Community Spotlight

Community Spotlight
Welcome to Weymouth's Community Spotlight!
Visit often to learn about News, Events, and Happenings Around Weymouth!!!
Now Enrolling the Class of 2038!
Neighborhood school placement starts with early Kindergarten registration
CLICK HERE TO BEGIN REGISTRATION: www.weymouthschools.org/kindergarten
Children turning 5 on or before August 31, 2025, are eligible for Kindergarten enrollment this September; proof of Weymouth residency is required.
Honoring Teammate Jack Murray
The Weymouth Middle School Wrestling Club capped off their season with an extra week of hard work, leading up to an intrasquad Maroon vs. Gold match. Led by coaches Jones and Shea, the student-athletes got the chance to battle it out, celebrate their season, and enjoy one last competition together.
The team also honored the memory of their late teammate by proudly wearing Jack Murray Memorial Wrestling T-shirts, keeping his legacy alive in the sport he loved. It was an awesome event, and the buzz around Weymouth Wrestling just keeps growing.
"Be Like Jack"
Celebrating Excellence!
I am proud to announce that Weymouth High School has been recognized as one of 19 schools in Massachusetts to receive the Honor of being a Unified Champion School from the Special Olympics! This recognition is a testament to our unwavering commitment to inclusion, and it highlights our efforts in creating a school culture where students of all abilities thrive together.
As a Unified Champion School receiving National Banner recognition, we have met 10 national standards of excellence developed by a national panel of leaders from Special Olympics and the education community. These standards reflect our dedication to providing inclusive sports, education, leadership, and community engagement opportunities for all students, both with and without intellectual disabilities.
We will celebrate this remarkable achievement and continue to inspire others to foster an inclusive environment for all students.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Lisa Stokes
Accepting 8th Grade Boys & Girls for WHS Swim Team!
All Levels and Abilities Welcome ~ Basic Swimming Skills Desired
If interested, contact: whsswimboosterclub@gmail.com
Watch for information about the Fall Sports Meeting
We all know how valuable our Crossing Guards are in keeping our students and families safe as they arrive and depart school each day!
Crossing Guard Appreciation Day: Thursday, March 20, 2025
This is your chance to show your appreciation to folks who do so much for so many!!!
"Crossing Guards are a constant presence throughout the school year. They are a friendly face to greet families in the morning and send them off in the afternoon. They are out there rain or shine, heat or bitter cold."
Crossing Guards are outside—rain or shine—to keep students safe during arrival and dismissal. If you think your Crossing Guard goes above and beyond for your school and should be considered for our Crossing Guard of the Year Awards, please nominate them using this form.
Keep in mind that the number of nominations for a specific Crossing Guard does not increase their chances of winning Crossing Guard of the Year. We recommend that communities work together to craft thoughtful responses.
*Your school must be an SRTS partner for you to participate.
*Nominations are due by 5 p.m. EST on Wednesday, March 19, 2025.
The winner(s) of our Crossing Guard of the Year Award(s) will be announced in late April and will also be recognized at our annual Safe Routes to School Award Ceremony in June. We can’t wait to read all about what makes your Crossing Guards special!
Massachusetts Walk, Bike & Roll to School Day: Wednesday, May 7, 2025
Annual Awards Ceremony: Monday, June 2, 2025
The winning space biology experiment will be conducted on the International Space Station
A national STEM competition freely accessible to students in grades 7 - 12 who attend schools located within the United States. "Inspiring the next generation of space innovators"
Propose a space biology experiment - the winner will have their DNA Experiment on the International Space Station!
Immediate family members of persons employed by Boeing, miniPCR bio, New England Biolabs, or the ISS U.S. National Lab may not participate in Genes in Space.
CONTEST DETAILS: https://www.genesinspace.org/us-contest/
CLICK HERE TO APPLY: https://www.genesinspace.org/apply/
Commander Randall T. Boyd, Jr. Planetarium Available for Events!
Looking for a Unique Group Experience?
Consider hosting a presentation at the Commander Randall T. Boyd, Jr. Planetarium at Weymouth HIgh School located at 1 Wildcat Way, Weymouth, MA 02190
Evenings & Weekends available
"Tour our Solar System"
Additional topics potentially available upon request
$400 per 1 hour presentation
- Fee includes presentation, presenter and custodial costs
Contact: Donnie Norton at dnorton@weymouth.ma.us
"Shoot for the Moon ~ even if you miss, you will land among the Stars"
Available for Students in Grades 4 - 12
Students can create a fiction or nonfiction essay on sports or choose from one of the following topics:
Great Moments in Sports: Write a narrative essay (fiction or nonfiction) about watching or playing in a great Boston sports moment.
Game Changers: Write an essay on what sports figures have had the biggest influence on you. This can be a player, coach, broadcaster, family member or friend.
Sports in Society: Write an essay about the benefits sports can have on a community or personal development. Provide examples of how sports have benefited you or your community.
Defining Sport: Recently, competitions such as dancing, cheerleading, e-sports, and many others have gained popularity. Is there a competitive activity that you enjoy that you believe should be considered a sport? Write an essay on your definition of sport.
SUBMIT ONLINE: https://www.sportsmuseum.org/education/willmcdonough-writing-contest/
or MAIL to: Will McDonough Writing Contest | 100 Legends Way | Boston | MA | 02114
- First Place Essays will be hung in The Sports Museum at TD Garden for 1 year
- First Place Recipients and their families will attend a ceremony at TD Garden along with tickets to a Boston Celtics game
- Second Place Recipients will receive a Kindle
Questions? Contact Tim Burke at tburke@sportsmuseum.org
Spiritwear Merchandise * School Supplies * Novelties
Wildcat Den Hours:
Wednesdays: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Thursdays: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Fridays: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Weymouth High School
1 Wildcat Way, Weymouth, MA 02190
781-337-7500, x-21060
Enter through Gold Security Entrance - Door #36, with Photo ID
Food Assistance
Weymouth Helps with Food Assistance!
- Weymouth Food Pantry
When affording groceries becomes tough, we’re here to help. The Weymouth Food Pantry distributes more than 840,000 pounds of food per year to residents in need. Find a pop-up pantry location in your neighborhood. Everyone struggling to afford groceries qualifies. We’re here for all of us. For more information and pantry calendar, visit: www.weymouthfoodpantry.org/
- WIC (Women, Infants, and Children Nutrition Program)
WIC is a nutrition program that provides healthy foods, nutrition education, breastfeeding support, and referrals to healthcare and other services, free of charge, to Massachusetts families who qualify. For more information, visit: www.mass.gov/orgs/women-infants-children-nutrition-program
- SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program)
SNAP is a government program that provides a sliding scale of income designated for food to low-wage working families, low-income seniors, people with disabilities, and other individuals with low incomes. SNAP can help you expand your healthy food budget and explore opportunities to support your wellbeing and education and employment goals. SNAP is administered by the Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA).
