Cypress Elementary
November 2024 Newsletter

Jeanne Krapfl, Principal
Bridget Lovelle, Assistant Principal
Cypress Phone: 727-774-4500 Cypress Fax: 727-774-4591
Cypress Webpage: ces.pasco.k12.fl.us, Cypress Facebook: @ProudtobeaCub
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Happy New Year Cypress Cubs! Hoping everyone had a wonderful break and ready for a strong second half of our school year in 2025. I often hear that the "school communication" is good, but that individual teacher communications are lacking. I want to assure you that our teachers are available for conferences in many ways.
Teachers can offer face-to-face conferences during their morning time from 8:25 to 9:05, during their planning when students go to specials (this is a different time depending on the grade level), and if a teacher chooses, they can voluntarily offer after school options.
During Covid many teachers offered Zoom or Microsoft Teams virtual conferences, and this is still an option in order to save time and allow flexibility for all. The same times as listed above apply for a virtual conference as well.
If neither of the above work, then a good old phone call conference can accomplish quite a bit too.
Teachers are expected to respond to families within 24 to 48 hours (not including weekend times). You can message them from your Portal, or you can find every staff email listed on our school website.
With all this said, please know that classroom teachers are physically with children about 5 and half hours each day and my expectation is not that they are checking/answering emails at that time, but rather that their focus is on teaching and learning. I actually get concerned when I come into a classroom and the teacher is on their computer instead of having students in front of them. So, send those emails, read newsletter communications, read weekly emails from me, listen to the calls, check our website and our Facebook page to keep up to date and just know that teacher's priority during the day is to keep students engaged. I appreciate your partnerships and if there are any concerns with a lack of communication please let me know so we can work to get better and ultimately work together for the children we share.
Jeanne L. Krapfl
Principal Cypress Elementary
Click the link below to view our 2024-2025 School Calendar!
Upcoming Events
1/6: Science Showcase for Grades 3, 4, and 5 5-6 PM
1/8-10: Dental Van on Campus *must have completed permission form
1/13: Teacher Planning Day
1/14: PTO Meeting 4:15 PM
1/17: Class Pictures
1/17: Primary Popcorn
1/20: No School
1/22: All Pro Dad 8:15 AM
1/23: PTO Movie Night 6-8 PM
1/31: Intermediate Popcorn
1/31: Title 1 Parent Input Meeting 8:15 AM
1/31: SAC Meeting 8:15 AM
Staff in the Spotlight
I want to congratulate one of our very own, Linsey Christianson as she has worked hard to complete her college degree to become a teacher. She has been an instructional assistant in Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grades, all while attending classes towards her bachelor's degree. She will head to her final phase, which will be interning in 1st grade with Mrs. Lees for a semester. Miss Christianson is an inspiration to everyone, and I am super proud of her accomplishments! Way to go Linsey
Cypress PTO
Our next PTO Meeting is on Tuesday, January 14th at 4:15 PM in the Media. We will be planning our Movie Night (January 23rd) and Spring Fling (March 6th)
Popcorn Days
Primary Popcorn: Friday, January 17th
Intermediate Popcorn: Friday, January 31st
How to Apply to Volunteer
- Complete a Volunteer Application: https://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/hreq/page/volunteer
- Follow the directions for getting fingerprinted
- Remember we have options to support parents with the fingerprinting fee. Call/email Debbie Hemby for more information. 727-774-4502 dburd@pasco.k12.fl.us
January Birthdays
January 7 Kathy Griner
January 11 Vannesa Fox
January 17 Jeanne Krapfl
January 23 Jessi Massaro
Cypress Business and Community Partners
We would like to thank the following members of our Cypress Community for partnering with us. Through donations from the community; our students, staff, and families benefit from necessary resources for a successful school year!
Riverwalk Publix
Bay to Bay Roofing
Daughters of Penelope Eros 356
Ferrell Air Conditioning
Culver's Port Richey
Publix Charities
Embassy Crossing Dollar Tree
River Ridge McDonald's/Hernandez Family Foods
Pasco County Tax Collectors Office
Priceless Inflatables, LLC
Direct Auto Insurance
Sioux City
Mamma Mia Pizzeria
Timber Greens Nifty Niners
The Lee/SMith Family