Falcon Flyer
Belong. Inspire. Grow.
Straight from the Hardt
Hello Ridgeline Families- we had our seniors in the building for the final time today for graduation practice and their celebration parade. Such a great moment! Thank you to our amazing community who came together in support of our seniors to ensure every single one of them will leave tomorrow with their diploma in hand! An Inspiring moment!
I had the pleasure of one last lunch with senior, Jacob Rubino. There’s a guy I’m going to miss! Our staff has developed a special bond with our first senior class. Together, we became something. We created our own identity as Falcons. We grew from strangers to family.
When I was 16, I got my first speeding ticket in Lincoln County. Someone suggested I should go in front of the judge because there’s a good chance he could throw out my first ticket. So, I did. I stood up in front of the judge and this is what he said…”You know, your first speeding ticket is a lot like your first girlfriend, you’ll have many more after her- but you’ll never forget your first.” Many senior classes will follow, but we will definitely never forget our first class! Congratulations to the class of 2023!
There’s still information you may need to wrap up the school year, so please read the Flyer!
Make it a great weekend! --Mr. Hardt
Student Services
Summer School 2023
Summer School 2023 (Credit Recovery, Online Credit Advancement/CVVL, and Spokane Valley Tech)—All information can be found at this link😊. Register ASAP. If you have any questions, contact your student’s counselor.
Kootenai Teen Medical Volunteer Opportunity
After the long COVID hiatus, Kootenai Hospital is re-engaging its teen volunteer program! If your student is interested in a healthcare profession after high school or college, or if s/he simply has a heart for volunteer service, this could be a good opportunity. To learn more, see the flyer below. There is also a program application posted in the grade-level Google Classrooms for any interested students.
If all goes as planned this summer…
Spearheaded by the Washington Council of Presidents, Central Washington University, Eastern Washington University, The Evergreen State College, Washington State University, and Western Washington University recently implemented the Guaranteed Admission Program (GAP). Focused on 11th and 12th grade Washington students, the GAP offers guaranteed college admission to each of the Washington colleges and universities listed above, provided students:
- earn a minimum 3.0 GPA, and
- have completed (or are on track as juniors to complete) all of their College Academic Distribution Requirements (CADRs) by the fall they intend to enroll in college.
CVSD is in the process of partnering with the Council of Presidents to particpate in this program beginning next fall, so keep those fingers crossed that all goes as planned!
Admission Tips for Aspiring Huskies
The University of Washington will host Washington Wednesdays throughout the summer to help answer questions students who intend to apply may have about the admission and financial aid processes. These opportunities are designed to be both in-person and virtual. For more information, please access this link.
Xello and the Common Application: Integration is coming...
In a few short months, many RHS students who plan to apply to colleges and universities will begin the process, applying to schools that utilize the Common Application. It is a useful tool that many private schools and increasingly more public schools use that will help students efficiently apply to multiple schools simultaneously. Beginning next fall, RHS will integrate the Common Application with Xello (the tool students currently use to complete their High School and Beyond Plan). This integration should take place on August 1, and WILL impact how students use the Common Application to apply. Mr. Spraggins will share more information about the nuts/bolts later this summer. Stay tuned!...
Liberty Lake Elementary Walk Thru- Thursday, June 8th
Doors will open for guests at 7:30am. Be prepared that you will be going through metal detectors, clear bags are required, no noise makers, no cow bells, and no balloons of any kind to enter McCarthey Athletic Center.
Information from McCarthey Center
Important Graduation Updates:
Clear Bag Policy
Gonzaga athletics enforces a clear bag policy that limits the size and type of bag that may be brought into McCarthey Athletic Center. All bags must be clear, plastic, vinyl, or PVC bag 12" deep x 6" wide x 12" long or smaller to enter McCarthey Athletic Center.
Metal Detectors
All persons and their belongings are subject to search prior to entry and once inside McCarthey Athletic Center. Walk-through metal detectors will be the primary means of screening. For guests who are unable to utilize a walk-through metal detector, hand-held metal detectors will be used with physical pat-downs as a final alternative option. Any person who does not consent to screening will be denied entry into the facility. Gonzaga University reserves the right to deny anyone or anything from entering McCarthey Athletic Center.
Guests with Disabilities
Guests with disabilities who are willing to utilize walk-through metal detectors are encouraged to do so; however, these lanes are not accessible for wheelchairs and other assistive devices. The designated Medical/Family Lanes at each entrance are accessible for all guests with disabilities. Guests will be screened using a hand-held metal detector and/or physical pat down. Assistive devices will be visually inspected following standard bag search procedures.
Prohibited Items
For the safety and security of all guests, certain items may not be brought into the McCarthey Athletic Center. Storage facilities are not available for checking prohibited items.
