What Is the Buzz?
Irmo Middle School Newsletter For October 7, 2024
Attention All! Get your yearbook today!
"Yearbooks are taking flight—catch one before they disappear into the night!"
Order your yearbook online before 12/1 at a discounted price of $40. Get them before they sell out!
- Scan the attached image QR code or go to yearbookforever.com to purchase your yearbook today!
- Be sure to search for Irmo Middle School if you go to yearbookforever.com.
- Please note: Personal Ads are for 8th graders only.
While we are aware of the impacts of Hurricane Helene on the Columbia area we want to recognize the devastation that those in the North Carolina and Tennessee area are facing. Many of us in our community have family, friends, and even former IMS colleagues that live in the areas that have been impacted the most by this storm. Over the next two weeks Team 72 will be sponsoring a Relief Collection that will be sent to families in these areas. If you are able to send in any of the following items they will go a long way to helping those impacted by Hurricane Helene. Thank you for any contributions you are able to make.
Immunization Information
All seventh graders in the state of South Carolina are required to have a Tdap shot. If your student still needs to get this shot and/or needs other shots, then the school has notified parents via letter, email, phone call and/or text.
For those students needing immunizations, please be advised that the MUSC Immunization Van will be at Irmo Middle School on Wednesday, November 13, 2024 between 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm. If you would like for your student to obtain their needed shot(s) from the MUSC Immunization Van, please complete and return the attached paperwork as soon as possible. Completed paperwork can be faxed to (803) 476-3620, emailed to kricci@lexrich5.org, or dropped off at the school. If you would like a packet to be sent home with your student, please call the health room at (803) 476-3749 or (803) 476-3609.
Other options for obtaining immunizations include:
Department of Public Health 855-472-3432
Lexington County Health Department 803-785-6550
Richland County Health Department 803-576-2980
Your child's pediatrician for family doctor
CVS Minute Clinic
Please provide verification of immunizations received, a scheduled plan signed by the doctor, paperwork for the MUSC Immunization Van, or obtain an exemption signed according to the provisions of law as soon as possible. Thank you for ensuring that your child receives the required immunizations as soon as possible so that they may remain in school according to South Carolina law.
Kimberly Ricci, RN-MSN, Irmo Middle School Nurse, phone 803-476-3609, fax 803-476-3620, or kricci@lexrich5.org
Meal Modification Form
A completed Medical Statement for Meal Modification Due to Disability, Food Allergy, or Food Sensitivity (Form 21-F) from your physician is required in order for nutrition services to omit or provide a substitute for any food allergies. The form is attached and can also be downloaded on Final Forms. Please return completed forms to your school nurse.
Get Your School Spirit Gear Now!
Order your school gear now at https://imsptso.square.site/. We are now selling short sleeve, long sleeve and hoodies in both adult and youth sizes. Visit https://linktr.ee/imsptso for all the up-to-date information about the PTSO.
Shatter the Myth
Shatter the Myth: Educating Families and Students of all ages about the facts of drug and alcohol abuse.
School Events
Sign Ups
Irmo Middle School Spirit Rock Rental
Our Spirit Rock was generously relocated to its new home in the Spring of 2022 by some very kind members of our SC Forestry Commission. It is available to rent for painted messages and advertising. All proceeds will benefit Irmo Middle School PTSO and will be used to support students and to assist in their learning.
Please CLICK HERE for more information and how to sign up to rent the IMS Spirit Rock.
Capturing Kids' Hearts
Lexington Richland Five and Irmo Middle School are committed to creating an environment where every single student feels valued. Establishing a culture where students know they are loved but are being challenged to grow is our goal each and every day.
Each month we will provide you with ideas, challenges, and activities that will help us all build a community beetwen home and school where our students can feel valued and thrive.
School Procedures
Car Rider Line Procedures
Car Line: Our goal is for the car line to move as quickly as possible. You can help make that happen by making sure you pull all the way to the end of the line so that as many cars can get loaded at one time as possible. When arriving to school, students need to be ready to exit the car with all of their belongings, and when getting in the car in the afternoons, students need to get in as quickly as possible as well.
Morning Drop Off: When your student exits the car, please safely pull over to the left side of the blue line, so that other cars can come down to fill up the car line. This will maximize the number of students who can get out at one time. If you cannot merge over completely, just drive down to the end of the line, and use the zipper merge system to exit the gates. This means everyone will take turns merging.
Afternoon Pick Up: Once your student is safely in your car, and you can merge completely, without blocking anyone, move to the left side of the blue line so that the car line can fill back up and we can maximize the number of students loading. If you do not see your student right away, do not worry, we will call for them to come to you. If there is room to pull up, please pull up, your student will walk to you and load the car once the entire car line is full. Again, we will use the zipper merge system, so everyone is taking turns exiting the gates safely.
Morning & Afternoon: When leaving the Car Rider Line and turning onto Wescott Road, please ONLY TURN RIGHT for safety and to keep the flow of traffic moving as smoothly as possible.
2024 - 2025 Student Handbook
Please review the Student Handbook at anytime if you have any questions or concerns about expectations and/or procedures.
Student Identification Badges – ID’s
* IDs must be worn at ALL times on campus.
*IDs must be visible and worn outside of the clothing around the neck.
* IDs must not be defaced or your student must purchase another for $5.00.
* Temporary IDs and replacement lanyards are $1.00 each. All payments are
made to the IMS bookkeeper or on your student's quickpay account.
* If a student forgets their ID, they MUST order a temporary ID once oncampus or through their 1st Block Teacher.
* If a student has outstanding ID debt their parent or guardian will receive phonecalls and monthly statements to their email accounts.
Attendance Matters
Was your student absent? Please use the Attendance Excuse Form to submit an excuse for your child's absence from school. Please complete each section below to ensure the excuse is accepted. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 803-476-3600. Thank you for all that you do to support learning and growing at Irmo Middle School.
School Information
Please remember that on Late Start Days students will not be allowed in the building until 8:35am. 1st Period will begin at 9:15am.
PTSO Information
Are you looking to show off your IMS spirit?
Do you want to become more involved in our school community?
Check out these links to our:
Irmo Middle Social Media
We would love for you to see all of the awesome things our students and teachers are doing. Be sure to follow us on:
Facebook - @irmomiddle
Instagram - irmomiddle
Business Partners
Are you looking for more ways to support Irmo Middle School? We are always looking for business partners and would love to hear from you. Please contact Leisa McNeil at 803-476-3611.
Student Quick Pay
The District's preferred method of payment is online using your Student Quick Pay account found @ https://www.studentquickpay.com/lexrich5/
The mission of Irmo Middle School is to shape a diverse community where students create high quality work, care for the well-being of themselves and others, and engage in meaningful service which impacts local and global communities.
Irmo Middle School
International Academic Magnet
iAm Escolares
Website: https://ims.lexrich5.org/
Location: 6051 Wescott Road, Columbia SC, 29212, USA
Phone: 803-476-3600
Facebook - @irmomiddle
Instagram - irmomiddle