SNAP benefits include:
- Monthly funds on an EBT card to buy food
- $20 a month put back on your EBT card when you use SNAP to buy local produce via the Healthy Incentives Program (HIP)
- SNAP Path to Work free education and training opportunities
- Free nutrition education classes and resources
- Connections to other kinds of help, like utility discounts, free school meals and discounted admissions to many Commonwealth museums and cultural institutions via EBT Card to Culture
For more information, visit: https://dtaconnect.eohhs.mass.gov/
- Wellspring Multi-Service Centers
Our mission is to provide support and skills to people facing challenges to their well-being in order to help them achieve independence and self-sufficiency. Our programs, available in our Hull and Weymouth locations, reach beyond providing emergency services and help people become more independent, productive members of their communities. Our comprehensive, wrap-around approach is specifically designed to address all of the factors contributing to or hindering individuals’ paths to independence such as food and housing insecurity, crisis counseling, legal advocacy, help navigating assistance programs, and ESOL programs.
For more information, visit: https://wellspringmultiservice.org/
Consider joining Weymouth Rotary
The mission of Rotary International is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.
All Welcome!
Sincere thanks from Weymouth Public Schools for the kind generosity of Weymouth Rotary to WPS!
Weymouth Winter Farmers Market
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
One Sunday per month
Chapman Middle School, 1051 Commercial Street. Weymouth, MA 02189
Boston College / Dev Tech Research Group
Sunday, March 16, 2025
12:00 - 3:00 pm
Join the DevTech Research Group for an in-person birthday party to celebrate 10 years of ScratchJr play and learning!
For this free, in-person event at the DevTech lab on Boston College’s campus, children (of all ages!), families, educators, and more are invited to learn about and play with ScratchJr. The event will include tutorials, arts and crafts, games, storytelling, and educator and family resources, as well as a Q&A session with co-creators Marina Bers and Mitch Resnick. Attendees will leave with a ScratchJr project they love, some ScratchJr swag, and a smile on their face. Light refreshments will be provided.
All registrants will be sent an email about parking and finding the DevTech space one week prior to the event.
Additionally, stay tuned to our socials for sneak peaks at some brand new ScratchJr activities!
Workshop: Understanding the Impact of Trauma on Children 0 - 12
Two Part Workshop: March 17, 2025 and March 24, 2025
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
*Via Zoom
Presented by Riverside Trauma Center
In this two part workshops, Riverside Trauma Center will present a foundational understanding of trauma that custodial grandparents or their grandchildren (ages 0-12 years old) may be experiencing. Attendees will learn about different types of trauma, characteristics of traumatic responses, and risk and protective factors that can influence how an individual responds to trauma.
Part two of this series will focus on self-care during periods of high stress for caregivers. A discussion about toxic stress will lead to a better understanding for caregivers of how to manage periods of stress, "re-set and re-think" unique experiences of stress, and examples of how to regulate and combat stress will be presented.
All Welcome!
March 18, 2025
6:30 pm
Tufts Library | Room 138 | 46 Broad Street | Weymouth | MA | 02188
6:30 - 7:15 pm - Seed Swap
7:15 pm - Local Market Gardener Cindy Courtney will provide instruction on seed starting and growing
8:00 pm - Planning meeting for Sustainable Weymouth Club - share your ideas, interests and thoughts
Come and gather seeds for your garden!
If you have seeds to contribute - great, but not necessary to participate!
Swap gardening stories and knowledge and learn helpful tips.
Please bring envelopes or containers for carrying the seeds home - limited envelopes available
Questions? Contact Mary Farrell at 774-454-4402 (call/text) or email at marpfarr@hotmail.com
Educating Caregivers and Providers on Transition Planning
Thursday, March 27, 2025
10:30 am - 12:00 pm
In Person Event
Quincy Family Resource Center | 1120 Hancock Street | Quincy | MA | 02169
Shelagh O’Donnell is an attorney in the Mental Health Advocacy Program for Kids (MHAP).
Topics covered:
- Transition Planning and the IEP
- Transition Goals and Service
- Chapter 688
Questions? Contact Juan Li at jli@baystatecs.org or 617-481-7227 ext.141
A Farm for Teaching & Learning
The Friends of Holly Hill Farm strives to provide healthy, organically grown food for the local community, and to foster good stewardship of the land by educating all ages about the practices of conservation and sustainable farming in a welcoming environment.
- Non-Profit, Organic, Educational
- Farm Stand: Harvest List / Online Store
- Learning on the Farm
- Winter Workshops
- Summer Programs
236 Jerusalem Road | Cohasset | MA | 02025
All Welcome!
South Shore Students & Sustainability
Saturday, March 29, 2025
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Cohasset High School | 143 Pond Street | Cohasset | MA | 02025
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER - or SCAN the QR Code on the flyer
Friends of Holly Hill Farm and Cohasset Public Schools are excited to offer this local event that will bring together middle and high school students from around the South Shore to explore, share, and learn from one another about what sustainability means to them and how they address it!
Students, school environmental clubs, groups, and local organizations are encouraged to sign up today and attend!
This free event will feature:
- Local sustainable organizations like CSCR, The Spare Studio, South Shore Permaculture,
and more! - Vermicompost and Bokashi demonstrations
- Soil analysis with microscopes
- School garden tour
- Seasonal tastings
- 'Zine making with upcycled art supplies, and art supply collection with The Spare Studio
- More!
Questions? contact Gabrielle Barron at gabrielle@hollyhillfarm.org or 781-336-6421, x-1
Hosted by HOPE Beyond the Badge & the Allex G. Kokoros Memorial Fund
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
6:00 - 8:00 pm
Doors open at 5:15 pm
We are grateful to have all our first responders in Policing, Fire, EMS, Dispatch and Corrections serve in our communities.
Many have a military background and want to continue to serve. They protect us, we call them when we are needing help, but who looks after them??
We would like the community to have a better understanding of what our first responders go through over the course of their careers and what they take with them into retirement and beyond. That’s if they make it to retirement, if they are one of the lucky ones. The trauma and sights they see does not go away, it stays with them and they don’t tell anyone because there is so much stigma behind mental health in first response.
This is a must see documentary, with real people sharing their stories.
Let’s show our first responders how much they mean to us. Let’s pack the house! The event is free to all first responders, first responder families and our communities, that means you too!!
Come join us for this special premier screening in Massachusetts!
We are very fortunate to be hosting this event in a beautiful theatre at the Chapman Middle School in Weymouth .
Be advised space is limited, don’t delay to secure your ticket, they are going very quickly.
Helping Those Who Help Us!
House to House For Heroes Program
Saturday, April 5, 2025
Volunteer Arrival: 8:30 - 9:30 am
Ceremony: 10:00 - 11:00 am
Weymouth High School | Gold Cafeteria | 1 Wildcat Way | Weymouth | Ma | 02190
Learn about benefits available to Veterans
The Norfolk County Sheriff's Office is hosting a House to House for Heroes veterans outreach on Saturday, April 5th in Weymouth and we are looking for volunteers to join this great event.
