11/8 Newsletter
St. Petronille Catholic School
A Note from Mr. Schmidt
I find myself thankful this week for the community that we have at St. Pets and the support we receive. That was evident in abundance yesterday evening at our annual Talk and Tour for prospective families. While we had a packed house of families interested in sending their child to St. Pets in the future, the highlight of the night for me was hearing our wonderful 8th grade students and parent volunteers talk about their experience in our school. Those testimonies are a great gift for the prospective families to hear, but also for me and our school staff. A huge thank you to all of our parents and our 8th graders who devoted their time to helping make last night successful and special for all of our inquiring visitors!
Our Talk and Tour highlighted the wonderful ongoing support from our Parent Organization and our parent community in general. There is no way we would be able to put on the events we do, build such great fellowship, and seek such ambitious outcomes for our students without the support of so many! Our PO meeting this week emphasized to me once again just how much our school relies on the collective, and I am feeling hugely appreciative for all those who give of themselves to make our school a better place.
I also can't help but be thankful for our veterans as we approach our Veterans Day celebrations this week and our special mass on Tuesday. Our 5th-8th grade students had the wonderful opportunity on Wednesday afternoon to talk with Col. Sean Morrow about his service and how his faith and love for his country contribute to his career in the armed forces. All of our community veterans are invited to our Veterans Day Mass on Tuesday, the 12th, at 9:30 AM to celebrate with us and join our 7th graders for a reception afterwards! If you have a veteran you would like to honor who cannot be in attendance, please fill out the "My Veteran" form attached below and turn it in to the office so that we can recognize all of the special veterans in our school community. Please reach out to Mr. Troppito at troppitod@stpetschool.org with any questions about the Veterans Day mass.
Today does mark the end of the first trimester, so please be on the lookout for T1 report cards next week on Friday! Also, we are planning to send out scheduling information for Parent Teacher Conferences on Monday! Keep an eye on your email next week and please let me know if you have questions or if there is any way I can be a better support for your family!
God bless,
Eric Schmidt
Coffee and Donuts After Mass
My Veteran
As part of our Veterans Day ceremonies, we would like to honor veterans from our school families on our Wall of Veterans in the PLC vestibule.
Please compete a "My Veteran" sheet for any veteran in your family you would like to recognize and return it to the school office by Monday, November 11. All pictures or photos will be returned to families.
Giving Thanks for our Staff in November!
Hat and Mitten Drive
Adopt-a-Family for the Holidays
November undoubtedly brings thoughts and moments of gathering, supporting and being in community with one another. In this season of giving and gathering, the Adopt-A-Family program hopes to gather people to bring Christmas wishes to over 500 people in need in our community. You can support these individuals by using the Sign-Up-Genius link here to reserve your spot for gift card purchases or to adopt an individual or family. We are grateful to be in community with you and are so appreciative of your generosity,
The Adopt-A-Family Team
Backpack Mail
Fr. Jerome's Letter to the Parish
Adult Faith Formation Opportunities
Ski Weekend Information
On the Calendar
Sunday, November 10: Coffee and Donuts after 9:30 AM mass
Tuesday, November 12: Veterans Day Mass and Reception at 9:30 AM
Friday, November 15: T1 Report Cards issued
November 18-22: Out-of-Uniform Pass Week
Monday, November 25: Parent-Teacher Conferences
November 25-29: NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
Photos of the Week
Col. Sean Morrow Zoomed with our 5th-8th grade students this week to talk about his service and help our students better understand and appreciate the dedication and sacrifice we honor on Veterans Day!
Our amazing 8th graders delivered over 2500 donated items to Our Lady of Angels and helped organize and distribute food an groceries to almost 500 families in the West Humboldt Park neighborhood! Amazing work, 8th graders and 8th grade homeroom teachers!
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Quest Hot Lunch
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Learn more about St. Petronille!
Website: www.stpetschool.org
Location: 425 Prospect Avenue, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: 630-469-5041