Bring on the 2nd Quarter
October 25th, 2024
Early Release today.........11:30
To allow students and staff the opportunity to attend the services for Mr. Karl Schlett, a beloved former teacher, Grandview R-II will have an early dismissal on Friday, October 25, at 11:30 AM.
Due to the structure of the 2024-2025 school calendar, the missed hours will not need to be made up. Our Halloween Dance will be moved to next Friday, November 1st.
Thank you for your understanding, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Congrats to our Student of the Month Winners!
What's going on in class?
Student & Family Training (Through Compass Health)
In our focus to provide an overall education for our students & families we have developed a working relationship with Compass Health. We understand the importance of educating our students and families on many topics they may affect us on a daily basis. Below is an outline of the trainings that we have scheduled. Students will be bringing home more information about the program. Thank you, we look forward to working with Compass Health, our students, and our families to continue the educational process.
Parent In-service: October 21 from 4-6pm - Compass Health available for questions about program and sessions
5th Grade: Oct 30 and Nov 6
5th - Bullying/Self Esteem and Social Media
6th-8th grade: Oct 29-31
6th - Resolving Conflicts, Family Addictions & Diversity and Acceptance
7th – Cyberbullying and Online Safety
8th – Cyberbullying and Online Safety
Thank you to Mrs. Clark for setting this up for our students & their families,
Mr. M
Last nights Fall Concert was a success! Thank you Mrs. Schaffer and Mr. Bilin!
Congrats to Our Marching Band & Color Guard & Percussion Group!
Our marching band and color guard has a great day this past Saturday! They placed 2nd at the Rebels Marching Invitational! They were about 1 point away from making finals. The percussion and color guard each won the caption awards as well. Congrats to our students and Mr. & Mrs. Bilin, Mr. Betz, and Mr. Tony Hunt Jr.
Great Lessons & Classroom Activities, Halloween Fun, Fall Sports Wrap-Up, 2nd Quarter Begins, Winter Sports Tryouts
This week we had some great lessons and learning activities! There are some great things going on in our classrooms! Ask your students about them!
Thank you to all who attended Parent-Teacher Conferences this past Monday! We had a great turn out! If you were unable to attend the students should have brought important documents home to you (on Tuesday). This paperwork included: 1st Quarter Report Cards, Last Springs MAP scores, Growth by Year Bar Graph, as wells as classroom activities/assignments. Let us know if you have any questions.
Cross Country is in action at Herky tomorrow (9:00)
Volleyball played well this week in the JCAA Tourney at Senn-Thomas Middle School. We want to thank the parents/guardians/families, players and coaches for a great season!
Our middle school football season has came to an end. Thank you to the coaches, players, and parents for a good season!
STUCO will be busy decorating and preparing the gym & haunted hallway for the dance! The dance will take place next Friday, November 1st! (Thank you goes out to Mrs. Dugan for leading the group!)
The FALL Concert for Choir & Band was a success last night! Thank you goes out to Mr. Bilin & Mrs. Schaffer for preparing our students for the concert.
Winter Sports start next week! Please make sure that all paperwork, including a current sports physical has been given to the school. Students cannot practice without the paperwork and sports physical. (Boys Basketball begins Monday (28th), Girls Basketball begins Tuesday (29th), and Cheerleading also begins Tuesday (29th).
We are excited about our upcoming fall trivia night! Through the Decades Trivia! The trivia night is scheduled for Saturday, November 9th @ the middle school. (See the flyer below)
Here is a link to the school district calendar for the year. We have many fall activities coming up!
Our students have completed Exact Path diagnostic testing. They assessed on English/Language Arts/Reading & Math. They now focus on individual learning paths based on their own levels of mastery. The Exact Path program assigns them lessons and activities based on their individual levels on mastery. Each students should complete 14 competencies in English/Reading & Math over the course of the 1st semester. Have your students login at home and show you where they are on their grade level lessons and activities. (Edmentum Exact Path)
RTI teachers run missing assignment reports for their students. This process is a focus weekly. The students receive a weekly reward for NO missing assignments! Parents/Guardians can login at any time to see grades & assignments.