Register here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0B49A4AA22A1FDC25-54985725-house
Volunteers will help Sheriff Patrick McDermott and the NCSO thank our veterans and make sure they know about important resources and new benefits they earned and deserve. Once volunteer assignments and packets are handed out, we will go door-to-door to meet with Weymouth's veterans.
If you are a veteran and live in Weymouth, but are unsure if you are registered as a veteran, please contact the Town of Weymouth Veterans Service Office at 781-340-2405.
If you would like to volunteer or provide contact information for a Veteran,
please contact: Jamie Nista, Community Engagement Liaison, Norfolk County Sheriff's Office
at 781-751-3341 or JNista@NorfolkSheriffMA.org
Additional Resource: Weymouth Veterans Connections / Resources page
HOPE Center
The H.O.P.E. Center, established in April 2024, is a welcoming environment where anyone can find help and hope for their future. Working with our staff, each client receives a personalized plan for success and the support needed to achieve their goals. From assistance in obtaining basic needs to peer support groups to education and employment assistance, the H.O.P.E. Center is here to guide you.
A program of the Norfolk County Sheriff's Office, the center's services are free and available to anyone seeking assistance and guidance, regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, gender, age, economic status, or background.
- Recovery support groups
- Employment and career services
- Housing assistance resources
- Community events and workshops
- Partnerships with local organizations
- Assistance in finding treatment
For more information, contact Cheryl Portman at 781-751-3393, info@hopecenterma.org
2015 Washington Street | Braintree | MA | 02184
Chapman: Author Visits
Newbery Award Winner Author Coming Soon!
April 17, 2025
Erin Entrada Kelly is a New York Times bestselling author and winner the Newbery Medal for Hello, Universe and a Newbery Honor for We Dream of Space. She is a professor of children’s literature in the graduate fiction and publishing programs at Rosemont College and on the faculty at Hamline University. She lives in Philadelphia, PA.
Kwame Mbalia is a New York Times bestselling author and a former pharmaceutical metrologist. His debut middle grade novel, Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky, was a New York Times bestseller and awarded a Coretta Scott King Author Honor. A Howard University graduate and a Midwesterner now in North Carolina, he survives on Dad jokes and Cheezits.
A laugh-out-loud YA romance... When Pacy Mercado and Cecil Holloway spot each other during the first week of freshman year, it’s love at first sight followed by days of yearning and stress and misguided advise...welcome to freshman year! But as they spend time together, they realize that the other person might be just what they need . . . that is, if they can figure out how to be themselves and embrace the mishaps, mistakes, and hilariously awkward interactions that make up their imperfectly perfect love story.
Personalized and autographed copies of this book are available for purchase at Chapman for $20.00, cash and checks accepted. Email Kate McCue-Day at kate.mccueday@weymouthschools.org
FREE Community College
MassEducate covers the full cost of tuition and fees for all eligible students.
Students may qualify for an allowance of up to 1,200 for book and supplies.
Ages 17+
Reach out to your community college’s financial aid office for additional information on the application process, or to the Office of Student Financial Assistance at (617) 391-6070.
While MassEducate and MassReconnect have separate guidelines, this page summarizes the combined benefits and requirements of the two programs.
Full MassEducate Guidelines (PDF): Applied to all other eligible students
MassReconnect funds free Community College certificates and degrees including all costs related to tuition, fees, books and supplies.
MassReconnect is available to students who:
- Are age 25 or older as of the first day of classes
- Have been a resident of Massachusetts for at least one year
- Have earned a high school diploma or equivalent but have not previously completed a postsecondary degree
- Have submitted a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
- Are enrolled in 6 or more credits for an associate degree or certificate program at a community college
Why Donate Your Car / Truck to Weymouth CTE Automotive Students?
Donating your car to the Weymouth Career and Technical Education (CTE) Automotive Program is an incredible way to support students in their journey to becoming skilled professionals in the automotive industry. Here's how your donation can make a difference:
- Donating your vehicle provides CTE students with additional real-world, hands-on experience. They can work on actual car systems, diagnose issues, perform repairs, and gain experience with modern automotive technologies. This is a vital part of their education, as it helps them bridge the gap between classroom theory and practical skills.
- By donating a newer vehicle, you ensure students are working with the most up-to-date automotive technologies. This prepares them for today's fast-evolving automotive industry and makes them more competitive when entering the workforce or pursuing certifications.
- Students will advance their knowledge of diagnostics, repairs, and maintenance, developing the skills they need to succeed in the automotive field. These skills are required for industry certifications that can boost their careers.
- The hands-on work with your donated vehicle aligns with the competencies students need to earn recognized certifications, essential for securing high-demand, high-wage jobs in the automotive sector.
By donating your car, you're making a lasting impact on the next generation of automotive professionals, providing them with the training they need to succeed in the workforce. Your donation is not just a car—it's an investment in their future!
It is desirable for vehicles to be as new as possible to provide students with the most up-to-date technology for learning purposes.
Contact Sam DePina at samuel.depina@weymouthschools.org
Building Readers Newsletter: Elementary School Level
Helping Children Learn Newsletter: Middle School Level
A quick read newsletter (publishes September through May) is packed with proven, evidence-based, ready-to-use school success ideas for parents, tailored to the ages of their students!
Help your child to succeed through these valuable resources!
Mass DOT: Safe Routes to School
Safe Routes to School (SRTS) helps your school community organize customizable programs and events that encourage students, parents, teachers, and the local community to choose active, healthy, and safe modes of transportation. Encouragement builds student excitement about active transportation through safe walk, bike, and roll days as well as in-school activities. Planning school and community events is essential to involving both students and adults in the SRTS Program.
MWRA: Poster & Writing Contest
The MWRA School Program is pleased to announce we are again sponsoring a Poster and a Writing Contest. Please be advised that there are two separate contests. Students in Gr. 3-8 may enter both contests, but should NOT combine poster and writing into one entry.
This year’s topic is: MWRA at 40!
Students are being asked to use their creative skills to create a poster highlighting one or more of the projects that MWRA has been involved with since its creation in 1985.
Posters will be judged in 4 categories:
- Grades K-2
- Grades 3-5
- Grades 6-8
- Grades 9-12
Students are being asked to write an essay, story, or poem highlighting one or more of the projects that MWRA has been involved with since its creation in 1985.
Writing will be judged in 2 categories:
- Grades 3-5
- Grades 6-8
All entries must be postmarked by Tuesday March 12, 2025
Early entries are encouraged!
Entries should be mailed to:
MWRA School Program
2 Griffin Way
Chelsea, MA 02150
Attached are all the necessary forms and information pertaining to the contests. Additional information can be found at www.mwra.com and follow the link to the School Program page.
