Fox Tales
It's a GREAT day to be a FOX!
End of May 2024
School Year 2023-2024
Location: 6363 South Waco Street, Aurora, CO, USA
Phone: 720-886-8700
Twitter: @FHE_Foxes
Fox Families and Community,
We have made it to May! During the next week and a half, there are still so many fun activities and learning to come. I hope you are able to participate with your child and take a moment to celebrate all of the successes your child/ children have had this year. I also want to say thank you for all of your support this year and for showering our staff for a job well done. Our teachers work hard every day and we appreciate your love and support.
We are so excited that on Monday, May 20th we will be celebrating our K-5 students with a treat from Kona Ice. We will also have all K-5 students go "book shopping". This year we had two incredible book fairs and we were able to purchase two books for every child for summer reading. Our goal is for all of our students to continue to read and grow over the summer. Please see the reading information at the end of this email for ideas on how to use the books at home this summer.
We do hope you have an amazing summer and we will see you all in August!
Ashley Gray and Melissa Smith
24-25 School Year Updates and Info:
A fond farewell...
Kayla Beltran: heading to Jefferson County 6th Grade
Dana Grachek: off to the corporate world!
Kelly Redding: heading to Denver Public Schools
Jen Sevy: heading to Woodland Elementary School: 4th grade
Dr. Yolanda Shields: heading to Instructional Coach at Cimarron Elementary School
Kelly Tapsfield: moving to Rolling Hills and Canyon Creek Elementary School
Welcome to Fox Hollow:
Virgi Mills: Teacher of the Deaf
Our 24-25 Staff:
Ashley Gray: Principal • Melissa Smith: Assistant Principal
Angel St. Pierre: Office Manager • Donna Johnson: Registrar
Angie Schiermeyer and LynAnne Gilmartin
Nikki Drakulich/ Erika Hernandez/ Jen Smock
1st Grade:
Kaye Grooms/ Megan Gwin/ Megan Lambert
2nd Grade:
Jenny Smith/ Kelly Colton/ Michele Dey/ Kimmy Oliver
3rd Grade:
Brooke Cavey/ Gherri Dreiling/ Kelli Goldberg
4th Grade:
Megan Baron/ Carrie Corbetta/ Jill Gladu/ Jeramie Green
5th Grade:
Liz Dillon/ Ali Lombard/ Shelly Bohmeyer (Ryan)/ Amy Vitale
Art: Lauryn Zeman • Music: TBD • STEM: Kate Pollick • PE: Sabrina McKenna
Intervention 24-25
Caitie Gutstadt (Instr. Coach)
Kristin Gregory (1st-3rd grade Reading)
Kate Pollick (KDG Reading)
Megan Rawls (GT)
Elisa Pellerin (ELS)
Mindy Fortemps (Psychologist)
Rianne Padilla-Clair (Soc.Work)
Michelle Peters (SPED)
Lauryn Ryberg (Speech)
Crystal Raymond (Speech)
Rachel Lord (Speech 1 day a week)
Jamie Morris (OT)
Carol Dowdell (PT)
Kimberly Clarke-McMillin (PT)
Ruth Ryll (DHH)
Virgi Mills (DHH)
Mark Chambers (Interpreter)
L.J. Giacinto (Interpreter)
Dina Hansen (Interpreter)
Leslie Powell (Interpreter)
Jennifer Rutt (Interpreter)
Felice Beaulieu (ILC)
Hannah Hunter (ILC)
Nisha Mikkilineni (ILC)
Barrie Alpert (ILC PARA)
Tiffany Hunt (ILC PARA)
Sarah Schlosser (ILC PARA)
Kousalya Swaminathan (ILC PARA)
Makayla Gonzales (ILC Para)
Heather Rapoport (ILC Para)
Kimberly Lautermilch (ILC Para)
Louise Griffin (SPED PARA)
Amy Walker (SPED PARA)
Kim Mendoza (2nd/ 3rd para)
Alondra Monge(4/5 para)
Wendy Bibeau-Baldensperger (K/1st para)
Beginning of the year info:
Teacher Assignment Postcards:
You will receive a postcard with your teacher's name on it the week of Aug. 5.