- Any food or beverage item
- Balloons
- Cans or bottles
- Coolers, large bags, or backpacks
- Artificial noisemakers
- Alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs
- Smoking or vaping
- Tripods
- Weapons of any kind
- Animals (except service animals)
- Strollers
- Distribution of any material is prohibited
- Banners and signs on poles
- Balls and Frisbees
- Bikes, skateboards, or scooters Any other item deemed hazardous by event or security staff
2023 Grad Night
June 10th, 2023
Triple Play Family Fun Park
175 W Orchard Ave
Hayden, Idaho 83835
Make sure to follow the grad night page: @rhs_grad_night_2023
Prom Night Photos
Immunization Letter for Seniors
End of Year- pick up medication in nurse's office by June 20th
Chromebook Check in- collected by June 16th
Falcon Robotics
Ridgeline High School and the Falcons Robotics teams would like to thank Gemini Incorporated for their generous support of our program. Gemini is a second generation family-owned business and industry leader, specializing in producing made-to-order dimensional signage, plates, plaques, cast bronze monuments, and industrial protective cases. We are very grateful for their support, and look forward to partnering in the future!
McKenzie Mott Memorial Scholarship recipient- Kaydin Renken
Kaydin Renken was honored with a $1000 scholarship for her very moving piece that shows the dangers of texting while driving. We are so proud of all the time and effort she put into this piece that highlights such an important cause
Youth Leadership Spokane Commencement
On Wednesday night four of our fabulous Ridgeline Falcons were recognized at the Youth Leadership Spokane Commencement for completing the year-long program with a mission of developing the next generation of servant leaders by creating strong and healthy youth, and empowering them for service to each other and to their community. Each month during their class night they had opportunities to do the following:
- build skills in communication, running a meeting, team building and interviewing.
- have opportunities to mentor and be mentored and work cross-generational.
- put their new skills into practice with service projects.
- get to know area leaders and will become an important part of a key leadership network that is leading this community into the future.
- understand and refine their unique role as a servant leader in this community with hands-on experiences.
- learn about how the county and its cities govern themselves.
- gain understanding of the effects of poverty, substance abuse and crime.
Congratulations to Avery Lewis, Roxanne Robinson, Bella Mueller, and Race Maes on your successful year as a part of the Youth Leadership Spokane Class of 2023, and we are proud of how you represented Ridgeline High School. Well done, Falcons! It's not too late to be a part of the Youth Leadership Spokane Class of 2024, go to https://leadershipspokane.org/what-we-do/programs/youth.html to learn more.
Mr. Schilb's Earth Science class has been studying natural disasters the past few weeks. For our final assignment, students worked in pairs to research, design and build an 8” earthquake proof structure. This group of pictures show the teams before putting their buildings to the test on our earthquake simulating shake table.
FREE Summer Pass- Planet Fitness
Supercharge Your Summer
Now through August 31st, teens between the ages of 14-19 can work out for free all summer long!
Falcon Artists
Eliska Balcerova, Alex House, Kahrin Skinner, Julianna Lozko, Jadeyn Hansel, Samantha Day, Hannah Lind, and Catarina Alonso Munez did a fantastic job painting these barrels for the city of Liberty Lake. You'll be able to see them soon at our local Farmer's Market!
Congratulations to Hailey and Teigan Bronec for advancing to the national level of competition for Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA). They will be competing in the Business Plan Report and Presentation category in Atlanta, Georgia June 25 - July 1st. We did their Nationals send off at the closing and move up assembly on Field Day. Good luck to this dynamic sister and brother team! We know you will rock at representing Ridgeline! Talons Up!
2nd Semester Finals Schedule (June 15th & 16th)
No school in honor of Juneteenth. See you back at school on Tuesday, June 20th for our last day of school 💚🤍
Last Day of School- Tuesday, June 20th
Free & Reduced Meal Application
Free and Reduced meal application regular free and reduced-price meal program.
Want to add money to your student's meal plan? It's easy! Click the link below!
Worksite Learning
Here is your Falcon ASB President, Nick Goode, with his usual happy demeanor while working at The Pentagon AND earning high school credits at the same time...plus he gets paid. If you want to earn credits for YOUR job next school year see Mrs. Demarest in E202 before school is out to get on the list, or email her at kdemarest@cvsd356.org. Either one works to reserve your spot!
Digital Job Boards
Just a reminder to keep checking the Digital Jobs Board on our Ridgeline Web Site under Counseling and Careers for job openings and internships. New postings have been added this week! Job boards are linked in our Instagram Bio, too!
Do you own a business that is hiring? We would love to add your job posting to our CVSD Digital Jobs Board, all of our CVSD students have access to this! Please email the information to Kelli Demarest at kdemarest@cvsd.org and due to district email issues, please also email kdemarest@cvsd356.org!
Thank you!
Attendance Reminder
Just a reminder to please call ahead for appointments and other excused absences to help make sure teachers and students are aware. Our attendance line is 24/7 so feel free to leave a message! Parent notes to request an early dismissal for an appointment can also be given to the office ahead of time
Business Office Hours
Business Office Open Hours:
7:15- 2:30pm
(Closed 12:30-1:30pm daily)