If you would like a contest packet including a flyer you can post in your classroom, please email jacqueline.collins@mwra.com.
We hope that you will consider participating and look forward to seeing all the entries.
If you have a winner, you will be notified via email by mid-April 2025.
All winners along with their teachers and families will be honored at an Awards Ceremony at the Metropolitan Waterworks Museum at the end of May (details to follow).
The Parent/Professional Advocacy League, Inc. (PPAL) is a statewide family organization dedicated to improving the mental health and well being of children, youth and families through support, education, and advocacy.
MOVING TO YOUNG ADULT LIFE: Transition Planning and Post Secondary Options
Friday, March 21, 2025
12:00 - 2:00 pm
Who is this workshop for?
PPAL workshops are meant for parents, caregivers, family members, individuals, family partners, and/or peer leaders with experience supporting children with emotional, behavioral, or mental health needs.
Secondary transition planning is a formal process to prepare students with special needs for life after high school. It’s a process to help students with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) decide what they want to do after high school. It also helps them figure out how to get there. The purpose is to help teens prepare to be independent young adults. Parents attending this workshop will learn about: Key Transition Laws, Transition Timelines, Transition Planning Activities and Forms, Transition Assessments, Community Services & Supports, Post-Secondary Transition Options.
College Planning
If you plan to apply for college financial aid, you’ll need to fill out the FAFSA. The FAFSA doesn’t become available until December 1st this year, but there’s one thing you can do now: get your FSA ID. The FSA ID is your FAFSA log-in, and both the student and at least one parent will need one. MEFA has a guide to help you figure out who in your family needs an FSA ID (see link below). Check out the info below to learn more about what the FSA IS is, who needs one, and how to get one.
MEFA: The Big Deal about the FSA ID
* MEFA - Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority
Visit often for Scholarship Opportunities - Updates are ongoing!
A source for Opportunities and Resources
(10) Ten $10,000 Scholarships Awarded
Submission Deadline: Friday, April 4, 2025
* Note: All applications must be picked-up and returned IN-PERSON
** Applications available for IN-PERSON pick-up between February 14 - April 5, 2025
Applications for scholarships are available at:
Pilgrim Skating Arena | Pro Shop | 75 Recreation Park Drive | Hingham | Massachusetts | 02043
This is the 51st consecutive year that Pilgrim Skating Arena is awarding
scholarships to high school seniors planning to further their education.
Pilgrim has granted 579 merit-based scholarships totaling $2,262,500.00.
You do not need to be a hockey player or figure skater to apply for this scholarship.
This scholarship is awarded based on merit, not financial need.
Interested seniors must sign for their application in person when picking up at
Pilgrim’s pro shop. All applicants are required to sign the log sheet.
When returning the completed application, in person, you are required to sign the log sheet.
Some strong considerations include:
- Academic Accomplishments
- Essay
- Extracurricular Activities
- Community Service
Applications will be judged by members of the Pilgrim Scholarship Committee of the Pilgrim Skating Arena.
Questions? Contact Jack O'Donoghue, CEO, 781-740-6660 or scholarship@skatepilgrim.com
The Weymouth Rotary Foundation provides scholarships to further the education of graduating students from Weymouth schools, both private and public.
- (4) $5,000 for College
- (3) $1,000 for Certification Programs, Equipment/Tools of the Trade, State Exam Fees for Industry Sector of Interest, State License Fees for Industry Sector of Interest
- (4) $500 for Certification Programs, Equipment/Tools of the Trade, State Exam Fees for Industry Sector of Interest, State License Fees for Industry Sector of Interest
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Friday, March 14, 2025
The Weymouth Rotary Foundation will award scholarships at the 2024 Frank Meissner Scholarship Program. These awards are available to all graduates, including Career & Technical Education students. The scholarships will be granted to high school seniors who most exemplify the Rotary International ideal of "Service Above Self". A student's involvement in community service as a VOLUNTEER will weigh heavily in the final decision. Voluntary community service can be through church groups, scouts, or other service organizations.
Qualified applicants must be a graduating student of Weymouth High School or South Shore Christian Academy and a resident of Weymouth. All eligible students are encouraged to apply.
Be sure to:
1. Fill out each section completely. DO NOT LEAVE ANY SECTION BLANK!!
2. BE CLEAR, CONCISE AND DETAILED. For the sections on Voluntary Community Service, Compensated
Summer and After-School Work and School Extra Curricular please include:
b. How long (the number of years, when, and if you are still involved, etc.)
c. Your capacity in the service, activity or work (an officer, worker, observer, etc.)
d. Do NOT list an activity in more than one category
3. In the section on academic standing, if known, include:
b. Grade point average as of the last marking period
c. Any quantitative evaluation, honors, awards, advanced placement, etc.
4. Do NOT put your name on the application except in the first part of the application. Your Guidance Department will assign the application a number code, as scholarships are chosen on the basis of the submission qualifications and merit.
5. Do NOT reference a Rotarians' name, as that will disqualify the application.
6. DO provide as much information as possible - the more information you can give about yourself, the better the chance you have of being named a recipient of a scholarship.
Scroll: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1INAiwH8wcOraEKr5lyBXxrLsOq28wEhz/view?usp=sharing
The awardees will be selected by the Weymouth Rotary Foundation Scholarship Committee
If you are awarded a scholarship, you are requested to attend the Weymouth Rotary Scholarship Awards Presentation on a Monday evening in May 2025. Funding will be provided upon successful completion of your first year of college and/or upon submission of receipt for Equipment/Tools of the Trade and/or State Exam and/or State License. You will be notified of the details you need to comply.
NOTE: One submission per applicant
WPS sincerely appreciates Weymouth Rotary's kind generosity!
Over the years, they have donated $475,000+ towards Scholarships!!!
Please consider participating in any of the offerings that appeal to you and /or align with your business/organization interests!
Thank You for your kind consideration to support our students!
Sponsorship Opportunities Available!
Weymouth Public Schools welcomes support for enrichments and activities to enhance learning experiences for our students.
Support from our community, local businesses, and individuals can help our students reach their full potential and create a brighter future for our community. Together, we can provide the enriching experiences that prepare our young scholars for success in all aspects of life.
Contact: Betsy Harris at 781-335-1100, x-28331 or elizabeth.harris@weymouthschools.org
Weymouth High School: Credit for Life Fair
You are invited to participate in the Weymouth High School Credit for Life Fair
"Teaching students how to manage finances"
The Credit for Life Fair is a reality check for life beyond High School.
Students visit various booths representing line items on a budget and learn the real costs of living along with the challenges of balancing a budget.
Tuesday, April 8, 2025
8:00 - 11:00 am
Students: Session 9:00 - 10:30 am
Set-up and Breakfast will start at 8:00 am
Weymouth High School, Gold Cafeteria
1 Wildcat Way | Weymouth | MA | 02189
Students will be using an electronic format.