If any students have two or more failing grades we will have family discussions, and/or communication. Coaches are also running reports and keep track of their athletes. If any student-athletes have two or more failing grades they are not eligible to participate in contests. (See Student Handbook/MSHSSA regulations)
We were able to have our gym floor refinished this summer. Please be advised that we have developed policy around using our new gym floor. No food or drink is allowed in the gym. Students should wear non-marking sole tennis shoes on the floor. This policy is posted in the gym, and will be discussed with our students. Clothes worn in PE need to follow the school dress code. You can find the dress code policy in the handbook.
Middle School sports have begun. (See sports schedules below)
Please view the Spectator/Fan Policy here.
Here is a link to the Grandview R2 Athletic Policy
One of our focuses this year is on Student Attendance. We are aiming for 95% or higher. We will be giving out attendance rewards over the course of the school year! Today's rewards were Halloween Stamps!
School Pictures were taken..........retakes were also taken this week on Wednesday, October 23rd.
The 6th grade field trip is scheduled for next Monday, October 28th (Since the field trip is scheduled on a Monday, parents/guardians will be responsible for transportation to school and transportation home from school after the field trip.) (See Flyer Below)
You can review policies/procedures in the Middle School Handbook.
School District Food to website
Perfect Attendance Reward Each Friday! Today.....Halloween Stamps
5th Grade Fun at the St. Louis Zoo!
6th grade field trip..........this coming Monday, October 28th (Meramec Caverns)
MAP Scores are Here!
The school district has received MAP scores from DESE. MAP scores will be distributed at our fall Parent-Teacher Conferences. Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on Monday, October 21st from 12pm-6pm. (MAP Score were sent home this week for anyone who was not able to attend conferences.)
Learning Trades at Jefferson College!
Dance..........November 1st (3:30-5:00pm)
5th grade: Water/Gatorade
6th grade: Candy
7th grade: Chips
8th grade: Soda
Grade Level Field Trips
Permission Slips and Specific Info (Coming Soon)
5th grade field trip.......STL Zoo.......Monday, Oct 14th
6th grade field trip........Meramec Caverns.......Monday, Oct 28th
7th grade field trip.......Missouri Kids Unplugged (Spring 2025 TBA)
8th grade field trip..........Busch Stadium.......Monday, March 3rd
Weather is cooling off, remind students to bring home their jackets and hoodies.
Blankets are not allowed at school.
Check the Lost & Found for left behind items.
Character Word of the Month...............Responsibility (October)
Being responsible means that we make good choices, even when no one is looking.
We make good choices just because it is right and not because we will get credit
or praise. Responsible people do their part. They show self-control. They think
before they act or speak. They work hard and don’t take credit for other people’s work.
Responsible people do their best and admit their own mistakes. Work to make responsible
choices this month!
Want to know what's going on in class? (Look over the Planner Checks)
Upcoming Events
What's going on at the middle school?
25th: MS 1st Quarter Awards Assembly
25th: MS Halloween Dance (3:30-5pm)
25th: HS Track Halloween Events (5:00)
25th: Trunk or Treat & Haunted Trail (6:00)
26th: MS XC @ Herculaneum (9:00)
28th: 6th grade field trip to Meramec Caverns
28th: Boys Basketball Tryouts Begin
29th: Girls Basketball Tryouts Begin
29th: Cheerleading Tryouts Begin
31st: Halloween
4th: Teacher Professional Development Day
5th: Election Day (School is in session)
9th: District Band Rehearsal & Concert
9th: Trivia Night (Doors Open at 6:00pm, begins at 7:00pm)
11th: Veterans Day
12th: Book Fair (12th-15th)
14th: Elementary Literacy Night (5:00pm)
18th: Hoop Shoot (Ages 8-13)
20th: Send AMI Packets Home with Students
21st: School Board Meeting (7:00pm)
25th: School is in Session (Monday School)
25th: Middle School Basketball Tourney (7th grade @ Herky)
25th: Middle School Basketball Tourney (8th grade @ Crystal City)
26th: Middle School Basketball Tourney (7th grade @ Herky)
26th: Middle School Basketball Tourney (8th grade @ Crystal City)
27th: Thanksgiving Break (No School)
28th: Thanksgiving Break (No School)
29th: Thanksgiving Break (No School)