Wickliffe Family Update

September 15, 2024 Notes and News
Hello, Wonderful Wickliffe Families!
We've had another fantastic week at Wickliffe and are excited for what's ahead. We continue to focus on helping students build strong connections with each other and our staff. This coming week, we’re kicking off Start with Hello Week! We’ll be dedicating time to showing appreciation for one another and fostering a deeper sense of community.
Start with Hello Week! Start with Hello is a week dedicated to making new social connections by engaging in conversation with one another to create a sense of belonging among young people. Start with Hello gives us an opportunity to practice engaging in conversation with one another and celebrating the importance of inclusive connections.
- Meet-n-Greet MONDAY: Meet a new friend today and start with HELLO! We will also have talking cards at lunch to help start conversations!
- Take Care TUESDAY: Find time during the day to decorate the playground/sidewalks around the school with positive and inclusive messages!
- Wickliffe WEDNESDAY: Show your Wickliffe spirit and celebrate the three Cs--Community, Compassion, and Civility
- Thank Someone THURSDAY: Find a few minutes to write a thank you card or a nice note for someone.
- Free Play FRIDAY: School wide recess
Our students will dive into fun, hands-on learning opportunities outdoors during Elementary Explorations. They’ll be working on collaboration and team work this week! It’s a great chance for them to explore new interests and build skills.
Early Dismissal on Wednesday!
Just a reminder that this Wednesday is an early dismissal day. Students will be released at 1:00 PM, so please plan accordingly for pick-up.
Thank you for your continued support in making this year a great one!
Warm regards,
September 16-20: Start with Hello Week (see information in the counselor corner)
September. 17: Fall Mum sale extend through today
September 18: Show your Wickliffe spirit and celebrate the three Cs Community, Compassion, and Civility
September 18: Town Meeting @ 8:30 (all invited)
September 18: Early Release @1:00
September 23: After School Discovery Begins this week
September 25: Literacy Night for parents @ 6:30
September 27: PTO Flower Sale Pick-up
October 3: Multilingual Parent Information Night
October 4: Fun Run, Walk & Roll Fundraiser
October 18-21: Wickliffe to host the Progressive Education Network National Conference
October 25: Picture Retake/Make-up day
Wickliffe Updates
The mum sale has been extended until Tuesday 9/17/24.
The fall flower sale has been extended through September 17th! This will be the last chance to grab some beautiful blooms before they are gone! Some items have already sold out, get them while you can! Pick up date is September 27th from 4:00-7:00. Volunteers are needed to help unload the deliver truck, sort orders, and load orders into cars, please sign up here. If you are available to help!
Prescription Medication Reminder From The Nurse
Any prescription medication administered at school requires written authorization from the student’s physician as well as written parental permission. Per Ohio Revised Code, the Prescribed Medication must be received by the health office in the container in which it was dispensed by the provider or pharmacist (we cannot accept medication in baggies). Medication authorization forms and other health forms can be found on the district website at: UA Health Forms. Should you have any questions, please contact the Wickliffe Health Office at 614-487-5150 x 6536.
Wickliffe PTO's Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
Wickliffe PTO's Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Committee would like to invite interested community members to join us on the last Sundays of each month at 3 pm via Zoom to talk about events, challenges, and opportunities in our school to create a more inclusive culture and support each student and staff member.
At September's meeting (9/29), we will work together to understand current strengths and needs, and discuss planning potential events and opportunities for learning and growth for the year. Please email laura6747@gmail.com or riddhicochran@gmail.com with any questions!
Breathe For Change Movement
Wickliffe's 2024-2025 Breathe For Change Movement (B4CM) offers K-5th grade students the opportunity to explore social-emotional learning and wellness practices. Guided by certified facilitators and teachers, Shawna McEvoy and Sabrina De Libera, students will learn meditation, yoga, mindful movements, and other wellness techniques, which they are encouraged to share at home and in their classrooms. Monthly meetings will focus on different themes, with one day dedicated to learning strategies and the other to restorative practices.
Use this form to sign up your child today!
Please be sure to fill out this form no later than Wednesday, September 25th.
Multilingual Parent Information Night
Thursday, October 3rd
Tremont Elementary Cafeteria
Please join us for our Multilingual Parent Information Night!
Come and learn more about the ML program! We will discuss a variety of topics, and provide resources related to school and the Upper Arlington community. In addition, we hope this event provides an opportunity for families to connect.
If you will be bringing your child, we will have quiet activities for them to do during the event.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your ML Teacher (see below.)
Please RVSP using the Google Form here: https://forms.gle/H9GrxTfuBWD7bAnj8
Anjali Das, Wickliffe, Windermere, and Barrington
School Counselors' Corner
Hello Wickliffe Families!
I wanted to give a quick overview of what I will be covering in my classroom lessons this September. I will send home more information about each lesson and ways you can reinforce the topics at home either in the weekly teacher communication or in the form of a note home in backpacks! Also, a quick reminder that Start with Hello Week is next week September 16-20th, please see the information below!
