July 1st, 2024

Welcome to our first newsletter
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The Our Lady of Grace Catholic Academy Trust comprises of seven Catholic primary schools in Newham - St Antony's, St Edward's, St Francis', St Helen's, St Joachim's, St Michael's and St Winefride's.
I'm really excited to share with you some INSIGHTS into our work and how it supports our schools' communities. I'll also be sharing some EXCITING EVENTS and IMPORTANT UPDATES.
I hope you enjoy reading our first newsletter and as we approach the end of this academic year, I wish you, your families and everyone in the schools and trust communities a fun, restful and safe summer break.
Nuala Cashell,
Catholic Senior Executive Lead
Achieving excellence through faith, collaboration & opportunity
Academy trusts are not-for-profit companies. They employ the staff and have trustees who are responsible for the performance of the academy schools in the trust.
Some academies are supported by sponsors. We are a Catholic academy trust within the Diocese of Brentwood.
Academy schools receive funding directly from the government and work in partnership with an academy trust.
Academies have more control over how they do things, for example setting an ambitious curriculum, term times and where to focus resources.
Academies are inspected by Ofsted and they follow the same rules on admissions, special educational needs and exclusions as other state schools and students sit the same exams.
Trust wide KS2 results
We are proud that all of our schools are Ofsted graded
Good or Outstanding and especially proud that our 2023/2024
KS2 results exceed national standards in all areas.
RAAC repairs at St Francis'
Working closely with St Francis', we succeeded in securing considerable funding from the Department for Education to fund the removal of all the RAAC from the school roof and affected areas. We formed an excellent working relationship with our contractor, Ashe Roofing, who were onsite for over five months. They were diligent in ensuring the continued safety of all pupils and staff whilst work progressed, going over and above in considering the workings of a busy primary school and even completed the work ahead of schedule. The Trustees are thankful to all of the staff and contractors involved for their resilience and attitude towards these challenges.
Ms Scott, Headteacher with Lee,
Ashe Roofing & Mrs Cashell, OLOG Trust
Lee & Mrs Cashell up on the new roof at St Francis'
St Michael's joins our Trust
We have recently extended a warm and embracing welcome to St Michael’s Catholic Primary School, East Ham, as it joined our partnership of schools in June.
Our vision is for all pupils to achieve excellence through faith, collaboration and opportunity. Through the pooling of resources, pupils at St Michael’s will benefit from opportunities and experiences they may not have had access to as part of an individual school. Staff at all levels will be able to actively engage in shared trust wide professional development and share best practices, teaching strategies, expertise and knowledge between schools. This collaboration will bring a more targeted approach to the future of schools within the Trust and help to strengthen our Catholic identity.
Celebrating the new partnership with members of staff and pupils, Executive Headteacher of St Michael’s & St Francis’ Natasha Scott said, “We are looking forward to working closely with the Trust to help us to build upon the strong foundations of achievement and excellence at our school.“
Martin Stanley, Chair of Governors at St Michael’s, spoke confidently about the benefits of gaining Academy status. “Converting to an academy will give the school the autonomy to develop and to continue to achieve high standards. With the support of the Trust we can build on our strengths in response to the needs of our community and greater opportunities for collaboration will help to better secure the long term future of St Michael’s.”
Digital Champion
The Trust has secured funding for fourteen members of staff to participate in Digital Champion training. Designed to give educators the confidence to plan for the part technology can play in enhancing teaching and learning, support accessibility and inclusion, and narrow the digital divide. Digital Champions have the opportunity to work towards Microsoft and Google accreditations.
This training will enable staff to enhance the development of digital skills for our children, recognising the benefits of learning key technology skills for work, learning and life.
Year 6 Transition Day - June 2024
STEM Project - St Bonaventure's & St Angela's
Four Year 5 pupils from each of the Trust's schools attended St Angela's and St Bon's for four STEM sessions. The workshops culminated in a celebration of their efforts at a project graduation ceremony with certificates being presented by the two headteachers, Mr McCormack and Mr Johnson. Thank you to the staff at both schools for the organisation of a fun and engaging experience which saw pupils taking part in hands on practical experiments.
CYO's Commonwealth Music Academy Children's Choir
Pupils from St Edward's, St Joachim's and St Winefride's were honoured to join with other members of the Commonwealth Music Academy's Children's Choir to sing at an event to mark the 75th Anniversary of the Commonwealth, attended by the Princess Royal earlier this year.
Accompanied by headteachers, Mr Underwood and Ms Brosnan, the pupils behaved impeccably and performed their two songs beautifully for the gathered dignitaries and invited guests. This was an amazing opportunity for the pupils to show their talent, take in the in the magnificent surroundings of Spencer House overlooking Green Park and play a part in such a prestigious occasion. Something we are sure they will always remember!
Achieving excellence through faith, collaboration & opportunity
Japanese Club at St Edward's
St Edward's Year 4 children have enjoyed a Japanese Club, with Ms O’Connell, who had a previous life working in Japan!. During the after school session they looked at Japanese language and writing, they practised using chopsticks, and they heard about different aspects of Japanese culture.
Super Chess Competition - St Joachim’s v St Helen’s
St Antony's pupils perform at the General Election Assembly hosted by Citizens UK
On the 1st July our pupils attended the General Election Assembly hosted by Citizens UK at the Central Methodist Hall in Westminster. They performed in front of over 2000 people, an audience representing a range of leaders and civic organisations from across the UK. Angela Rayner (now Deputy Prime Minister) was particularly captivated by our pupils’ performance. The pupils should be very proud of what they achieved, and an experience I’m sure they will remember for many years to come.
Dear Lord,
At the end of this school year we give thanks to God:
For all the teaching and learning that has taken place in our schools.
For the talents and gifts that have been shared and the challenges that have been faced.
For the respect and care that has been given.
We give thanks for the partnerships that have just begun and for those that have grown.
For the faith that has been lived each day, and for the love that has kept us going.
We give thanks for the community that we are.
Bless our families and staff as we take our holidays.
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Contact Us
Email: info@olog.org.uk
Website: www.olog.org.uk
Location: St. Helen's Catholic Primary School, Chargeable Lane, London E13 8DW
Phone: 020 4530 9232