Zoom Training will be available for volunteers - date to be determined
Fill out the registration form
If sponsoring, print and complete the Sponsorship Payment Form, and return to Betsy Harris
Tax ID # 04-6001363
Print form, fill out and return with payment
Mail check & sponsorship form to: Betsy Harris, Community Relations Liaison
Weymouth Public Schools
89 Middle Street
Weymouth, MA 02189
781-335-1100 x-28331
Weymouth High School Credit for Life E-Program | Thank You Sponsors Slideshow
(Note: Under construction, will populate as registrations are received)
You are encouraged to share this opportunity with anyone you think would be interested
Thank you in advance for your registration and your kind generosity of time and/or donations!
Weymouth Public Schools 17th Annual Special Olympics Unified Games
Seeking Sponsors
Thursday, May 1, 2025
(Rain Date: Friday, May 2, 2025)
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Weymouth High School
Sgt. Jeffrey Mullin Football Field
1 Wildcat Way, Weymouth, MA 02190
Participants will be Weymouth K—Grade 12 Student-Athletes
Special Olympics is founded on the belief that people with intellectual disabilities and developmental disabilities can,
with proper instruction and encouragement, learn, enjoy, and benefit from participation in individual and team sports.
~ Choose to Include ~
Click Here for Sponsorship Form: https://bit.ly/3QJp528
(Print, fill out form and return with payment to Betsy Harris)
Contact: Betsy Harris at 781-335-1100, x-28331, elizabeth.harris@weymouthschools.org
Thank you in advance for your kind generosity!
Kindergarten Here I Come!
Welcome to Kindergarten!
Thursday, May 29, 2025
Rain Date: Wednesday, June 4, 2025
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
(Set-up is available at 4:00 pm)
Weymouth Early Childhood Center
89 Middle Street | Weymouth | MA | 02189
This special event celebrates the Kindergarten transition, which can be challenging for children and families. This is a big step for children transitioning from home to preschool or from another setting into a new school environment. We would like to provide every Kindergarten student with a book and t-shirt.
Each "Class of" consists of approximately 400-450 students.
Activity Station Host:
1. Fill out the Station Host Registration Form: https://forms.gle/RwtoHPogrVzVEs6n9Resource Providers are invited to bring information to share and promote their organization.
Sponsorship Available
2. Click here for Sponsorship Benefits: https://bit.ly/3XodMjB3. Print and fill out the Sponsorship Payment Form: https://bit.ly/4iI4c3p and return to:
Betsy Harris, Community Relations Liaison
Weymouth Public Schools
89 Middle Street
Weymouth, MA 02189
Make check payable to: Weymouth Public Schools
Please provide table cover. Access to Wi-Fi is not available. No access to electricity.
Questions? Contact Betsy Harris at 781-335-1100, x-28331, or elizabeth.harris@weymouthschools.org
World's Finest Chocolate is a family-owned chocolate fundraising business that has been around since 1939. We pride ourselves in providing you with the best fundraising experience in the shortest amount of time.
Here's how WFC Chocolate Bars make a remarkable impact on your fundraising efforts:
High-Quality, Great Variety: Since 1949 our chocolate bars are crafted using the finest ingredients, produced in the USA ensuring freshness with every bite. Our variety boxes provide options for everyone to enjoy!
Affordable and Profitable: Priced at just $1, $2, and $3, per bar…they practically sell themselves. Our programs offer generous profits designed to deliver incredible results and can be accomplished in as little as 2-3 weeks!
How to get started: Connect with me! You can start fundraising in as little as 2-3 days or plan a fundraiser for 1-12 months from now.
Contact: Shannon Burke at 872-763-3243 or sburke@wfchocolate.com
Friends of Weymouth Libraries: Bowling Fundraiser
March 23, 2025
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Webster Timber Lanes | 460 Bedford Street | Abington | MA | 02351
- $30 / Bowler
- $120 / Lane (up to 5 people)
- $15 / Non-Bowler
- 2 hours of Bowling
- Shoe Rental
- Pizza Buffet
- Water / Soda
Thank You!
WHS Career Speakers
We would like to extend out heartfelt gratitude to each and every person who took the time out of their busy schedule to share their valuable career experiences with WHS students. You engagement and insights into your professional journeys has been inspiring and educational for our students.
The success of this valuable program could not be achieved without your participation. By sharing your unique career paths, lessons learned, and personal anecdotes, you have provided a wealth of knowledge and guidance for our students as they seek to navigate their professional development.
Chris Antonellis | Nicole Baglione | Kellie Bedoni | George Berg | Bridget Boursiquot
Jessica Bradway | Alanna Butler | Larry Cassesse | Ken Chao | Jason Cullen | Kim Cummings
Aimee D'Avignon | Jennifer Davis | Hillary Deshler | Sara Devine | Tyler Doktor | Steven Evitt
Nik Fahey | Matthew Feld | Paloma Fernandes | Steve Flaherty | Thomas Fratolillo
Maggie Giusti | Joe Guiducci | Tim Harrington | Joseph Hiltz | Barbara Jacobs | Stacy Justino
Dan Kelly | Leah Klein | John Lambiasse | Lori Lee | Sheriff Patrick McDermott
Hannah McEachern | Jennifer McEacher | Rick McLeod | Andreanna Medina | Paul Meoni
William Moore | Mike Moran | Matthew Morgan | David Northus | Jason O'Brien
Senator Patrick O'Connor | David Odierno | Emily Olsen | Carrie Palazzo | Joseph Peters
Michele Prevost | Sally Price | Kelly Quinn | David Ricci | Dr. Scott Rosner | Jackie Saba
Mariam Salazar | Elizabeth Sauro | Melanie Snyder | Dana Szymczuk | Brian Tomasetta
Nancy Varallo | Mikaela Walsh | Colleen West | Dileepa Wijayanayake | Chris Wong
We can help!
Submit your hiring opportunity and we will share it with our students, staff and community members.
Special Education Extended School Year (ESY) ESP & Junior Assistants
Are you interested in pursuing a career in education?
Junior Assistants: Age 14+
Pay Rate: $15.25 per hour
July 7 - August 14, 2025
Weymouth Early Childhood Center | 89 Middle Street | Weymouth | MA | 02189
and Chapman Middle School | 1051 Commercial Street | Weymouth | MA | 02189
Assist with the following Special Education programs:
CEP | TLC | Life Skills | SAIL | LBLC | Post Grad
Submit Letter of Application to: Kay Levine at kathleen.levine@weymouthschools.org
Norfolk County Sheriff's Office: Seeking Peer Leaders
Youth Leadership Academy
Sheriff Patrick W. McDermott
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER: https://youthleadershipacademy.campbrainstaff.com/
This program is for teenagers 15 to 17 years old that have demonstrated leadership potential. Ideally you will have completed at least one season of the Academy in previous years, but this is not a requirement if you are recommended to us.
