CORE Tier 2 Booster
8:30am - 3:30pm┃August 10th, 2023
CESA 10 Teleconference Center
Equitably and effectively supporting students with behavioral needs that extend beyond the universal level of instruction and support requires a coordinated system approach. In order for Tier 2 supports to operate as designed to get the intended outcomes, it requires a sound Universal system and well designed interventions for support. This training is intended for new staff in buildings previously trained at Tier 2, previously trained staff who want updates or reviews.
Learning Outcomes:
- Participants will review the critical connections necessary to the Universal level of support in order for tier 2 supports to work.
- Participants will review the systemic components of a robust layer of supports and how those components connect to interventions.
- Participants will have an opportunity to review and revise existing support components and get assistance to develop revision plans.
CORE Client: $1000/team of 5 - 8 OR 200/person up to 4 people
Non-CORE Client: $1500/team of 5 - 8 OR 300/person up to 4 people
Have Questions? Contact Us!
Milaney Leverson
Kent Smith
Eva Kuohujoki
Location: 725 West Park Avenue, Chippewa Falls, WI, USA
Phone: (715)720-2056