September Topics
- Kindergarten and First Grade- Expected and Unexpected Behaviors, Feelings, and Zones of Regulation.
- 2nd and 3rd Grade- Zones of Regulation review
- 4th and 5th Grade- Empathy
As always please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Start With Hello Week
One way we are celebrating our District commitment to student and staff well-being is by celebrating Start with Hello during the week of September 16-20th, 2024. Start with Hello is a week dedicated to making new social connections by engaging in conversation with one another to create a sense of belonging among young people. Start with Hello gives us an opportunity to practice engaging in conversation with one another and celebrating the importance of inclusive connections.
In our school community, you may notice or hear your student talking about The Start with Hello Challenge which is a Monday-Friday Spirit week that provides an opportunity to connect compassionately and show an appreciation for new and future friends.
We hope you enjoy this celebration of Start with Hello in our school community.
Start with HELLO Week Challenge | September 16-20th
Meet-n-Greet MONDAY: Meet a new friend today and start with HELLO! We will also have talking cards at lunch to help start conversations!
Take Care TUESDAY: Find time during the day to decorate the playground/sidewalks around the school with positive and inclusive messages!
Wickliffe WEDNESDAY: Show your Wickliffe spirit and celebrate the three Cs--Community, Compassion, and Civility
Thank Someone THURSDAY: Find a few minutes to write a thank you card or a nice note for someone.
Free Play FRIDAY: School wide recess
Take good care,
Kaitlyn Karam
School Counselor
Wickliffe Progressive Elementary School
Phone- 487-5050 ext. 6503
Wickliffe Progressive Elementary PTO
We’d like to send a big shout out to Andrea Porter and Jason McKibbon for coordinating the bulk school supply program this year, it was a smashing success! All kids were able to start the year with the supplies they needed already stocked in the classrooms. If you haven’t yet paid school supply fees, please visit wickliffepto.org->my account->my forms.
Thank you to Katie McShane and the awesome company for partnering with us for our spirit wear pre-sale this year! We were excited to share the great designs with the community. If you missed the sale, there will be other spirit wear sales occurring at community events throughout the year.
Staff Appreciation Committee
Hello Wickliffe Families -
The Staff Appreciation Committee is on its way to making our wonderful Wickliffe Staff feel appreciated and loved throughout the year and we need your help to make that happen!
Here are some ways we will be showing our appreciation for our staff this school year:
- Monthly Coffee Cart -We’ll continue to work alongside students from the Learning Center to Provide coffee & treats to our staff on the first Wednesday of every month.
Classroom Lounge Takeover - Thank you for helping to make this a success last year! We will continue to rotate classrooms to provide snacks and drinks to our teachers. Be on the lookout for your Classroom Connections Team Leader to request donations or snacks for the staff each week.
Recess Duty - We will expand this effort to include a few times over the year when our staff is particularly busy. Please sign up here to volunteer your time for recess duty, while our staff gets to catch up on their work! (Please note: Some teacher's aides will still be on recess duty, you will not be on your own.)
Providing lunch and/or snacks during the week(s) of Parent / Teacher conferences in October and March.
Our small and mighty committee will also be providing lunch and snacks on certain days throughout the year for our staff. We will also be actively planning for Staff Appreciation Week in May.
If you are interested in helping out our team this year, please contact Katie McShane at katie.e.mcshane@gmail.com to join our team.
Restaurant Night! City BBQ, Tuesday, September 17th
- 2111 W. Henderson Road
- Dine in or take out and 20% of proceeds will benefit the Wickliffe PTO!
- Call 614-548-8890 or walk in to place an order – just mention “Wickliffe PTO” prior to ordering
- Online orders can be placed at citybbq.com/order using the code “GIVE”
- Third-party delivery apps are NOT included (Door Dash, UberEats, etc.)
After School Discovery Begins Monday, September 23rd
This year's PTO After School Discovery program lets K-5 students explore diverse interests through fun extracurricular courses like STEM, fashion, Lego sculptures, magic, chess, music, drama, basketball, and more! After School Discovery has been a huge success in the past because of the amazing support from our Wickliffe community, including school staff, families, and local businesses. Please direct any questions to the After School Discovery committee at wickliffeptoasd@gmail.com. Course-specific communications will be sent from notify@membershiptoolkit.com..
Fun Run, Rock or Roll is back! Friday, October 4
We will be hosting our 4th Annual Fun Run, Walk, or Roll during the school day on Friday, October 4th. We will be raising money for Wickliffe PTO programs such as staff grants, after-school discovery, and much much more. Our goal is to raise $15,000, all proceeds will go towards Wickliffe PTO. Our hope and request is that each student raise $25 or more from family, friends, and neighbors. Donations can be made via check, cash, and online donations. Checks are to be made out to Wickliffe PTO and our online donations site is here https://www.wickliffepto.org/packet/139776703. There will be a collection box in the main office.
If you are feeling motivated, please print off the collection form to request donations from neighbors and family members.