If this is your first year as a Peer Leader you will spend your first week training with other Peer Leaders learning the games, activities, philosophy and theory of group development along with the proper use of the high ropes course and how to safely belay. The second week you will be assigned to a group under the supervision of our staff.
Returning Peer Leaders are assigned to a group straight away.
The weeks you choose do not need to be back-to-back. You can attend training at the start of the summer and return and work with a group in August for example. This is an unpaid, volunteer position which is a great addition to your resume. You will learn important leadership skills and make new friends. If you have any questions on the application process please contact the Academy Office.
MASSHIRE: Spring 2025 Job Fair
Thursday, March 20, 2025
1:00 - 3:00 pm
MassHire South Shore Career Center | 1515 Hancock Street | Quincy | MA | 02169
10+ Employers
MASSHIRE: Certified Phlebotomy Technician Training Program
Professional Healthcare Workers are in demand!
These positions offer great opportunities for individuals who want to start a career in the medical field.
MassHire grants are available for income-eligible or unemployed / underemployed individuals who are seeking employment. Must register as a member of MassHire Career Center. MassHire also provides job placement assistance to program participants.
Questions? Contact Deb King at dking@masshiress.com
Five Guys
Hiring Crew Members and Shift Leaders!
Competitive Wages | Daily & Weekly Tips | Secret Shopper Bonuses | Free Meals | ...and MORE!
Visit: careers.hydeparkventures.com
Questions? Contact Lorena Nunez, District Manager at 781-350-8286 or Lorena@hydeparkventures.com
High Sierra Pools
Hiring Lifeguard Positions
- Earn great pay
- Spend your summer at the pool
- Work with your friends
- Earn extra cash with referrals
- Learn how to save a life
- Management positions available
- Boost your resume
- Help out your community
Apply Online at www.highsierrapools.com/employment
Questions? Contact Andrei Nirsa at 617-514-0550 or ANirsa@highsierrapools.com
High Sierra Pools OPEN HOUSE
April 18, 2025
4:00 - 7:00 PM
High Sierra Pools | 70 Kendle Street | Unit 101-102 | Boston | MA | 02119
Learn how to save a life!
Now Hiring!
Seeking Co-op Employment Opportunities for WHS CTE Students
Weymouth High School CTE Co-op Employer Opportunities
Now Accepting Registrations!
Weymouth High School has Career Technical Education (CTE) students who would make a wonderful addition to your team.
By filling out this form, your job will be shared with Weymouth High School teachers, students and Samuel M. DePina, our Director of Career Technical Education & Cooperative Education.
Co-operative Job Opportunities provide students with practical skills and knowledge in various fields.
Weymouth High School is a comprehensive school offering a ten program Career and Technical Education Department including Allied Health, Automotive Technology, Construction Technology, Cosmetology, Culinary Arts, Drafting and Design Technology, Early Childhood Education, Graphic Communication, Information Technology, and Metal Fabrication. All ten programs are approved by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and as such, are closely monitored by the DESE.
Samuel M. DePina
Director of Career Technical Education & Cooperative Education
CTE Office: Gold, Room 2032 | Weymouth High School
781-337-7500 x 25203 | (617) 840-9008
Schedule a Meeting with Mr. DePina
Now Accepting Orders
WHS CTE Drafting and Design Program is pleased to offer a range of professional services to our community. Our skilled and dedicated team of students and teachers work collaboratively to provide high-quality Renderings, 3D Printing and CNC Machine Services tailored to meet your specific needs.
There will be a minimum of $10 fee, however pricing will be customized for each project, taking into account the complexity and scope of the request. Please submit the Estimate Request Form to receive a personalized quote and consultation on how we can bring your ideas to life.
Services include:
- Renderings: Our expert designers will create stunning visual representations of your project, helping you visualize your concept in vivid detail.
- 3D Printing: Turn your digital designs into tangible objects with our state-of-the-art 3D printing technology. We can create prototypes, models, and functional parts to suit your requirements.
- CNC Machine Services: We offer precision cutting and shaping of various materials using our advanced CNC machines. From intricate designs to complex patterns, we deliver accurate and professional results.
For more information on our services or to discuss our project, please fill out the form below and you will be contacted.
We look forward to collaborating with you and turning your ideas into reality.
Laura Mahoney
Drafting & Design Instructor
781-337-7500 Ext. 22037
Bakery Hours: 9:30 am - 12:45 pm most Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays
Wildcat Cafe Hours: 11:45 am - 1:00 pm most Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays
(dependent on school schedule)
Weymouth High School | 1 Wildcat Way | Weymouth | MA | 02190
Enter through Door # 36 with Photo ID
Click Here for most current menu offerings
- Open February 5th and February 7th (Closed on Feb 6th)
- February 12th through February 14th
- February 26th through February 28th
11:45AM - 1:00PM
Thank you for your support and patience, always keep in mind the café is a learning environment. All tips are contributed to our Student Activity fund which helps to support all students with scholarships and other activities.
Now Accepting Appointments
Hours: 11:45 am - 2:00 pm
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays (dependent on school schedule)
781-337-7500, X-21052
Hair | Hair Color | Skin | Nails | Wax/Tweeze
Automotive Technology Work Request
WHS CTE Automotive is accepting repair jobs! Submit your work request for consideration. The Teachers will review the request and then schedule an appointment if your request can be accomodated.
- Per DESE guidelines, we are unable to service any vehicle over 10 years old
- Payment is expected upon completion of service (at pick-up)
- Teachers will provide an estimate and update costs prior to and during the service (if it increases)
- Please remember that this is a teaching environment. While a completion time/date will be given, there may be circumstances beyond our control that may delay progress. These may include, but are not limited to, supply change chain challenges in receive parts.
Now Accepting Orders!
WHS CTE Graphics Communications can help with most of your print needs!
- Professional Color Digital Press
Brochures | Business Cards | Catalogs | Programs | ...and MORE!
- Large Format Color Printer
Posters | ... and MORE!
- Screenprinting & Embroidery
Clothing | ...and MORE!
Do you have other needs? Inquire for additional options!
Email: Arthur Roach at arthur.roach@weymouthps.org
Providing Training, Fostering Collaboration, and Promoting Programming to Increase Students’ Health and Safety
The Massachusetts Partnerships for Youth, Inc.
467 Main Street
Wakefield, MA 01880
Phone | (781) 587-3409
Parent & Tot Swim Classes for 2-3 year olds
Friday's at 9:50 am. Water adjustment, fun and games! Sign up TODAY! https://www.weyrec.com/.../0ac6d32a-eb76-45c6-823d...
The Quincy Family Resource Center is available to support you, offering individual support for families, referrals for services, assessments, and groups in person or on Zoom. If you need any assistance, please contact Jackie Walorz at 617-481-7227 x166 or email jwalorz@baystatecs.org Any schedule changes will be posted on our website and social media pages.
