Phillis Wheatley Elementary
Week 24
Principal's Message
Greetings, Panthers!!
I hope that everyone has had a wonderful and relaxing weekend amid VERY cold temperatures! Tomorrow, we kick off Literacy Week! The theme this year is Building Literacy! Constructing the Foundation for Success. To celebrate Literacy Week, we have our annual spirit week and Literacy Night:
Monday- Be the Architect of your BRIGHT FUTURE – Wear Bright or Neon Colors.
Tuesday- Your Future is Always Under Construction – Dress like a Construction Worker
**Tuesday evening, we will have Extended Media Hours. Our Media Center will be open from 4:00pm to 6:00pm for scholars to purchase books from the Book Fair.
Wednesday-100th Day of School! Your Future is so bright because you are the architect, the designer! You have lots of days ahead in your future. How will you look when you are 100 years old? Dress like you are 100 years old.
Thursday- Reading Builds Community – wear school colors or a school shirt.
**Thursday evening, we will have our Family Literacy Night from 5:00pm-6:30pm. This will be an evening of food, fun activities and free books! This is a night you don't want to miss**
Friday-You have the tools for Success! Let’s build our vocabulary. Wear your words – wear a tee shirt or sign with positive words or phrases – words must be school appropriate.
We look forward to a fun filled week focused on Literacy!
This week, we will be hosting a Scholastic Book Fair. The Book Fair will be open to parents/families before school on Tuesday and Thursday from 7:40am to 8:15am and after school on Tuesday from 4:00pm-6:00pm. Each class will be assigned a date/time to shop during the school day. We hope that you will take advantage of this great opportunity to add to your home library!
The Phillis Wheatley Elementary School PTA is sponsoring the Annual Valentine Candy Gram fundraiser! Candy Gram sales will begin this Monday, January 27th. Order forms were sent home with your scholar and are due no later than February 7th.
On Wednesday, January 29th, the Phillis Wheatley PTA will be hosting this month's Dollar Dance from 2:30-4:00 p.m. All permission slips and a $1.00 admission fee will be due no later than Monday, January 27th by the end of the school day. No permission slips will be accepted on the day of the dance.
As a reminder, yearbooks are for sale! January 31st is the last day to purchase yearbooks for $20.00. After January 31st, the price will increase to $25.00. Purchasing a yearbook is a wonderful way to preserve memories and celebrate the unique experiences of the school year! Be sure to get one before they're gone!
As always, thank you so much for your support and for all that you do for the scholars at Phillis Wheatley ES. We look forward to seeing our scholars bright and early tomorrow morning by 8:15 AM.
Have a good evening!
Tabitha Brown
Congratulations to our 2024-25 Teacher of the Year & Support Person of the Year!
Geraldine Ansine
Math and Science Coach
2024-2025 Teacher of the Year
Juan Orengo
Bilingual Paraprofessional
2024-2025 Support Person of the Year
The 2025 Stellar Awards
Ms. Ansine at the 2025 Stellar Awards!
Phillis Wheatley ES Teacher of the Year
Phillis Wheatley ES Stellar Award Nominees!
Mr. Orengo at the 2025 Stellar Awards!
Phillis Wheatley ES Support Person of the Year!
Congratulations to our December Teacher and Support Person of the Month
Congratulations to our November Teacher and Support Person of the Month
Gerna Dionesio- ESE Teacher
Marysol Hernandez- School Health Assistant
December Students of the Month
The Resiliency Trait for the Month of December:
Congratulations to the scholars identified by their teacher as a Student of the Month for the Month of December:
Jean Yvens Francois
Matthew James
Ken'Aysia Braffith
Khloe Rivera
Rayven Ulysse
Jade Vasquez-Lopez
Yostin Tomas Perez
Chevelle David
Ramiro Sierra
De'Yanstie Felix
Santiago Hernadez-Molina
Nery Barahona
A'abella Gregory
Victor Lopez
Yostin Tomas Perez
Dr. Parkinson
Jose Ortega Bermudez
Brandon Cartwright
Kieran Monts De Oca
Genesis Jackson
Emanuel Ruiz Vasquez
Kyndall Thomas
Blake Singleton
Terrianna Gullens
Our Student of the Month Celebration is sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Apopka.
Fun at the January Family Night!
Our families had a great time setting goals for 2025!!
Please join us for our next Family Night on February 11th!
PWES Murals
Phillis Wheatley Elementary is truly “Under Construction! Building Brighter Futures,” and this project is a shining example of what can be achieved when a community comes together with creativity, purpose, and heart. We are truly grateful for everyone who helped bring vibrant murals to our campus, especially Shaunte Jemison of Re-Imagine Communities, Melanie Jankun of The Creative Hub and Luis Rivera of Downtown Barbers of Apopka and Apopka Murals. The results exceeded every expectation! Phillis Wheatley's students now have a bright and inspiring environment that they can treasure for years to come!
Resiliency Traits of the Month
Resiliency Trait for January
Definition: Coming back after challenges and setbacks.
Quote: "It's never as bad as it seems. You're much stronger than you think you are. Trust me." - Superman
- Identify what is in your control and what is not. For example, you cannot change your grade on a test that you have already completed. You can ask for tutoring before the next test.
- Use positive self-talk when you are facing a challenge. Tell yourself, “I got this.” “I can get an ‘A’ in this class.” “I am brave.” “I am strong.”
- Develop a sense of belonging within the school community. For example, join a club or an athletic team. Sit with a new friend during lunch.
- Pick a positive or “feel-good” word that you say to yourself anytime you need support.
- Connect with a safe adult (for example, a parent, family member, teacher, school counselor, or school staff member). Talk about how to problem-solve your challenges
Reflection Questions:
- What will I do differently next time?
- What do I need to let go of in order to move on?
- How can I protect my mental and emotional wellness from cyberbullying and online harassment?
24-25 Attendance Policy
Purchase Your Phillis Wheatley T-Shirts Today!
School Spirit Days are coming!! We invite you to purchase you Phillis Wheatley t-shirts for $10.00 using the links below:
Parent and Family Engagement
PWES Upcoming Events and Reminders
Orange County Public Schools Announcements
2024-2025 OCPS School Calendar
Parent Engagement
Join our Phillis Wheatley PTA!
Phillis Wheatley Elementary
Email: Wheatley_es@ocps.net
Website: https://wheatleyes.ocps.net/
Location: 1475 Marvin C. Zanders Avenue, Apopka, FL, USA
Phone: 407-884-2250
Twitter: @Wheatley_OCPS
Instagram: ocps_wheatleyes