The Mustang Messenger
Week of February 3rd
Dr. Craft's Corner
Multiple Greetings, Mustang Parents and Guardians:
And just like that, the calendar year is progressing quite quickly. Can you believe we have already made it through the month of January? I know I surely cannot. As always, we have been quite busy here at the Lake with many wonderful things for our students. Some of the things to highlight are as follows: tryouts for both our tennis and track teams; course selections for our rising 7th and 8th graders; conclusion of NWEA MAP testing in the areas of Reading, Math and Science; Progress Report 5. That’s just to name a few of the things that are going on in our school community with which you should be aware. We encourage you to speak with your student(s) regarding these areas to see how they’re progressing.
Now that students have completed the NWEA MAP Assessment in the three content areas mentioned above, we will be sending out the Family Score Reports soon with explanations regarding the report and student progress from the beginning of the year to the middle of the year. Along those same lines of progress, I also want to remind you all about our Accelerated Instruction Saturday Tutorials. Students who qualify for these tutorials have already been notified and invited, but we have space for anyone who feels they can benefit from tutorials in the areas of reading and math. Our next session is this Saturday, February 1st from 9:00 to 12:00. We look forward to seeing your student(s) there.
Additionally, I want to bring two items to your attention: personal devices and ID badges. We have noticed an uptick in students coming to school with headphones/earbuds and iPads. The issue is that some students are wearing them and using the devices in the hallways and in class. This is a safety concern, as students can not hear audible directions when needed if he or she is wearing headphones/earbuds. Additionally, listening to music, watching videos, or using a personal iPad is a distraction to the learning environment. Please take the opportunity to share with your student(s) the importance of keeping personal devices at home (phone in backpack during the school day). The campus is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged devices. Lastly, we are requesting your assistance in ensuring students wear their school-issued ID badges to school every day. This is a part of their dress code and to help ensure campus safety. ID badges are also required for bus transportation. Students are required to scan their badges upon entry onto the bus. Parents can then track their student’s route with the Stopfinder app while on the bus.
That's all I have for this week at the Lake. As always, we are Daring Greatly to Rebuild the Mustang Brand -- Transforming the Mustang Way. Until next time, take care!
Dr. Hykeem Craft
LOMS Principal 🐴
This Week @ The Lake
Monday, February 3rd
NJHS Valentine's Day Carnation Sale
Tuesday, February 4th
NJHS Valentine's Day Carnation Sale
Advisory Day- IXL Reading
Fire Drill
Wednesday, February 5th
NJHS Valentine's Day Carnation Sale
Advisory Day- IXL Math
Chat and Chew Lunch Social (Room 2519)
Reading STAAR Interim (ELA CLasses)
6th Grade TELPAS Assembly (Advisory)
Thursday, February 6th
NJHS Valentine's Day Carnation Sale
Reading STAAR Interim (ELA CLasses)
Friday, February 7th
NJHS Valentine's Day Carnation Sale (Last Day)
National Red Day for Heart Disease- Wear Red
FBISD Stopfinder
Parents and Guardians: Check your email to register for FBISD Stopfinder to monitor your students boarding and unloading on the bus. Click the image for more details.
Upcoming Events
Monday, February 10th
Tuesday, February 11th
7th Grade TELPAS Assembly (Advisory)
Advisory Day- IXL Reading
Tennis Match
Wednesday, February 12th
8th Grade TELPAS Assembly (Advisory)
Advisory Day- IXL Math
Chat and Chew Lunch Social (Room 2519)
Thursday, February 13th
LOMS Sweetheart Dance (6-9PM)
Friday, February 14th
No School- Staff Professional Development Day
Monday, February 17th
No School- Student/Staff Holiday
Tuesday, February 18th
TELPAS Testing (Library)
Advisory Day- IXL Reading
Tennis Match
Wednesday, February 19th
Advisory Day- IXL Math
Chat and Chew Lunch Social (Room 2519)
TELPAS Testing (Library)
Thursday, February 20th
TELPAS Testing (Library)
Friday, February 21st
TELPAS Testing (Library)
Monday, February 24th
Math/Algebra Interim (Math Classes)
TELPAS Testing (Library)
Tuesday, February 25th
Math/Algebra Interim (Math Classes)
Advisory Day- IXL Reading
TELPAS Testing (Library)
Tennis Match
Wednesday, February 26th
Advisory Day- IXL Math
Chat and Chew Lunch Social (Room 2519)
TELPAS Testing (Library)
Thursday, February 27th
TELPAS Testing (Library)
Black History Program @ 6:30PM
Friday, February 28th
No School- Staff Planning Day
LOMS has the IXL online program available to all students for all four core contents! Students may use IXL on an unlimited basis. Sign-in is through OneLink then Clever and look for IXL in a green square. Teachers may assign lessons, quizzes, and videos for students to complete. Students have already began using IXL and are gaining mastery in various skills. As a campus, we will have Advisory time for students to complete IXL lessons. Please encourage your students to work with IXL!
Student Reminders
- Student ID Badges must be worn daily, as part of the campus dress code (Contact to replace a lost Student ID Badge)
- Bring FBISD issued laptop (fully charged) daily, not having your fully charged device can impact student academic performance in class
- Personal electronic devices, including earbuds and headphones, are not permitted for use during the school day
- Lunch deliveries, including Doordash and UberEats, are not permitted
Bell Schedule
Important Contact Information
6th Grade
Assistant Principal-Camille Silas (
Counselor-Tammy Byrd (
7th Grade
Assistant Principal- Eugene Daniels II (
Counselor- Tiffani Spencer (
8th Grade
Associate Principal- Dr. Karissa Ogle (
Counselor- Constance Goodly (
Attendance- Clemesha Williams (
Registrar-Laura Pineda-Cruz (
Nurse-Jacqueline Perry (
Helpful Links
Lake Olympia Middle School Mission and Vision
Lake Olympia Middle School
Website: Lake Olympia Middle School
Location: 3100 Lake Olympia Parkway, Missouri City, Texas 77459
Phone: 281-634-3570
Twitter: @LOMSMustangs