QFRC Monday-Friday Hours of Operation
Monday 9am-5pm
Tuesday 9am-7:30pm
Wednesday 10am-6pm
Thursday 9am-7:30pm
Friday 9am-5pm
2nd & 4th Saturday of the Month: 9am-12pm
BOOK NOOK - Every 4th Saturday of the month - 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Ages 5 - 10
Reading in English and Spanish
Questions? Contact Marisol Velazquez at 617-481-7227, x-149 or mvelazquez@baystatecs.org
- Nurturing Fathers - Tuesdays (12 sessions) via Zoom, 5:30 - 7:30 pm
- Parent in Recovery Group - 3.5.25 Start Date for 1st & 3rd Wednesdays, 5:00 - 6:30 pm
- Life Out Loud - Ages 16 - 24, Starting 3.27.25 for 1st & 3rd Fridays, 3:30 - 4:30 pm
- Special Education Workshop: Transition Planning - 3.27.25, 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
- Active Parenting
Peeps Taste Test
March 11, 2025: Tufts Library | 46 Broad Street | Weymouth | MA | 02188
3:00 - 4:00 pm
Grades 4 - 12 are welcome to come try different flavors of Peeps!
Launch Club
March 19, 2025
6:00 - 7:30 pm
Tufts Library | 46 Broad Street | Weymouth | MA | 02188
Available to Grades 4 - 12
Teens and tweens are invited to join fellow teen Antonio to learn all about aerospace careers and topics!
Money 101 for Teens
March 26, 2025
6:30 - 7:30 pm
Tufts Library | 46 Broad Street | Weymouth | MA | 02188
Available to Grades 7 - 12
Explore budgeting, savings and more ahead of Financial Literacy Month
Tweens: LED Mini Golf
April 8, 2025
2:00 - 5:00 pm
Available for Grades 4 - 6
Tufts Library | 46 Broad Street | Weymouth | MA | 02188
4th through 6th graders are invited to register for our LED mini golf program hosted by One Up Games!
Register online and drop in anytime between 2:00 and 4:45.
How to be a Teen Author
April 12, 2025
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Tufts Library | 46 Broad Street | Weymouth | MA | 02188
Available to Grades 7 - 12
Join local teen author Rebecca Chisam for a chat all about her experience being a teen author during our Indie Author Day.
Learn how Rebecca balances school, writing and life as well as her suggestions for you to
publish your own book!
Tweens: No Book Book Club
April 30, 2025
4:00 - 5:00 pm
Tufts Library | 46 Broad Street | Weymouth | MA | 02188
Available to Grades 4 - 6
Join our tween book club for those in grades 4-6.
Make new friends, talk about the books you’ve read lately, and eat snacks!
Check back for future offerings!
It is the responsibility of the Weymouth Public Schools to identify any child ages 3-22
years who may have a disability who is either a resident of Weymouth or who attends a
private school within the geographic boundaries of Weymouth even if the student is
not a resident of Weymouth. This also includes students who are homeschooled.
If you suspect that your child may need an evaluation to determine eligibility for
special education services, you may request an evaluation, at no cost.
For more information about evaluation, eligibility, and services
contact the WPS Special Education Department at 781-335-1460 x20316
Letter from Margaret Verlicco, Psy. D., Executive Director of Student Services
2024-2025 CPR Certification Courses at Weymouth High School
Registration Now Available
Click Here to Register: https://bit.ly/3VDgK3j
Click Here for CRP Certification Community Member Payment Form: https://bit.ly/3yX3v4z
Click Here for Printable Flyer: https://bit.ly/4aVvnTU
Please feel free to print this flyer and share / post with your organization
Get Certified...Be Prepared to Save a Life!
The life you save could be someone you love!
Various Dates Available
2:30 - 6:30 pm
at Weymouth High School
1 Wildcat Way, Weymouth, MA 02190
Enter through Door #13 (handicapped accessible) or Door #14 (across from the tennis courts)
Ages 14 and up
Open to the Community
Certification is FREE to Students, WPS and Town of Weymouth Staff
There is a $17.50 Fee to Community Members
Check or Money Order Accepted - Payable to: Weymouth Fire Department
Print Community Member Payment Form and send with payment to Marie O'Leary, WFD
Taking the CPR Class and/or assisting with set/up, etc. are pre-approved WHS Community Service Opportunity(s)
Please honor your commitment!
Special Thanks to the Weymouth Fire Department
for their continued commitment to the safety of Weymouth!
Space is limited.
The Weymouth Fire Department is pleased to announced they've begun using Community Connect, a secure and easy to use platform that allows you to share critical information about your household that will aid first responders and emergency response personnel when responding to your residence, and encourage residents to sign-up for the service at no cost.
Community Connect allows residents to provide critical property and occupant information to Weymouth Fire that they can access at time of response, leading to better outcomes in case of fire or medical emergency. Some examples of information you can provide include who lives at your residence, information about your pet(s), details regarding functional needs like mobility, and more. All data is safe and only available to first responders at the time of emergency, and Community Connect utilizes the same data security and encryption standards found in online banking.
Sign up for Community Connect here: communityconnect.io/info/ma-weymouth
Certification Programs | Civil Service/Federal | Colleges/Universities | Employment | Military | Trades
Unique Needs | Apprenticeships | Co-op Employment | Internships | Job Shadows
Now Enrolling for 2024-2025
Complete your diploma requirements ~ the path to your diploma and jump start your future!
Click Here to Register: https://forms.gle/XEktcsq7wbmwRvfTA
ORIENTATION: Tuesday, September 24, 2024
6:30 - 7:30 pm
Weymouth High School, 1 Wildcat Way, Weymouth, MA 02190
Enter through Door #13 (elevator accessible) or Door #14 (across from the tennis courts)
First night of Classes: Tuesday, October 1, 2024
- Ages 16+
- Provide Transcripts
- 15 Week Semester
- MCAS Testing
- $275 for Weymouth Residents
- $335 Non-Weymouth Residents (subject to change)
Questions? Contact Thomas Sheehan at thomas.sheehan@weymouthschools.org
What is a Wraparound Center?
The Wraparound Center serves as a valuable resource hub for families within Weymouth Public Schools. Our mission is to empower families by connecting them to community-based resources that align with their unique culture, voice, and preferences. Our ultimate aim is to provide comprehensive support to students and their families, enabling them to develop a personalized plan that caters to their specific needs and self-identified goals. By facilitating access to available resources, we equip our students and families with the tools they need to fully engage in the school experience.
The Wraparound Center is staffed by Kelsie Bromberg, LICSW, and overseen by Brynn Cooper, LICSW. This collaborative effort between our schools, central office, and community partners has allowed us to establish this invaluable resource for families within Weymouth Public Schools.
