Welcome to Mrs. Cooper's 3rd Grade!
Beginning of the School Year
A Little About Mrs. Cooper
Welcome! My name is Anna Cooper and I am your child’s teacher for the 2024-2025 school year. I am thrilled to get this new year started!
I grew up in Mount Airy, NC and graduated from Appalachian State with a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education grades K-6 in 2008. This is my 17th year teaching! I have been married to my wonderful husband, Josh, for 15 years and have 2 beautiful daughters, Allison and Alaina, and a 9 month old baby, John, whom we all adore! I’ve taught 2nd-4th grades at three different schools, but I have spent the majority of my years teaching 3rd graders!
Thank you to everyone who came to conference this week! I think we have a wonderful group of students together this year! I'll be updating this webpage periodically to help you get ready for upcoming events, so read up to stay in the know!
You'll see our schedule below, a description of homework routines, and reminders for the week.
Be sure to return the beginning of year paperwork this week and that you are connected on ClassDojo to see communication and photos from class each day. I'm excited to get the year started!
Mrs. Cooper
Updates for the Week
8/27- Normal Day-- Return all beginning of year paperwork as soon as possible!
8/28- Normal Day
8/29- Normal Day
8/30- Normal Day
What Does 3rd Grade Homework Look Like?
Each week, expect your child to have some Reading and Math homework. For reading, your child will receive a reading passage where they read it one night, then reread it a second night and answer a few questions. The rest of the week, your child needs to read anything of their choice for 20 minutes.
Math homework will be fact fluency practice. It will start with addition and subtraction facts within 20, then on to multiplication and division facts.
Please initial the homework calendar each night so I can give your child credit for completing it. Students will a full week of the calendar signed and a completed reading passage can select an item from my prize box on Fridays.
Our Schedule
Frequently Asked Questions
Can my child bring a water bottle?- Yes. ONLY clear water in a bottle that seals completely is acceptable in the classroom. Do not send flavored water or powder packets as they create an unnecessary mess at student desks.
What about Field Trips?- There is a schoolwide, $60 fee to pay for all trips for the year. All of the trips are listed on a sheet in your beginning of year packet. Parents may join field trips if they are an approved Level 2 volunteer (see below). Individual information sheets go home a couple weeks before the trip.
How can I help the class?
- PLEASE make sure you are up-to-date with Volunteer Tracker and are a Level 2 approved volunteer to attend field trips and to supervise a group of children. Taking care of this now eliminates a waiting game later on. This is the link to get you started: Volunteer
-Send in individually wrapped, small snacks that students can grab if they've forgotten a snack or get "hangry" during the day. Small packs of crackers or granola bars are perfect.
-Come in to read with students- The best time for this will be our small group block of time which is 10:25-11:05 right now. This needs to be scheduled at least 2 days in advance so I can make sure to plan accordingly, and you'll need to be on the Level 2 volunteer list.
-Make a purchase from my Amazon Wish List- These items are optional and help to make the space more inviting and functional.
Thanks in advance for the help! I look forward to a fantastic year!
Contact Mrs. Cooper
Email: coopera@wilkes.k12.nc.us
Phone: 336-838-4261