Talawanda Middle School
E~News 9/6/24
This Week at TMS
Saturday, 9/7 ~ Cross Country @ Brookville, OH 8am
Monday, 9/9 ~ Volleyball HOME vs. Monroe 5pm
Wednesday, 9/11 ~ Volleyball @ Mt. Healthy 5pm
Wednesday, 9/11 ~ Football HOME vs. Ross 5:00pm
Thursday, 9/12 ~ Volleyball @ Ross 5pm
Saturday, 9/14 ~ Cross Country @ Eaton 9am
Picture Day!!
Picture Day is September 19th! Please see the flyer below.
Student Fees:
All Student Fees have been added to student accounts. If you have any questions please reach out to the front office, 513.273.3305.
Please remember school begins at 8AM. This means that students need to be in their class at 8AM, not walking into the building. We are working on teaching our students responsibility, accountability, time management, and respect. When students are tardy for school in the mornings it does come with consequences. Not only does it set the tone for the student's day, once a student has been tardy more than 4 times they will serve lunch detentions for each occurance. This is will reset each quarter. After 7 tardies are exceeded in a quarter students will meet with administration to discuss the behavior further. Thank you for your help and respect for this matter.
Lunch Accounts:
As a reminder, you are able to add funds to your student's lunch account through the Talawanda EZ Pay system. If your student's account reaches -$50 it will be rolled into your school fees. Please be mindful and keep your student's account current. You can use Talawanda EZ Pay, send a check or cash to the school office to take care of your student's balance.
The choir and orchestra cookie dough fundraiser is underway! Orders will arrive at TMS the week of September 23. Thank you to everyone who supported our sale!
Please follow this LINK for important information needed by our 6th grade teachers!
6th Grade Welcome Dance!
Important TMS Links
Know! to Support All Dementions of Wellness
Ticket Information for Talawanda Athletics- CLICK HERE
FINAL FORMS – Remember, if you have any changes to your information (phone number, address, who can pick up your student, etc) throughout the school year, change it in Final Forms!. The office is notified of these changes and will update our information.
School Fees - You can view and pay your fees via EZPay. If you have any questions, please contact the school office at 513.273.3305.
Looking for actors for multiple characters in Alice in Wonderland. Tech and Production dates the week of November 10th - 17th. You must be available for all tech and Production dates to be considered for a role.
Auditions Sept 5th and 6th from 3:00- 4:30, in THS PAC or TBA. Look for posters around school next week. Additional auditions can be arranged by appointment if necessary. Rehearsals are generally after school and/or on weekends depending on cast availability. Open to TMS students.
Looking for 3 female, 1 male and 9 non specific gender performers. No singing necessary. Come prepared with a short monologue, or read from sides (scenes from the show). If you can only stay for a short time, please prepare a monologue. Get in touch with Drama Director Melanie Mortimore for any questions. Mortimorem@talawanda.org.
Fishing Club
The TMS Fishing Club will start up after Labor Day.
Students look for sign up sheets in the office and/or see Mr. Brinck!
If you are interested in working at Talawanda you can find our open positions here:
About us
Email: thuererp@talawanda.org
Website: talawanda.org/talawanda-middle-school/
Location: 4030 Oxford Reily Road, Oxford, OH, USA
Phone: 513.273.3300
Facebook: facebook.com/TalawandaMS