SOESC Connection
Southern Ohio Educational Service Center
School boards make a difference
School board members are ordinary people who have an extraordinary dedication to our public schools. It is time we thanked them for their untiring efforts.
Too often we forget about the personal sacrifices school board members routinely make. Too often we forget about the important role school board members play in assuring local control over our public schools, control that is in the hands of people we know … people who are our neighbors.
Too often we forget that, in the tradition of a representative democracy, school board members are our connection to influencing how our public schools are governed. Too often we are quick to criticize school board members without really knowing all the details that went into any given decision. Too often the efforts of school board members go unrecognized and unrewarded.
We can begin to correct these oversights this January, which is School Board Recognition Month. This is a time to show our appreciation and to begin to better understand how school board members work together to provide leadership for our schools.
The school board works closely with parents, education professionals and community members to create the educational vision we want for our students. It formulates goals, defines results and sets the course for an adequate and equitable educational program for all students.
The school board is accountable to the public. It is responsible for assuring the public that the money allocated to the public schools is providing a good return on the investment. Thus, the board oversees regular assessment of the district’s students, staff and programs.
The school board also is a strong advocate for public schools and is responsible for communicating the needs of the school district to the public and the public’s expectations to the district.
In January, join with others from throughout our district and state to salute the men and women who provide grassroots governance of public schools. Make a special effort to tell each school board member his or her hard work has been noticed and is very much appreciated.
Guy Chambers moves to the Wilmington Office
SOESC is actively looking for an individual to serve Region 14 Hopewell Center at our Hillsboro location. Visit www.southernohioesc.org for more employment opportunity information!
☆ New Team Member Spotlight ☆
Kendra Bolton
Kendra has volunteered and worked at the schools for almost six years and loves working with the students. Outside of work, she loves to read and spend time with her family.
Pam Chandler
Pam will serve as a Student Monitor for Peebles Local Schools and is happy to be back serving in education!
Upcoming Events
Curriculum Roundtable
Region 14 Hopewell- Hillsboro
9:00-11:00 am
Gifted Education Forums
January 31, 2023
Virtual - Zoom
12:00-2:00 pm
LPDC Meeting
Southern Ohio ESC - Wilmington
3:30 pm
Legal Updates
Region 14 Hopewell- Hillsboro
9:00-11:30 am
Instructional Coaching Network
Region 14 Hopewell- Hillsboro
4:00-6:00 pm
Clinton County BAC Meeting
February 9, 2023
Southern Ohio ESC - Wilmington
12:00-1:30 pm
Curriculum Roundtable
February 10, 2023
Region 14 Hopewell- Hillsboro
9:00-11:00 am
Adams/Highland BAC Meeting
February 24, 2023
Region 14 Hopewell- Hillsboro
12:00-1:30 pm
Superintendent's Meeting
February 24, 2023
8:30 am
Dangerous Minds Gifted Movie Night
Region 14 Hopewell- Hillsboro
4:30-7:30 pm
SOESC Speech Consortium Meeting
Region 14 Hopewell- Hillsboro
9:00-11:00 am
School Counselor Roundtable
Southern Ohio ESC - Wilmington
9:00-11:00 am
Join the Region 14 State Support Team (SST)
Join #SST14 by submitting your application materials. More information can be found at www.southernohioesc.org
📣 Teaching and Learning Team (TLT) Newsletter
This includes resources for teachers to use in their classrooms and opportunities they can share with parents for students as well as upcoming professional development opportunities.
☆ Scholarships ☆
Business Advisory Scholarship
The 2023 BAC Scholarship application is open to senior students in the Blanchester, Clinton-Massie, East Clinton, and Wilmington High Schools.The BAC Scholarship Application is accessible on the Clinton County Foundation Scholarship Portal
LINK: Scholarship Applications
The deadline for the Scholarship follows the March 1 deadline that the Clinton County Foundation has put in place. The number of scholarships (and dollar amount) to be awarded to each district will be determined following the BAC Committee meeting being held in late January. For additional questions, please contact your local guidance counselor or Stephanie Huber.