Helpful Links:
- Support & Resource Directory
- Behavioral Health Resource Guide
- Crisis Resources
- Weymouth Food Pantry Calendar
- Housing Resources
- Clothing Resources
- Parent Support Resources
- Seasonal Resources
Please reach out to Kelsie Bromberg at kelsie.bromberg@weymouthps.org or 781-337-4500 ext. 293038. https://www.weymouthschools.org/students-families/community/wraparound-services
Resources & Services to Benefit Your Family!
WPS Wraparound Center
The Wraparound Center | Chapman Middle School | 1015 Commercial Street | Weymouth | MA | 02189
Entrance is located at the front of the building - look for the flag outside the door that reads "Wraparound Center". Ring doorbell for admittance.
Join Weymouth Public Schools' Wraparound Counselor, Kelsie Bromberg, to discuss resource sin the Weymouth area that may be helpful to your student(s) and family.
Mental Health Resources | Food Pantry | Utility Assistance | Holiday Assistance | Housing
Parent Support | ...and MORE!
Questions? Contact Kelsie Bromberg at 781-337-4500, x-293038 or kelsie.bromberg@weymouthps.org
Thank You Chesna Soccer Jamboree, Inc.
Free Gate Admission to all WPS Students!
Weymouth Public Schools is pleased to announce that Chesna Soccer Jamboree has generously donated $20,000 to provide free gate admission for all Weymouth Public Schools students attending athletic home games. This donation allows students to enjoy various sports events throughout the school year, fostering a sense of community and school spirit.
To benefit from this initiative:
Present your student ID at the gate. Your ID is required for admission to all home games.
Middle School students must be accompanied by an adult. Attendance at athletic events is a fantastic opportunity to share a memorable experience with family members and friends.
We appreciate Chesna Soccer Jamboree's generosity and look forward to seeing our students showing their support for our athletes at home games.
* Does not apply to away games
** Does not apply to MIAA Tournament Games
SEPAC: Special Education Parent Advisory Council
SEPAC is an all-volunteer town-winde group of parents and caregivers of students with special education needs. SEPAC has collaborated with Weymouth Public Schools Administration, Weymouth School Committee, Town-Wide Parent Council, School Parent Councils, Community Groups and leaders and Building Administrators to promote equal access to educational opportunities, exchange ideas, and share solutions to both complex and challenging issues facing all children in our schools and community. SEPAC is different than a PTO/PTA while those groups main focus is fundraising, SEPAC is a mandated group with a main focus on advocacy.
Click Here for More Information: English | Portuguese | Spanish | Arabic
Weymouth SEPAC and Mass Advocates Presents Navigating the New IEP: https://bit.ly/3YvAxlh
November 19, 2024
2024-2025 Meeting Dates Information will be updated as it becomes available
3.18.25 | 5.20.25 | 6.17.24
SEPAC 24/25 Flyer: https://qrc.is/4QS
SEPAC Portuguese Flyer: https://qrc.is/4QQ
SEPAC Spanish Flyer: https://qrc.is/4QP
SEPAC Arabic Flyer: https://qrc.is/4QR
Meetings will be held at 7:00 pm via virtual and/or Hybrid
Car/Booster Seat Checks & Installations
FREE Car/Booster Seat Checks & Installations by
Certified Technicians at the Weymouth Health Department
BY APPOINTMENT: Monday - Friday - 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Book online by scanning QR Code on flyer or call 781-340-5008
Weymouth Town Hall | 75 Middle Street | Weymouth | MA | 02189
* If you are in need and unable to afford a car seat, contact the Weymouth Health Department
Weymouth Child Family Community Center
89 Middle Street
East Weymouth, Mass 02189
Donna Brodeur Supervisor
781-335-1460, x-28325
Ann Marie Moore Program Facilitator
781-335-1460, x-28325
The Weymouth Child Family Community Center and its affiliated programs are funded by the Coordinated Family and Community Engagement (CFCE) grant from the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care and is administered by Weymouth Public Schools
Our mission is to provide support for families and children from birth to school age. We provide access to comprehensive services, child development information (ASQ) and educational opportunities to support your role as your child’s first teacher.
Weymouth CFCE Strengthens the Community by Strengthening Families
Strength-based family education.
Families are their child’s first and best advocate.
Information about resources such as your local child care resource and referral agency or MA 211.
Information about resources such as WIC, housing, food pantries, local education and care options.
There are 5 main goals of the CFCE program:
Increase knowledge of and accessibility to high-quality early education and care programs and services for families with children prenatal through school age.
Promote parent education, family engagement and early literacy.
Facilitate collaboration and community planning between local and early education and care partners and other community stakeholders, including parents.
Provide support and information to families with children transitioning between and among early education and care settings, home and school.
Support early education and care programs across the public and private sectors in delivering high-quality services.
* Funded by the Weymouth Child Community Engagement Grant
Registration is underway for our 2024-2025 year. We want to remind all of our returning Weymouth families as well as any new community members who wish to join the WCFCC that everyone is required to complete a registration form each year.
You can find our registration form below or on our website under the Contact Tab.
If you are downloading your registration form from our website here is how you can submit your registration form.
- You can drop it off at the Family Engagement Center (at the old Abigail Adams School Building) 89 Middle St. East Weymouth, MA 02189
- You can scan and email it to Donna Brodeur @ donna.brodeur@weymouthps.org
- Or you can turn it in at the first program that you choose to attend.
The WCFCC registration is a rolling registration and forms are available throughout the year at all of our programs. If you have any questions or are in need of any assistance contact: Donna Brodeur @ 781-335-1460 Ext. 28325 or donna.brodeur@weymouthps.org
Registration Form
All Welcome!
Massachusetts has added textiles to the waste bans, which means new state rules require textiles be kept out of the trash so they can be recycled or donated for use. Textiles should not be placed in your curbside recycling cart as they damage the sorting equipment at the recycling centers.
So you might ask, " if we don’t put textiles in the trash or our recycle bins, what are we supposed to do?"
WPS and Bay State Textiles are launching the Textile Recycling Corporate Citizen Initiative.
A Textile Recycling Corporate Citizen agrees to host one or more Bay State Textiles recycling bin(s)
Share some kind words!
Be the reason someone smiles today!
Help us celebrate the employees of the Weymouth Public Schools!
Recognize a Teacher, Staff Member, Custodian, Cafeteria Worker, Nurse, Secretary
or anyone employed by the Weymouth Public Schools!
Who can submit?
Students, Parents/Guardians, Staff and Community Members
Submit a letter, poem, picture, drawing, or video ~ Be creative!
Submit Kind Words Here: https://bit.ly/2QJRf1t
Special Feature!
Enjoy the efforts of Bryan Duane to bring you the
Weymouth's History on Display
Located at Weymouth High School
Mary Jo Livingstone Humanities Center
1 Wildcat Way, Weymouth, MA 02190
Community Relations Liaison
Weymouth Public Schools
781-335-1100, x-28331