Martin Luther King Jr Day.
Tuesday, 1/21 * Difference Makers will meet during lunch and seminar. Style Statement Fashion Club and Knight Shift will meet after school.
Wednesday, 1/22 *
Thursday, 1/23 * Peer to Peer will meet during lunch and seminar. Gaming Unplugged, HOSA, Student Council, Animation Club, and Knight Shift will meet after school.
Friday, 1/24 * Animation Club will meet after school.
Castle Crew Members for the week of Jan. 13th and Jan. will return next week
Career Pathways Presentation for 8th graders
Thank you to our FHS Career Navigators, Mrs. Damico, and Mr. Brasure for their Career Pathways Presentation to our 8th graders. Our 8th grade knights will visit FHS for a tour of their selected career pathways of interest to see courses available to them as future ramblers at Fraser High School.
FHS and RMS students met with Dr. Wozniak to discuss our district strategic plan process and share their input
Our district continues to make progress in the creation of our 2025-2030 strategic plan. The roadmap that will shape the next five years of education in Fraser Public Schools. This plan will continue to focus on our strong traditions by staying committed to our core values and beliefs to innovate, learn, and lead. Groups of FHS and RMS students were able to take part in student voice session with Dr. Wozniak
"Today I Play for you" Basketball Game
Our boys's basketball team members chose to dedicate their last home game to the teachers and staff members who have gone above and beyond to support them throughout the season. Additional thank you's who supported our "Today I Play” Basketball game:
*Our Student Council members for decorating the gym.
*Michigan History Day members for running concessions.
* Mrs.Carter for organizing the "Today I Play for you" recognition.
* Mr. Eskuri for announcing the games.
*Our students/staff who attending to root our Knights on.
*Our custodial team for gym set up/and clean up.
Our Green Team had a guest speaker from the Macomb County Public Works Dept.
Mr. Duchane was at RMS and is the community services coordinator for the Macomb County Public Works. Our Green team learned about the importance of keeping our waterways clean so we can ensure good water quality. He had many images from underground and what the sewer system looks like. He even talked about the Harrington Drain in front of RMS and how it relates to the local waterways. Our knights were inspired to write letters to the city of Fraser leadership team to encourage rain barrel usage.
2024-25 Meals Information
Breakfast and Lunch are FREE for all students for the 2024-2025 school year.
We encourage everyone to participate. You are still welcome to send your child with a lunch from home if you would prefer.
Families are still asked to complete a Education Benefits Form, as this information is used for district funding.
RMS Lunch Menu
Lunch Menu for January at Richards Middle School
Honor the Castle by respecting others, modeling responsibility, and making safe choices.
Outside Food and Beverage Policy
Outside food delivery is a safety concern. We do not want to have strangers and people that we do not know coming to our buildings with delivery bags. It also is a workload issue for office personnel. Managing multiple food deliveries during lunchtime becomes an additional responsibility for our office staff.
The District works hard to provide a variety of healthy, good-tasting food in its cafeterias, and students are always free to bring their own lunch to school. We will continue to follow our past practice of making sure students receive lunch if they forget to bring one from home.
All students must hand in a completed MHSAA Physical dated after April 15, 2024.
All students must also go to arbiter sports and complete the on line student registration.
If either of these forms are not completed, student will be withheld from participation until both forms have been submitted.
To provide the most effective process for entering and exiting Richards Middle School, we need our families consistent help in observing the below traffic expectations:
- Our RMS bus loop is only to be used by emergency vehicles and our district’s school buses between the hours of 7:15 am through 4:00 pm.
- To help with our daily traffic flow, please follow our painted traffic arrows in our parking lot.
- In supporting our traffic flow for entering and exiting for all vehicles, please observe no standing, parking, waiting and stopping in the parking lot aisle ways.
- When exiting Richards Middle School at dismissal time, please utilize either our RMS Garfield exit, FHS Garfield exit or FHS Klein exit.
Please be aware of students, families and guests who are walking in our parking lots by obeying traffic laws, regulating your speed, and following the traffic direction arrows. Images can be found below. Please no parking or standing where you see a red x.
Our district security personnel will communicate these expectations to our families when needed. Thank you for your support with keeping RMS a safe travel area for everyone on campus.
Attention students who utilize the crosswalk to walk over Garfield Road
This is a reminder to our students to ensure that you are using the appropriate area to cross the street to get to the other side of Garfield. Please see pictures below for reference of our crosswalk signs and striped area by the Richards Middle School Electronic Board. We want our students to make sure they are looking both ways and being aware of vehicles traveling on Garfield. Always wait to cross this crosswalk when the road is clear to do so.
We thank you for always being aware of your safety and traveling vehicles as you arrive and leave RMS at this crosswalk area.
Change of Address Information
If you have recently moved, please complete the following form to update your address and upload the files needed for update: https://form.jotform.com/211594973642161