Waddell Scholarship
The 2023 Waddell Scholarship application is open to senior students in the Blanchester, Clinton-Massie, and East Clinton High Schools.The Waddell Scholarship Application is accessible on the Clinton County Foundation Scholarship Portal
LINK: Scholarship Applications
The deadline for the Scholarship follows the March 1 deadline that the Clinton County Foundation has put in place.The number of scholarships (and dollar amount) to be awarded to each district will be determined following the Waddell Committee meeting being held in late January. For additional questions, please contact your local guidance counselor or Stephanie Huber.
Southern Ohio ESC (in Partnership with Brown county ESC) Invited to Present Three Sessions at the National Association of Educational Service Agencies Conference in Atlanta, Georgia in December 2022
Collaborating for Consistency, Capacity, Cost-Effectiveness, and Collegiality Presentation (Brown County ESC - Dayne Michael, Jackie Miller, & Stephanie Wagoner & Southern Ohio ESC - Kim A. Adams was primary presenter with support from Curt Bradshaw)
Collaborative endeavors are not only invigorating to plan and implement, but immensely beneficial to spark futuristic thinking for client school districts. Brown County ESC and Southern Ohio ESC have worked together to build a collegial relationship that provides trusted and consistent messaging, grows regional professional capacity, and utilizes the strengths of individual team members to garner a greater return on investment for students and educators. The team from Brown County ESC and Southern Ohio ESC shared our story of how two rural educational service centers with limited resources have reframed the traditional competitive landscape into a more collaborative alliance that yields greater outcomes for all stakeholders.
Come Dream a Little PD Dream with Us! Presentation (Brown County ESC - Jackie Miller & Southern Ohio ESC - Curt Bradshaw)
Innovative professional learning that is on-demand, job-embedded, and competency-based is one of the most effective ways to engage educators and produce results in both teacher practice and student outcomes. Adding a component to this professional development model increases the likelihood of successful impact. Brown County Educational Service Center and Southern Ohio Educational Service Center have partnered with BloomBoard, Inc. so our educators can earn graduate credit while they earn learn-by-doing micro-credentials -- all within their own classroom practices and customized for individual growth. The team from Brown County ESC and Southern Ohio ESC shared our experience with the pilot project, our plans for rolling out the program, and ideas for how other school systems can bring innovation to their professional learning to attract and retain great educators!
Business Advisory Councils Bridge Gaps: Collaborative Solutions to Workforce Challenges Presentation (Southern Ohio ESC - Curt Bradshaw and Ruth Brindle from the Clinton County Port Authority)
A stronger workforce yields stronger schools. Southern Ohio Educational Service Center leads three Business Advisory Councils (BACs) with school districts, businesses, and community-based agencies. Under the BAC's umbrella, the Clinton County Workforce Collaborative -- composed of business, government, economic/community development, and school partners, tackles critical and multifaceted issues surrounding workforce development, retention, and recruitment by bridging the gaps between students and the workforce. The Workforce Collaborative fosters school & community connections, education and training, and creative solutions to barriers to work. Members from the Clinton County Workforce Collaborative Steering Committee shared about their journey and the power of partnerships and innovative immersion experiences as they re-envision the future of the workforce and the roles schools, businesses, and educational service centers play in bridging the dream to reality.
Join Team SOESC ☆
- Director of Teaching and Learning
- Early Childhood Itinerant Teacher
- Itinerant Teacher for Hard of Hearing/Deaf
- Substitute Interpreters
Substitute Teachers Needed
SOESC provides school districts and prospective substitute teachers the opportunity and convenience of working with one contact person and/or district for all substitute teaching needs and questions. The Southern Ohio ESC is dedicated to helping districts maintain a pool of qualified substitute teachers to provide the best education possible for their students. Our goal is to help guide you in following the Ohio Department of Education procedures for our districts' accountability and performance.
Social Media Connections
Southern Ohio Educational Service Center
Southern Ohio Learning Center
Southern Ohio Educational Service Center (SOESC)
Email: treed@southernohioesc.org
Website: www.southernohioesc.org
Location: 3321 Airborne Road, Wilmington, OH, USA
Phone: 937-382-6921
Facebook: facebook.com/SouthernOhioESC
Twitter: @SouthernOhioESC