Important Updates from EUSD
March 11, 2022
- Updates from the California Department of Health (CDPH)
- EUSD Is Hiring!
Dear Staff and Families,
As we anticipated, we received updated California Department of Public Health Guidance this week. Below is a brief summary of key content included in the guidance and/or adjustments to EUSD procedures:
Masks are no longer required but are strongly recommended.
Masks are required in health care type settings like our Farm Lab testing location.
Students experiencing symptoms who are sent to the Health Office will be asked to wear a mask during the visit to the Health Office/health care location or interaction.
Physical distancing
There is no longer a requirement for physical distancing.
For indoor spaces, ventilation should be optimized. We are continuing the use of our MERV 13 filtration systems. We also recommend continuing to keep doors and windows open.
Symptomatic Individuals
Students and staff should stay home when ill and get tested.
A negative PCR/NAAT test, no fever for 24 hours and improving symptoms are required for return.
Acceptable alternatives to a negative PCR/NAAT test are:
Documentation from a healthcare provider that the symptoms are typical of an underlying condition (e.g. allergies or asthma)
Documentation from a healthcare provider of a confirmed alternate diagnosis (e.g. strep throat or coxsackie virus)
Isolation for 10 days after the start of symptoms
We will continue to offer rapid antigen and PCR/NAAT testing at Farm Lab from 7:30 a.m. - 3:45 p.m. Monday - Friday. Note: PCR testing ends at 3:15 p.m. Or, click here for County Testing Sites.
At-home rapid antigen tests will be sent home the week before Spring Break for students and staff to voluntarily test before returning to school/work on April 11th. A positive rapid antigen test during spring break will require the individual to isolate at home for at least 5 days after the start of symptoms (or the date of the test if they had no symptoms). Documentation of a negative rapid antigen test on Day 5 will be required to return to school on Day 6.
Case reporting, contact tracing and investigation
We will continue group tracing to notify students who spent more than a cumulative total of 15 minutes (within a 24-hour time period) in a shared indoor airspace (e.g., classroom) with someone with COVID-19 during their period of infectiousness.
There is no longer a requirement for individual contact tracing.
Exposed students and staff, regardless of COVID-19 vaccination status, should get tested for COVID-19 with at least one diagnostic test obtained within 3-5 days after last exposure, unless they had COVID-19 within the last 90 days.
Decision Tree
A new San Diego County decision tree is expected, but has not yet been published.
Visitor and Volunteer Vaccination Status
- Employees are required to be vaccinated or test at a testing site weekly.
We are working on an option for volunteers to also test if unvaccinated. Specifics on this will be sent to volunteers before Spring Break that have completed the application process but have noted that they have not been vaccinated. If you need to complete the Volunteer Application form, please do so with this link.
Thank you for your continued efforts in support of our students, staff, and community.
Andrée Grey, Ed.D.
EUSD is Hiring!
To view open positions, please visit!
Currently, we have Noon Supervisor positions available Districtwide.