Redmen Review
February 28, 2025
Outside PE in February!?
Freshmen students in Mrs. Fisher and Mr. Karst's PE classes took advantage of the unusually warm weather in February to take their physical activity outside. Students got their heart rates up and did some laps while enjoying the fresh air and sunshine.
Students Learn from Artist-in-Residence
Wishing Our Wrestlers Best of Luck at State!
Extra Homework Help Next Week!
Stay caught up with your homework and grades by participating in Homework Help every Thursday in the SHS library from 3:20-5:00 pm. Come for a quiet space to work and extra support from teachers.
Homework Help will be held both Tuesday, March 4th and Thursday, March 6th in preparation for the end of the third quarter.
Ag Students Staying Busy!
Students in Ag classes have been busy again this week. Pictured at left are students in Animal Science class burning feed samples to calculate the energy animals get from different feedstuffs.
Pictured below are students in Ag Metals and Ag Mechanics classes during their trip to Britton to tour Horton's, a firm that manufactures semi fan clutches. Students got to see some of the tools and practices they have been learning about used in the real world, as well as learn more about careers in precision manufacturing.
Subjects Taught: HS Special Ed
Years Taught: 7
What is one of your favorite things about teaching? Getting to help students be successful and graduate
What is your favorite dish from the cafeteria? Pulled Pork
How do you spend your summer breaks? I teach Summer School, and spend a lot of time outside with my horses and being a farm-wife chauffeur
What is something interesting about yourself? I was D1 athlete at SDSU...on the Equestrian Team!
February 27-March 1: State Wrestling
February 28: Deadline to Register for April ACT Test
February 28: FFA CDE @ Groton
March 7: End of Quarter 3
March 13-14: No School (Spring Break)
March 13-14: State Girls Basketball
March 17: FFA CDE @ TriValley (Sioux Falls)
March 20-22: State Boys Basketball
March 21: No School (Staff Professional Development)
March 25: FFA District CDE @ Milbank
March 31-April 4: Junior State Testing
April 3-5: State FFA Convention @ Brookings
April 5: ACT Testing @ 8:00AM
April 11: Drive Your Tractor/Trailer to School Day (Sponsored by FFA)
April 16: AgriScience Fair (Hartford)
April 18-21: No School (Easter Break)
April 28-May 2: Missoula Children's Theatre
May 17: Graduation 2pm
Sisseton High School
Email: sissetonhsoffice@k12.sd.us
Website: https://www.sisseton.k12.sd.us
Location: 516 8th Ave. West, Sisseton, SD
Phone: (605) 698-7613
Facebook: facebook.com/sissetonhs