Fourth Grade enVision Math Topic 12
Measurement Units and Conversions
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Review Play some games of multiplication.
Here you have the link to log into our enVision Math book. Our book has many resources. It also has an introductory video(known as visual learning) for every lesson. (After log in, go to programs, select book, tools, ACTIVe book, choose your lesson, and finally visual learning)
enVision Math Book
Ipad Resources
Think Through Math
Lesson 12-1 Using Customary Units of Length
The student will identify relative sizes of measurement units within the customary and metric systems. TEKS 4.8A
Lesson 12-2 Using Customary Units of Capacity
see above. TEKS 4.8A
Lesson 12-3 Using Units of Weight
see above. TEKS 4.8A
Lesson 12-4 Changing Customary Units
Students will convert measurements within the same measurement system, customary or metric, from a smaller unit into a larger unit or larger unit into a smaller unit when given other equivalent measures represented in a table. TEKS 4.8B *SS
Lesson 12-5 Problem Solving: Analyze Given Information
Students use a problem-solving model that incorporates analyzing given information, formulating a plan or strategy, determining a solution, justifying the solution process and evaluating the problem-solving process and the reasonableness of the solution. TEKS 4.1B *PS
Lesson 12-6 Using Metric Units of Length
Students will identify relative sizes of measurement units within the customary and metric systems. TEKS 4.8A *SS
Measurement Worksheets
The Measurements Song
Lesson 12-7 Using Metric Units of Capacity
Students will identify relative sizes of measurement units within the customary and metric systems. 4.8A *SS
Lesson 12-8 Using Units of Mass
see above TEKS 4.8A
Lesson 12-9 Changing Metric Units
Students Convert measurements within the same measurement system, customary or metric, from a smaller unit into a larger unit or a larger unit into a smaller unit when given other equivalent measures represented in a table. TEKS 4.8B *SS
Lesson 12-10 Units of Time
Students solve problems that deal with measurements of length, intervals of time, liquid volumes, mass, and money using addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division as appropriate. TEKS 4.8C *RS
Lesson 12-11 Problem Solving: Analyze Relationships
Students analyze mathematical relationships to connect and communicate mathematical ideas. TEKS 4.1F *PS
4th Grade Math Worksheets - Printables
Topic 12
TEA STAAR Resources
Lead Team
Location: M. S. Ryan Elementary
Phone: 956-273-4400