PESH Counseling Monthly Newsletter
Meet the Counselors and other important back-to-school info!
Welcome to the 24-25 school year! Your counselor is here to help you with academic success, college & career information, and personal/social growth. Our team is:
- Robin Fletcher, Last Names A - B
- Crystal Levingston, Last Names C - FL
- Jan Hughes, Last Names FJ - H
- Jennifer Whitney, Last Names I - MC
- Lauren Johnson, Last Names MD - PE
- Jessica Godwin, Last Names PF - SL
- Craig Loveland, Last Names SM - Z
- Temie Lehman, IB Counselor for Last Names A - L
- Emily Hoang, IB Counselor for Last Names M - Z
- Haley Blair, College and Career Counselor
- Jennifer Spring, Director of Counseling Department
The window to make level changes from an Honors or AP course to on-level will be September 3rd through September 6th. The request must be initiated with your current teacher.
Important Considerations:
- Requests will be processed in the order received.
- If the request is approved, schedule changes will be subject to course availability.
- Proceeding with this change may disrupt other aspects of the schedule such as the order of classes, lunch period or assigned teachers. Completed changes are final.
- The student's current AP/honors grades will transfer into the course the student enters. Students may be expected to make up assignments in the new course that provide a necessary foundation for future learning.
Important information from Mrs. Blair
If you have an immediate dual credit question, please email dualcredit@collin.edu.
1) Technical Issues - If you are having any technological issues with OneLogin, Workday, Canvas, Collin email, etc. you can contact the Help Desk at (972)377-1777 or email them at support@collin.edu.
2) You can find the Dual Credit Orientation Video at this link:https://launch.comevo.com/collin/4730
3) Dual Credit FAQ and Helpful Links: https://www.collin.edu/express/dualcredit/forms.html
4) Collin College Resources (including tutoring services and disability services (ACCESS)): https://www.collin.edu/studentresources/index.html
5) If you want to exit a course, you can drop the course by emailing your PESH counselor and dualcredit@collin.edu. The deadline to drop a course and not have it show on your Collin transcript is September 9, 2024 and the last day to withdraw (you will have a W on your transcript) is November 1, 2024 for full semester 16 week courses.
✅ College 101 Presentation - Wednesday, September 18th - 6:00 PM
Come learn about the college application process, financial aid information , the use of SchooLinks in the college application process and more at our College 101 Presentation in the Plano East cafeteria.
✅SchooLinks & College Applications
View this guide for steps on adding college applications and request letters of recommendation in your SchooLinks account: Getting Started with SchooLinks and College Applications
📢 Please Note: The district has not yet finalized transcripts and counselors will be unable to send them to any colleges/universities until updated transcripts have been uploaded to SchooLinks.
✅ "Counselor Corner" Lunchtime Help Sessions
The counselors will hold several help sessions during lunchtime throughout the semester to assist students with their college applications. The first date is set for Thursday, 9/19.
✅ Junior Jumpstart
Juniors can get a head start on all things college now by viewing the video below. (And seniors can view as a refresher!)
School-day PSAT testing will take place on Wednesday, October 2nd. Must register to participate. The deadline to register and pay is September 13th! See flyers below for details.
PSAT General Info
PSAT Registration Info
Free PSAT Prep at PESH
Contact lauren.thompson@pisd.edu for more info
🎯 September 10th and 11th - Guidance Lessons
Guidance lessons from the counseling department for Juniors and Seniors.
🎯 September 12th - Dual Credit Parent Orientation
For parents of current dual credit students.
🎯 September 16th - College Night
Plano ISD College & Career Night at the Plano Event Center, 6-8 PM
🎯 September 18th - College 101
College 101 Presentation at Plano East, 6:00 PM
🎯 September 19th - Counselor Corner
Get assistance from the counselors with your college application during lunch.