Kindergarten will receive an email by the evening of Wednesday, Aug. 7
Back to school social:
Please join us on Thursday, Aug. 8th from 4:00pm-6:00pm to drop off school supplies and see your classroom. There will also be dessert trucks available for purchase, face painters, clubs to join,
and Fox Hollow spirit wear. See info below!
Kindergarteners meet the teacher:
All Kindergarten students will have a time slot to meet with some of our Fox Hollow staff for our
"get to know you" time on Tuesday, Aug. 6th.
Use this link to sign up for an assessment slot:
****Link to the Incoming KDG. presentation from April below!****
First day of school info:
Monday, Aug. 12: 3rd/4th/5th grade students ONLY
Tuesday, Aug. 13: 1st/ 2nd grade students ONLY
Wednesday, Aug. 14: ALL STUDENTS ATTEND Prek-5th grade... Kindie FIRST DAY!
*Your classroom teacher will reach out prior to Aug. 14th.
Kindie Parent coffee:
On Wednesday, Aug. 14th Kindie parents are invited to clap your students into Fox Hollow. You will meet your child's teacher in front of the school and then come inside to the main hall. Your child will wear the t-shirt they received during the meeting day. After the clap in, please join the PTO for coffee in the library.
Please use the link below to check out all of the fun stuff the PTO does and has planned!
New Front Door Security: BRING YOUR ID!
Fox Families,
Over the last several weeks our new security check in kiosk has been activated and the second set of front doors will remain locked throughout the school day. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the new process.
Visitors and Volunteers:
- Scan ID at the kiosk
- Ring the buzzer above the kiosk for access through the next doors.
- Pick up your printed name badge at Ms. Donna's window.
- When you leave you will scan your ID again to sign out.
Student Pick-Up or Drop-Off:
- Ring the buzzer above the kiosk for front office assistance.
- Go to Ms. Donna's desk to sign-in or sign-out your student
Ashley Gray
•Before and After School Care:
Our Before and After School Care program ("Discovery Club") runs before school between 6:30-8:00AM and after school between 2:45–6:00PM (1:45–6:00PM on Wednesdays). Please call 720-886-8761 for more information.
For help with translations:
Please contact Fox Hollow office for support with this resource in your language.
እነዝህን መረጃዎችን በተመለከተ በቋንቋዎ ዕገዛን ለማግኘት ከፈለጉ እባክዎን ተሊሌን በዝህ እሜይል ያግኙዋት
يرجى االتصال بـ )جميعة صباحي أو جاودة العلمي( على ) org.cherrycreekschools@jsebbahi أو org.cherrycreekschools@jdajanialami للحصول على الدعم مع هذا المورد باللغة العربية.
如有需要,请经由 与凯瑟琳•泰勒联系,以您的语言获得此资源 的支持。
अपनी भाषा में इस संसाधन के समर्नथ के लिए कृपया जेम्स रसाइथिी को पर संपकथ करें।
귀하의 언어로 이 자원에 대한 지원을 원하시면 (리아 리) 에게 ( 로 문의하십시오.
कृपया जेम्स रसाइथिीिाइथ मा तपाइथको भाषामा यो संसाधनको सहयोगको िागी सम्पकथ गननहथ ोिा।
Пожалуйста, обращайтесь к Ларисе Бака по адресу: для получения поддержки с помощью этого ресурса на своём языке.
Fadlan la xiriir Omar Nur cinwaanka emaylka si aad u hesho macluumaad ku qoran luqadaada.
Si necesita ayuda con este recurso en su idioma, póngase en contacto con Ilse Chavez Maldonado en, Rosa Han en, Helena Gognat en o Monica Pantoja en
Vui lòng liên hệ với Thuý Ngọc tại để được hỗ trợ về tài nguyên này bằng tiếng Việt.
Principal at Fox Hollow Elementary School