ALBACETE Spain November 10th - 2017
WOMCA workshop took place in Albacete on the 10th of November 2017, introducing the partners and mentors with the methodology. The workshop involved different profiles (women entrepreneurs, mentors, and consultants) and proved to be very useful and of interest to the participants, which provides important feedback to continue with the IO1.
Your superpower
Then we asked them to design an innovative business idea. Each participant created their own business idea represented with a Lego model. I played the role of the investor.
After they build their models I informed them we have no money for all projects. We encourage them to become more creative and merge the best concept of each idea into one new single business model. They have entered into the negotiation process using their superpowers. The best concept of each idea should contribute to developing innovation.
Business Model idea Pitch.
Defining the Business Model to be prototyped
Read more about the project
Through a 30h training programme WOMCA pretends to implement the experience of 5 entities in 4 countries (Spain, Austria, The Netherlands and Lithuania) that are working on Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship, by a mix of sharing methodologies to work with Youth. Thus, WOMCA will develop a training programme for trainers on Entrepreneurship from a different point of view, focusing on Soft Skills, training educators to answer "what skills need to be taught or learned", teaching to tackle with the not so nice face of being an entrepreneur, and how to face the risks. Soft Skills are related to fear, stress, gender or emotional management. Hard Skills will also be included in this training program; those related with innovative business models, new financing tools and other new emerging issues.
The project has been financed within the framework of ERASMUS+ programme, Strategic partnership in the field of youth, ref. 2017-2-ES02-KA205-009971.Email: primeholland@gmail.com
Website: womcaproject.eu
Location: Den Helder, Netherlands