Also, we will need help day on the day of the event, please sign up here - https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0E4FAEAF22A5FE3-51204122-funrun
Please email Katie McShane at katie.e.mcshane@gmail.com if you have any questions. These are the links to the Donation Letter and Donation Form.
Wickliffe Social
Save The Date! Wickliffe Social - Friday, December 6th 7-11 pm
- New location! Woodlands Backyard at 668 Grandview Avenue
- New casual vibe!
- Open to all 21+ family members at a to-be-determined ticketed price - will include one drink
- Free admission for Wickliffe faculty and staff plus partner
- Silent auction items, games, food, and fun!
District Updates
ODEW Attendance Awareness Month Door Decorating Contest
Celebrate Attendance Awareness Month with the Stay in the Game! Attendance Network by participating in a decorating contest. Students and teachers are encouraged to decorate classroom spaces or bulletin boards showing support for attendance every day. Share a picture on social media using hashtag #StayInTheGame to show why attendance matters to you. Participants will be entered to win a prize from the Stay in the Game! Attendance Network. Check out the spirit week flyer for each week’s activity. For more information or questions, contact Patrick Hickman at attendance@education.ohio.gov.
Start with Hello
One way we are celebrating our District commitment to supporting culture and climate is by participating in Start with Hello. Start with Hello is a week dedicated to making social connections by engaging in conversation with one another to create a sense of belonging among young people. Start with Hello gives us an opportunity to celebrate the importance of inclusive connections. In our school community, you may notice or hear your student talking about (fill in the blank with activities), all of which provide an opportunity to connect and show an appreciation for each other. We hope you enjoy this celebration of Start with Hello in our school community.
Updates from Technology
iPad Parent Control Information
The UACS Technology department provides 2 ways for caregivers to manage screen time, review web history, manage apps and internet access after school hours. The typical built-in Apple ScreenTime and Parental controls do not work because the district manages iPads for school use at a district level - the typical consumer level settings are not available. Caregivers can review web activity and disable internet access through the Lightspeed Relay Parent Portal. Additionally, caregivers can control app access and set rules through the JAMF Parent app. Questions may be directed to FamilyTechHelp@uaschools.org.
Stickers on the new iPads
Please do not apply stickers or write on the iPad keyboard cases, as devices may be reassigned to other students throughout the year. Reassignment occurs when students graduate, transfer, or when devices need repair.
The new keyboard cases are district property and are durable assets intended to last for several years.
Instead of stickers we encourage students to personalize their iPads using other means, such as utilizing colorful silicone bands to provide a way to uniquely identify your device from other students.
Safety Update
In light of the tragic school shooting in Georgia this week, we wanted to reshare some information about our safety plans.
Safety preparedness: Safety is our top priority for all students and staff in our schools. We make every effort to be prepared for every possible type of emergency by regularly conducting safety drills and collaborating with our school resource officers and the Upper Arlington Police Division. Collaboration with families and local safety officials are critically important, and we are grateful for the strong partnerships in place in our community. You can learn more about our safety preparedness and prevention efforts at www.uaschools.org/safety.
Reporting concerns: We also reinforce with all students and staff members the importance of reporting any suspicious or concerning activity. We encourage all students, staff members and family members to share their concerns either by phone or email. Students and family members can also file a report through our STAY SAFE, SPEAK UP! reporting system. In addition to the link in this email, you can also find the SPEAK UP! system linked to our website and available in ClassLink on all student iPads. Reports filed through this system can be made anonymously. If your safety concern requires immediate attention from law enforcement, please call 911.
Helpful Links
Attendance Information - Click link for full details
If your child will be absent from school, please email wickliffeattendance@uaschools.org. Please state a reason for your child’s absence. If you are emailing your child’s teacher regarding attendance, simply copy the attendance email - no need to send separate emails.
There is a link to the attendance email in the Upper Arlington Schools app
Please obtain a medical excuse for ANY visit to a doctor, dentist, therapist, etc that occurs during a school day.
Planned Absence Form - Forms should be completed 10 school days in advance of the first date of the planned absence whenever possible. Otherwise, the absence may be unexcused.
Instagram Account ~ @wickwolves
Lunchroom Helper - click here to Volunteer
Nurse Notes
Any prescription medication administered at school requires written authorization from the student’s physician as well as written parental permission. Per Ohio Revised Code, the Prescribed Medication must be received by the health office in the container in which it was dispensed by the provider or pharmacist (we cannot accept medication in baggies). Medication authorization forms and other health forms can be found on the district website at: UA Health Forms. Should you have any questions, please contact the Wickliffe Health Office at 614-487-5150.
PowerSchool Parent Portal: https://ps-uar.metasolutions.net/public/home.html
If you need assistance logging into PowerSchool, you may reach out to: familytechhelp@uaschools.org
Email: schoolbusquestions@uaschools.org
Links to Previous Updates:
All of our updates can be found on the Wickliffe website under “school news”.
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