SUNsational News!
Sunset Valley's Parent Newsletter|Week of Jan. 13th
A Message from the Principal
Dear Parents,
I hope you all had a restful and joyful winter break! We are excited to welcome our students and families back for what promises to be an engaging and successful semester ahead. As we move into the second half of the school year, we look forward to continuing to collaborate with you in supporting our students' growth and success. I want to remind you of some exciting upcoming events. Times and specific details for each event are included in this newsletter, so keep reading!
We are looking forward to a fantastic semester filled with learning, growth, and community spirit!
Warm regards,
Mr. Nunn
Important: Changes for Morning Arrival During Freezing Temperatures
As the weather continues to bring freezing temperatures, we want to ensure the safety and well-being of all our staff and students. Therefore, on mornings when temperatures are below freezing, our teachers will not be outside during morning arrival to supervise students. Additionally, the school doors will remain closed until 7:25 a.m. We ask, if it is possible for your family, that students not arrive before this time so they will not be waiting in freezing temperatures. Staff members will begin opening doors for students promptly at 7:25am.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in keeping everyone safe and warm during these colder months.
SVES Book Fair is January 13th-16th!
Our librarian, Ariel Bealer, will need volunteers to help out in the library during the book fair. Please click this link to sign up!
You're invited to a Portillo's Fundraiser!
Join us for a fundraiser to support SVES PTA on January 14, 2025, from 10am-10pm.
YOU can be a PTA Board Member!
This is your opportunity to make an impact! Join SVES' PTA Board!
Mark Your Calendars!
SIgn Up for Chess Wizards!
Begins January 17, 2025.
Join us on Thursday, January 16, 2025, for a fun and engaging evening of reading activities for the whole family! This is a great opportunity to share the love of books with your children and connect with other families. We will also be showing off our student's work, so think of it like an "old school open house." We will have examples of the AVID work to show off as well. Students must be accompanied by an adult. Grade level classrooms will be open from 5:00-6:00 pm for students to guide their parents through what they have been learning!
Book Fair
Our annual Book Fair will be next week, January 13-16, 2025! It’s a wonderful opportunity to find great books for your children while supporting our school library. Books at the in-person Book Fair have been selected by Scholastic, Inc. for the K-4 grade levels and previewed by SVE’s librarian using the district’s content guidelines. Families may opt out of their student’s participation in the Book Fair and Book Fair preview by completing this Book Fair Opt Out Form.
On Thursday, January 16, we invite families to come check out the book fair that afternoon from 4:30 pm-6:30 pm. Be sure to check out the selection!
Portillo's Spirit Night
Mark your calendars for Tuesday, January 14, 2025. It's SVES fundraiser at Portillo’s! A portion of the proceeds from the night will benefit our PTA, so it's a great way to enjoy a meal while supporting our school.
Sunset Valley Happenings
Do you want to know more about what all is going on at Sunset Valley? Here are few other ways you can see the awesomeness that is Sunset Valley. Our amazing PTA has their own Sunset Valley PTA Facebook page. Also, we have a pretty awesome SVES Facebook Page as well!
Sunset Valley Feedback
I love all of the feedback that I have received so far! I REALLY do read the comments and listen to what you are saying. Keep that feedback going by completing the SVES Feedback Form!
Grade Level Newsletters
Important Links
Upcoming Events
This Week:
1/13- 1/16- SVES Book Fair
1/14- PTA Spirit Night- Portillo's
1/16- Parent Instructional Tours
1/16- SVES Family Literacy Night/AVID Open House- 5:00-6:00- SVES Classrooms
1/16- Book Fair Family Night- 4:30-6:30- SVES Library
Save the Date(s):
1/20- MLK Day- Student/Staff Holiday
1/31- 3rd Grade Fine Arts Field Trip
2/4- PTA Spirit Night- Mountain Mike's
2/17- President’s Day- Staff/Student HolidaySunset Valley Elementary
Email: roby.nunn@kellerisd.net
Website: kellerisd.net/sves
Location: 2032 Canchim Street, Fort Worth, TX, USA
Phone: 817-743-8200